These tests are only to be administered under the supervision of a suitably qualified individual.
Test Name | Author/s | Purpose |
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition | Lord, C., et. al. | Used to assess and diagnose autism spectrum disorders across age, developmental level and language skills |
British Picture Vocabulary Scale III | Dunn, Dunn, & Styles | This assessment plays an important role in assessing a child’s receptive (hearing) vocabulary. It helps you identify any delay in vocabulary development, even before children are in full-time education |
Dyslexia Adult Screening Test | Fawcett, A, & Nicholson, R. | Dyslexia Adult Screening Test (DAST) helps screen for dyslexia and other learning difficulties |
Dyslexia Early Screening Test | Nicholson, R. & Fawcett, A. | Evaluates whether a young child is experiencing difficulty in areas known to be affected in dyslexia |
Family Relations Test | Gives an objective indication of feelings and emotions a child has towards family members. Emotional attachments | |
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition | Kaufman, A. S. & Kaufman, N. L. | A culturally fair ability test for all children. It is an effective and individually administered measure of cognitive ability |
NEPSY-II: A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment, Second Edition | Kemp, S., Kirk. U., & Korkman, M. | Results provide information relating to typical childhood disorders, enabling accurate diagnosis and intervention planning for success in school and at home |
Symptom Checklist-90-Revised | Derogatis, L. | It is designed to evaluate a broad range of psychological problems and symptoms of psychopathology |
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test 3rd Edition | Wechsler, D. | WIAT-III provides a reliable assessment of reading, language and numerical attainment in one test |
Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence | Wechsler, D. | The Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence - Third UK Edition (WPPSI-III UK) is a user-friendly, reliable and valid measure of intelligence in young children |
These tests are available for all staff and students at Hope, you may photocopy these resources for research purposes.
Test Name | Author/s |
Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (NFER-Nelson) | |
Introduction and Global Measures of Distress | |
The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) | Goldberg (1972) |
Anxiety | |
The Fear Questionnaire | Marks and Matthews (1979) |
The Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia | Chambless et al (1985) |
The Clinical Anxiety Scale (CAS) | Snaith et al (1982) |
The Padua Inventory | Sanavio (1988) |
Habit Disorder | |
The Morgan-Russell Assessment Schedule (MRAS) | Morgan and Russell (1975) |
The Body Shape Questionnaire | Cooper et al (1987) |
The Short Alcohol Dependence Data (SADD) | Raistrick et al (1983) |
Psychological Adjustment to Illness | |
The McGill Pain Questionnaire | Melzack (1995) |
Interpersonal Difficulties | |
Social Activities and Distress Scale (SAD) | Watson and Friend (1969) |
Inventory of Interpersonal problems (IIP) | Horowitz et al (1988) |
The Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction | Rust and Golombok (1986) |
The Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State | Rust et al (1988) |
Stress, Coping and Social Support | |
Hassles and Uplifts Scales | Kanner et al (1981) |
The Significant Others Scale (SOS) | Power et al (1988) |
The Coping Responses Inventory (CRI) | Moos (1990) |
Depression | |
Inventory for Depressive Symptomology (IDS) | Rush et al (1986) |
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) | Zigmond and Snaith (1983) |
Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio | |
Pain and Pain Behaviours | |
McGill Pain Questionnaire | Melzack (1995) |
UAB Pain Behaviour Scale | Richards et al (1982) |
Beliefs About Pain Control Questionnaire | Skevington (1990) |
Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire | Rosentiel and Keefe (1983) |
Varni-Thompson Paediatric Pain Questionnaire | Varni et al (1987) |
Coping | |
COPE | Carver et al (1989) |
Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale | Watson et al (1988) |
Health Status and Health Related Quality of Life | |
Perceived Health Status | Wright (1987) |
Satisfaction With Life Scale | Diener et al (1985) |
Acceptance of Illness Scale | Felton et al (1985) |
Quality of Adjusted Life Year Index | Rosser and Kind (1988) |
Illness Specific Measurement | |
a) Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale | Meenan et al (1965) |
b)Rotterdam Symptom Checklist | De Haes et al (1990) |
Illness Symptoms, Disability and Recovery | |
Barthel Index | Mahoney and Barthel (1965) |
Functional Limitations profile | Patrick and Peach (1989) |
Measuring Symptoms | |
Expectations, Experience, and Evaluations of Health Care | |
Attitudes Towards Doctors and Medicine Scale | Marteau (1990) |
Patient Request Form | Salmon and Quine (1989) |
Krantz Health Opinion Survey | Krantz et al (1980) |
Cancer Attitude Inventory | Berrenberg (1991) |
Prejudicial Evaluation and Social Interaction Scale | St Lawrence et al (1990) |
Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale | Wolf et al (1978) |
Individual and Demographic Differences | |
Framingham Type A Behaviour Pattern Measure | Haynes et al (1983) |
Framingham Anger Measure | Haynes et al (1983) |
Courtauld Emotional Control Scale | Watson and Greer (1983) |
Marlowe-Crowne Scale | Crowne and Marlowe (1960) |
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule | Watson et al (1988) |
Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness | Pennebaker (1982) |
Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale | Rosenberg (1989) |
Life Orientation Test | Scheier and Carver (1985) |
Causal and Control Beliefs | |
Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale | Wallston et al (1978) |
Children’s Health Locus of Control Scale | Parcel and Meyer (1978) |
Perceived Control of Insulin Dependent Diabetes | Bradley et al 91984) |
Recovery of Locus of Control | Partridge and Johnson (1989) |
Self Efficacy Measurement | |
Specific Self-Efficacy beliefs | Wegner et al (1993) |
Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale | |
Beliefs and Knowledge About Health and Illness | |
Health Value Scale | Lau et al (1986) |
Health Related Behaviour | |
General Preventative Health Behaviours Checklist | Amir (1987) |
Reported Health Behaviours Checklist | Prohaska et al (1985) |
These tests are available for all staff and students at Hope, you may photocopy these resources for research purposes.
Test Name | Type | Population | Keywords | Reference | Link or DOI |
10 item questionnaire of Smoking Urges | Self-Report | Adult | health, behaviour, addiction | West, R., & Ussher, M. (2010). Is the ten-item Questionnaire of Smoking Urges (QSU-brief) more sensitive to abstinence than shorter craving measures?. Psychopharmacology, 208(3), 427-432. | Link |
15D Measure of Health Related Quality of Life | Self-Report | Adult | health, quality of life | Sintonen, H. (1995). The 15D-measure of health-related quality of life. II. Feasibility, reliability and validity of its valuation system. National Centre for Health Program Evaluation, Working Paper 42, Melbourne. | Link |
16D Measure of Health Related Quality of Life (age12-15) | Self-Report | Adolescent | health, quality of life | Apajasalo, M., Sintonen, H., Holmberg, C., Sinkkonen, J., Aalberg, V., Pihko, H., ... & Rautonen, J. (1996). Quality of life in early adolescence: a sixteen dimensional health-related measure (16D). Quality of Life Research, 5, 205-211. | Link |
17D Measure of Health related Quality of Life (age 8-11) | Self-Report | Child | health, quality of life | Apajasalo, M., Rautonen, J., Holmberg, C., Sinkkonen, J., Aalberg, V., Pihko, H., ... & Sintonen, H. (1996). Quality of life in pre-adolescence: a 17-dimensional health-related measure (17D). Quality of Life Research, 5, 532-538. | Link |
33 Item Emotional Intelligence Scale | Self-Report | Adult | emotional intelligence | Schutte, N. S., Malouff, J. M., Bobik, C., Coston, T. D., Greeson, C., Jedlicka, C., ... & Wendorf, G. (2001). Emotional intelligence and interpersonal relations. The Journal of social psychology, 141(4), 523-536. | Link |
h>Abbreviated Dyadic Adjustment Scale | Self-Report | Adult | relationship | Sabourin, S., Valois, P., & Lussier, Y. (2005). Development and validation of a brief version of the dyadic adjustment scale with a nonparametric item analysis model. Psychological assessment, 17(1), 15. | Link |
Abridged Job Descriptive Index | Self-Report | Adult | work, organisational, career | Stanton, J. M., Sinar, E. F., Balzer, W. K., Julian, A. L., Thoresen, P., Aziz, S., ... & Smith, P. C. (2002). Development of a compact measure of job satisfaction: The abridged Job Descriptive Index. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 62(1), 173- | Link |
Academic Dishonesty | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, behaviour, education | McCabe, D. L., & Trevino, L. K. (1993). Academic dishonesty: Honor codes and other contextual influences. Journal of higher education, 522-538. | Link |
Academic Motivation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | self-efficacy, motivation | Vallerand, R. J., Pelletier, L. G., Blais, M. R., Briere, N. M., Senecal, C., & Vallieres, E. F. (1992). The Academic Motivation Scale: A measure of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation in education. Educational and psychological measurement, 52(4), 1003 | Link |
Academic Stress Scale | Self-Report | Adult | stress, anxiety, education | Kohn, J. P., & Frazer, G. H. (1986). An academic stress scale: Identification and rated importance of academic stressors. Psychological reports, 59(2), 415-426. | Link |
Adolescent Invulnerability Scale & Adolescent Personal Uniqueness Scale | Self-Report | Adolescent | attitudes, unique, adolescent | Duggan, P. M., Lapsley, D. K., & Norman, K. (2001). Adolescent invulnerability and personal uniqueness: Scale development and initial construct validation (Doctoral dissertation, Ball State University). | Link |
Adolescent SUEIT | Self-Report | Adolescent | emotional intelligence | Luebbers, S., Downey, L. A., & Stough, C. (2007). The development of an adolescent measure of EI. Personality and Individual Differences, 42(6), 999-1009. | Link |
Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale | Self-Report | Adult | ADHD | Kessler, R. C., Adler, L., Ames, M., Demler, O., Faraone, S., Hiripi, E., Howes, M. J., Jin, R., Secnik, K., Spencer, T., Ustun, T. B., & Walters, E. E. (2005). The World Health Organization Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS): a short screening scale for use in the general population. Psychological Medicine, 35(2), 245–256. | Link |
Adult Attachment Styles Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | relationship, attachment | Hazan, C., & Shaver, P. (1987). Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of personality and social psychology, 52(3), 511. | Link |
Affect Intensity Measure | Self-Report | Adult | emotion, expressivity | Larsen, R. J., Diener, E., & Emmons, R. A. (1986). Affect intensity and reactions to daily life events. Journal of personality and social psychology, 51(4), 803. | Link |
Affective Communication Test | Self-Report | Adult | emotion, expressivity | Friedman, H. S., Prince, L. M., Riggio, R. E., & DiMatteo, M. R. (1980). Understanding and assessing nonverbal expressiveness: the affective communication test. Journal of personality and social psychology, 39(2), 333. | Link |
Affective Communication Test (ACT) | Self-Report | Adult | emotion, communication, affect | Friedman, H. S., Prince, L. M., Riggio, R. E., & DiMatteo, M. R. (1980). Understanding and assessing nonverbal expressiveness: The Affective Communication Test. Journal of personality and social psychology, 39(2), 333. | Link |
Affective Learning | Self-Report | Adult | McCroskey, J. C. (1994). Assessment of affect toward communication and affect toward instruction in communication. In S Morreale & M. Brooks (Eds.), 1994 SCA summer conference proceedings and prepared remarks: Assessing college student competence in speech communication. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association | Link | |
Aggression Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | aggression | Buss, A. H., & Perry, M. (1992). The aggression questionnaire. Journal of personality and social psychology, 63(3), 452. | Link |
Aggressive Fantiasies Questionnaire | Self-Report | Child | aggression, violence, risk, mental health | Nadel, H., Spellmann, M., Alvarez-Canino, T., Lausell-Bryant, L., & Landsberg, G. (1996). The cycle of violence and victimization: A study of the school-based intervention of a multidisciplinary youth violence-prevention program. American journal of preventive medicine, 12(5), 109-119. | Link |
AIDS Discussion Strategy Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness | Snell Jr, W. E. (1998). AIDS Discussion Strategy Scale. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, 348. | Link |
Alcohol Abstinence Self -Efficacy Scale | Self-Report | Adult | self-efficacy, alcohol | DiClemente, C. C., Carbonari, J. P., Montgomery, R. P., & Hughes, S. O. (1994). The Alcohol Abstinence Self-Efficacy scale. Journal of studies on alcohol, 55(2), 141-148. | Link |
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test | Self-Report | Adult | alcohol, addiction | Babor, T. F., Higgins-Biddle, J. C., Saunders, J. B., & Monteiro, M. G. (2001). The alcohol use disorders identification test (pp. 1-37). Geneva: World Health Organization. | Link |
Appraisal of Life Events Scale | Self-Report | Adult | life events | Ferguson, E., Matthews, G., & Cox, T. (1999). The appraisal of life events (ALE) scale: Reliability and validity. British Journal of Health Psychology, 4(2), 97-116. | Link |
Appraisal of Social Concern Scale | Adult | shyness, social, anxiety | Telch, M. J., Lucas, R. A., Smits, J. A., Powers, M. B., Heimberg, R., & Hart, T. (2004). Appraisal of social concerns: A cognitive assessment instrument for social phobia. Depression and Anxiety, 19(4), 217-224. | Link | |
Arthritis Self Efficacy Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, self-efficacy | Lorig, K., Chastain, R. L., Ung, E., Shoor, S., & Holman, H. R. (1989). Development and evaluation of a scale to measure perceived self efficacy in people with arthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 32(1), 37-44. | Link |
Aspects of Identity Questionnaire-Revised | Self-Report | Adult | identity | Cheek, J. M., Tropp, L. R., Chen, L. C., & Underwood, M. K. Aspects of Identity Questionnaire--Revised. Personality and Individual Differences. | Link |
Athlete Drinking Scale | Self-Report | Adult | alcohol, sport | Martens, M. P., Watson II, J. C., Royland, E. M., & Beck, N. C. (2005). Development of the athlete drinking scale. Psychology of addictive behaviors, 19(2), 158. | Link |
Attitudes to Women Questionnaire- Short Version | Self-Report | Adult | women, attitudes, beliefs | Spence, J. T., Helmreich, R., & Stapp, J. (1973). A short version of the Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS). Bulletin of the Psychonomic society, 2(4), 219-220. | Link |
Attitudes Towards Self | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs | Carver, C. S., La Voie, L., Kuhl, J., & Ganellen, R. J. (1988). Cognitive concomitants of depression: A further examination of the roles of generalization, high standards, and self-criticism. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 7, 350-365. | Link |
Auburn Differential Masculinity Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour | Burk, L. R., Burkhart, B. R., & Sikorski, J. F. (2004). Construction and Preliminary Validation of the Auburn Differential Masculinity Inventory. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 5(1), 4. | Link |
Authoritarianism-Rebellion Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality | Kohn, P. M. (1972). The authoritarianism-rebellion scale: A balanced F scale with left-wing reversals. Sociometry, 176-189. | Link |
Autism Parenting Stress Index | Self-Report | Adult | stress, parent | Silva, L. M., & Schalock, M. (2012). Autism parenting stress index: Initial psychometric evidence. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(4), 566-574. | Link |
Autism Self-Efficacy Scale for Teachers | Self-Report | Adult | self-efficacy, teacher, efficacy, school | Ruble, L. A., Toland, M. D., Birdwhistell, J. L., McGrew, J. H., & Usher, E. L. (2013). Preliminary study of the autism self-efficacy scale for teachers (ASSET). Research in autism spectrum disorders, 7(9), 1151-1159. | Link |
Avoidance Strategy Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | social support | Belk, S. S., & Snell, W. E., Jr. . (2013) . The Avoidance Strategy Questionnaire (ASQ) . Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. Retrieved from | Link |
Beck Anxiety Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | anxiety | Beck, A. T., Epstein, N., Brown, G., & Steer, R. (1993). Beck anxiety inventory. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. | Link |
Belief About Women Scale | Self-Report | Adult | women, attitudes, beliefs | Belk, S. S., & Snell Jr, W. E. (1986). Beliefs about women: Components and correlates. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 12(4), 403-413. | Link |
Belief in a Dangerous World | Self-Report | Adult | beliefs | Duckitt ,J., Wagner, C., duPlessis ,I.,& Birum ,I.(2002).The psychological basesof ideology and prejudice: Testing a dual process model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83(1) ,75–93 | Link |
Bem Sex-role Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | sex roles | Bem, S. L. (1981). Bem sex role inventory. Journal of personality and social psychology. | Link |
Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, addiction, social behaviour | Andreassen, C. S., Torsheim, T., Brunborg, G. S., & Pallesen, S. (2012). Development of a Facebook addiction scale. Psychological reports, 110(2), 501-517. | Link |
Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, behaviour, impulsivity, addiction, consumer, materialism | Andreassen, C. S., Griffiths, M. D., Pallesen, S., Bilder, R. M., Torsheim, T., & Aboujaoude, E. (2015). The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: Reliability and validity of a brief screening test. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1374. | Link |
Berkeley Expressivity Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | impulsivity, emotion, expressivity | Gross, J. J., John, O. P., & Richards, J. (1995). Berkeley expressivity questionnaire. Edwin Mellen Press. | Link |
Berlin Social Support Scales | Self-Report | Adult | social | Schwarzer, R., & Schulz, U. (2000). Berlin social support scales (BSSS). (Retrieved date) | Link |
Bi-dimensional Impression Management Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | work, job, organisational | Kitching, S. (2009). The bi-dimensional impression management index (BIMI): A measure of agentic and communal impression management (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia). | Link |
Binge Eating Scale | Self-Report | Adult | eating, behaviour | Gormally, J., Black, S., Daston, S., & Rardin, D. (1982). The assessment of binge eating severity among obese persons. Addictive behaviors, 7(1), 47-55. | Link |
BIS/BAS scales | Self-Report | Adult | aggression, inhibition | Carver, C. S., & White, T. L. (1994). Behavioral inhibition, behavioral activation, and affective responses to impending reward and punishment: the BIS/BAS scales. Journal of personality and social psychology, 67(2), 319. | Link |
Body Awareness Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Shields, S. A., Mallory, M. E., & Simon, A. (1989). The body awareness questionnaire: Reliability and validity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 53(4), 802-815. | Link |
Body Comparison Scale | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Fisher, E., Dunn, M., & Thompson, J. K. (2002). Social comparison and body image: An investigation of body comparison processes using multidimensional scaling. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 21(5), 566-579. | Link |
Body Esteem Scale - Revised | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Frost, K. A., Franzoi, S. L., Oswald, D. L., & Shields, S. A. (2017). Revising the Body Esteem Scale with a U.S. college student sample: Evaluation, validation, and uses for the BES-R. Sex Roles. | Link |
Body Image Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Huddy, D. C., Nieman, D. C., & Johnson, R. L. (1993). Relationship between body image and percent body fat among college male varsity athletes and nonathletes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 77(3), 851-857. | Link |
Body Image Satisfaction | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Rodrigues, F., Monteiro, D., Flores, P., & Forte, P. (2021, July). On Redefining the Body Image Satisfaction Questionnaire: A Preliminary Test of Multidimensionality. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 7, p. 876). MDPI. | Link | |
Body Shape Preference | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Shih, M. Y., & Kubo, C. (2005). Body shape preference and body satisfaction of Taiwanese and Japanese female college students. Psychiatry Research, 133(2), 263-271. | Link |
Body Shape Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Cooper, P. J., Taylor, M. J., Cooper, Z., & Fairbum, C. G. (1987). The development and validation of the Body Shape Questionnaire. International Journal of eating disorders, 6(4), 485-494. | Link |
Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation | Self-Report | Adult | social, anxiety, social behaviour | Carleton, R. N., McCreary, D. R., Norton, P. J., & Asmundson, G. J. (2006). Brief fear of negative evaluation scale—revised. Depression and anxiety, 23(5), 297-303. | Link |
Brief HAPPI | Self-Report | Adult | cognitive, mental health | Mansell, W., & Jones, S. H. (2006). The Brief-HAPPI: A questionnaire to assess cognitions that distinguish between individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and non-clinical controls. Journal of Affective Disorders, 93(1), 29-34. | Link |
Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness | Broadbent, E., Petrie, K. J., Main, J., & Weinman, J. (2006). The brief illness perception questionnaire. Journal of psychosomatic research, 60(6), 631-637. | Link |
Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | illness | Broadbent, E., Petrie, K. J., Main, J., & Weinman, J. (2006). The brief illness perception questionnaire. Journal of psychosomatic research, 60(6), 631-637. | Link |
Brief Index of Affective Job Satisfaction | Self-Report | Adult | work, job, organisational, career, satisfaction | Thompson, E. R., & Phua, F. T. (2012). A brief index of affective job satisfaction. Group & Organization Management, 37(3), 275-307. | Link |
Brief Mood Introspection Scale | Self-Report | Adult | mood | Mayer, J. D., & Gaschke, Y. N. (1988). The experience and meta-experience of mood. Journal of personality and social psychology, 55(1), 102. | Link |
Brief Pain Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness, pain | Cleeland, C. S., & Ryan, K. M. (1991). The brief pain inventory. Pain Research Group. | Link |
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale | Self-Report | Adult | mental health | Ventura, J., Green, M. F., Shaner, A., & Liberman, R. P. (1993). Training and quality assurance with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale:The drift busters.". International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. | Link |
Brief Resilience Scale | Self-Report | Adult | coping, resilience | Smith, B. W., Dalen, J., Wiggins, K., Tooley, E., Christopher, P., & Bernard, J. (2008). The brief resilience scale: assessing the ability to bounce back. International journal of behavioral medicine, 15, 194-200. | Link |
Brief Resilience Scale | Self-Report | Adult | resilience | Smith, B. W., Dalen, J., Wiggins, K., Tooley, E., Christopher, P., & Bernard, J. (2008). The brief resilience scale: assessing the ability to bounce back. International journal of behavioral medicine, 15(3), 194-200. | Link |
Brief Resilient Coping Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, coping, resilience | Sinclair, V. G., & Wallston, K. A. (2004). The development and psychometric evaluation of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale. Assessment, 11(1), 94-101. | Link |
Bully Index | Self-Report | Adult | bullying, aggression, behaviour | Smith, P. A., & Hoy, W. K. (2004). Teachers' perceptions of student bullying: a conceptual and empirical analysis. Journal of school Leadership, 14(3), 308-326. | Link |
Cambridge Behaviour Scale | Self-Report | Adult | emotional intelligence, behaviour, empathy, emotional intelligence | Baron-Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2004). The empathy quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 34(2), 163-175. | Link |
Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale | Self-Report | Adult | fear | Bell, V., Halligan, P. W., & Ellis, H. D. (2006). The Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale (CAPS): a new validated measure of anomalous perceptual experience. Schizophrenia bulletin, 32(2), 366-377. | Link |
Career Satisfaction Scale | Self-Report | Adult | work, career, satisfaction | Greenhaus, J. H., Parasuraman, S., & Wormley, W. M. (1990). Effects of race on organizational experiences, job performance evaluations, and career outcomes. Academy of management Journal, 33(1), 64-86. | Link |
Child and Youth Resilience Measure | Self-Report | Child, Adolescent | child, social support, social behaviour, resilience | Ungar, M., & Liebenberg, L. (2011). Assessing resilience across cultures using mixed methods: Construction of the child and youth resilience measure. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 5(2), 126-149. | Link |
Child Surgery Worries | Self-Report | Child | health, illness, child | Quiles, M. J., Ortigosa, J. M., Méndez, F. X., & Pedroche, S. (1999). THE CHILD SURGERY WORRIES QUESTIONNAIRE ADOLESCENT FORM. Psicothema, 11(3), 601-609. | Link |
Children's Eating Behaviour Questionnaire | Parent/Carer Report | Child | eating,child | Wardle, J., Guthrie, C.A., Sanderson, S., Rapoport, L. (2001)Development of the Children's Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. J Child Psychol 42, 963-970. | Link |
Children's General Trust Beliefs Scale (CGTB) | Self-Report | Child | beliefs, child, trust | Rotenberg, K. J., Fox, C., Green, S., Ruderman, L., Slater, K., Stevens, K., & Carlo, G. (2005). Construction and validation of a children's interpersonal trust belief scale. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 23(2), 271-293. | Link |
Chronic Disease Self Efficacy | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness, self-efficacy | Lorig KR, Sobel, DS, Ritter PL, Laurent, D, Hobbs, M. Effect of a self-management program for patients with chronic disease. Effective Clinical Practice, 4, 2001,pp. 256-262. | Link |
Clinical Anger Scale | Self-Report | Adult | anger | Snell Jr, W. E., Gum, S., Shuck, R. L., Mosley, J. A., & Kite, T. L. (1995). The clinical anger scale: Preliminary reliability and validity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51(2), 215-226. | Link |
Clinical Assessment of Multi-impulsivity Checklist | Self-Report | Adult | behaviour, impulsivity | Evans, C. D. H., Searle, Y., & Dolan, B. M. (1998). Two new tools for the assessment of multi impulsivity: the ‘MIS’and the ‘CAM’. European Eating Disorders Review: The Professional Journal of the Eating Disorders Association, 6(1), 48-57. | Link |
Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale -revised | Self-Report | Adult | emotional intelligence, emotion, mindfulness | Feldman, G., Hayes, A., Kumar, S., Greeson, J., & Laurenceau, J. P. (2007). Mindfulness and emotion regulation: The development and initial validation of the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised (CAMS-R). Journal of Psychopathology and Behaviour | Link |
Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | cognitive, coping, emotion | Garnefski, N., & Kraaij, V. (2006). Cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire–development of a short 18-item version (CERQ-short). Personality and individual differences, 41(6), 1045-1053. | Link |
Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Short) | Self-Report | Adult | personality, emotional intelligence | Garnefski, N., & Kraaij, V. (2006). Cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire–development of a short 18-item version (CERQ-short). Personality and individual differences, 41(6), 1045-1053. | Link |
Cognitive Failures Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | cognitive | Broadbent, D. E., Cooper, P. F., FitzGerald, P., & Parkes, K. R. (1982). The cognitive failures questionnaire (CFQ) and its correlates. British journal of clinical psychology, 21(1), 1-16. | Link |
Cohen-Hoberman Inventory of Physical Symptoms | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness, well-being | Cohen, S., & Hoberman, H. M. (1983). Cohen-Hoberman inventory of physical symptoms. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. | Link |
Collective Coping Styles Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | personality, coping, collective | Heppner, P. P., Heppner, M. J., Lee, D. G., Wang, Y. W., Park, H. J., & Wang, L. F. (2006). Development and validation of a collectivist coping styles inventory. Journal of counseling psychology, 53(1), 107. | Link |
Collective Self Esteem Scale | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem | Luhtanen, R., & Crocker, J. (1992). A collective self-esteem scale: Self-evaluation of one's social identity. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 18(3), 302-318. | Link |
Collective Teacher Efficacy | Self-Report | Adult | self-efficacy | Goddard, R. D., Hoy, W. K., & Hoy, A. W. (2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its meaning, measure, and impact on student achievement. American educational research journal, 37(2), 479-507. | Link |
Collectivist Coping Styles Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | coping, collective | Heppner, P. P., Heppner, M. J., Lee, D. G., Wang, Y. W., Park, H. J., & Wang, L. F. (2006). Development and validation of a collectivist coping styles inventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(1), 107. | Link |
Coming Out Growth Scale | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem, stress, sexuality, social support | Vaughan, M. D., & Waehler, C. A. (2010). Coming out growth: Conceptualizing and measuring stress-related growth associated with coming out to others as a sexual minority. Journal of adult development, 17, 94-109. | Link |
Commitment Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, relationship | Stanley, S. M., & Markman, H. J. (1992). Assessing commitment in personal relationships. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 595-608. | Link |
Commitment Inventory Revised | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, relationship | Owen, J., Rhoades, G. K., Stanley, S. M., & Markman, H. J. (2011). The Revised Commitment Inventory: Psychometrics and use with unmarried couples. Journal of family issues, 32(6), 820-841. | Link |
Community Involvement Scale | Self-Report | Adolescent | community involvement | Oman‚ R. F.‚ Vesely‚ S.K.‚ McLeroy‚ K.R.‚ Harris-Wyatt‚ V.‚ Aspy‚ C.B.‚ Rodine‚ S. & Marshall‚ L. (2002). Reliability and validity of the youth asset survey. Journal of Adolescent Health (31)‚ 247-255. | Link |
Components of Attitudes Toward Homosexuality | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, sexuality | LaMar, L., & Kite, M. (1998). Sex differences in attitudes toward gay men and lesbians: A multidimensional perspective. Journal of Sex Research, 35(2), 189-196. | Link |
Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving | Self-Report | Adult | quality of life, well-being, community involvement, mental health, trust, loneliness, pro-social | Su, R., Tay, L., & Diener, E. (2014). The development and validation of the Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving (CIT) and the Brief Inventory of Thriving (BIT). Applied Psychology: Health and Well Being, 6(3), 251-279. | Link |
Comprehensive Misconduct Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | bullying, driving, drugs, maladaptive behaviour, violence | Arvan, M. (2015). Shocking news for social liberals and economic conservatives? Moral judgments and the Comprehensive Misconduct Inventory. Available at SSRN: or | Link |
Comprehensive Quality of Life | Self-Report | Adult | quality of life | Cummins, R. A., Mccabe, M. P., Romeo, Y., & Gullone, E. (1994). Validity studies the comprehensive quality of life scale (Comqol): Instrument development and psychometric evaluation on college staff and students. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54(2), 372-382. | Link |
Computer Anxiety Ratings Scale | Self-Report | Adult | anxiety | Heinssen‚ R.K.‚ Glass‚ C.R.‚ & Knight‚ L.A. (1987). Assessing computer anxiety: Development and validation of the Computer Anxiety Rating Scale. Computers in Human Behavior‚ 3‚ 49-59. | Link |
Conflict Between Sexes Instrument | Self-Report | Adult | relationship, gender roles, communication | Buss, D. (2013) . Conflict Between the Sexes Instrument . Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. | Link |
Conflict Tactics Scale - Revised | Self-Report | Adult | aggression, relationship, violence | Straus, M. A., Hamby, S. L., Boney-McCoy, S. U. E., & Sugarman, D. B. (1996). The revised conflict tactics scales (CTS2) development and preliminary psychometric data. Journal of family issues, 17(3), 283-316. | Link |
Consideration of Future Consequences Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, well-being, alcohol, behaviour | Petrocelli, J. V. (2003). Factor validation of the consideration of future consequences scale: Evidence for a short version. The Journal of social psychology, 143(4), 405-413. | Link |
Consumer Alienation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | alienation, consumer, marketing | Allison, N. K. (1978). A psychometric development of a test for consumer alienation from the marketplace. Journal of Marketing Research, 15(4), 565-575. | Link |
Consumer's Need for Uniqueness | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, consumer, unique | Kelly Tepper Tian, William O. Bearden, Gary L. Hunter; Consumers' Need for Uniqueness: Scale Development and Validation, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 28, Issue 1, 1 June 2001, Pages 50–66, | Link |
Contentment with Life Assessment Scale | Self-Report | Adult | life events, happiness, satisfaction | Lavallee, L. F., Hatch, P. M., Michalos, A. C., & McKinley, T. (2007). Development of the contentment with life assessment scale (CLAS): Using daily life experiences to verify levels of self-reported life satisfaction. Social Indicators Research, 83(2), 2 | Link |
Contingencies of Self Worth | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem, social, appearance, social cognition | Crocker, J., & Knight, K. M. (2005). Contingencies of self-worth. Current directions in psychological science, 14(4), 200-203. | Link |
Contour Rating Scale | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Thompson, M. A., & Gray, J. J. (1995). Development and validation of a new body-image assessment scale. Journal of personality assessment, 64(2), 258-269. | Link |
COPE | Self-Report | Adult | coping | Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F., & Weintraub, J. K. (1989). Assessing coping strategies: A theoretically based approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 267-283. | Link |
Coping Competence Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | depression, behaviour, coping | Schroder, K. E., & Ollis, C. L. (2013). The Coping Competence Questionnaire: A measure of resilience to helplessness and depression. Motivation and Emotion, 37, 286-302. | Link |
Coping Styles Questionnaire for Social Situations | Self-Report | Adult | anxiety, social behaviour, coping | Antony, M.M., McCabe, R.E.,& Fournier, K. (2001). The Coping Styles Questionnaire for Social Situations. Hamilton, ON: Anxiety Treatment and Research Centre. | Link |
Creative Achievement Questionniare | Self-Report | Adult | personality, creativity | Carson, S. H., Peterson, J. B., & Higgins, D. M. (2005). Reliability, validity, and factor structure of the creative achievement questionnaire. Creativity research journal, 17(1), 37-50. | Link |
Creative Behaviour Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | behaviour, creativity | Hocevar, D. (1980). Intelligence, divergent thinking, and creativity. Intelligence, 4, 25-40 | Link |
Creative Experiences Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | personality, creativity | Merckelbach, H., Horselenberg, R., & Muris, P. (2001). The Creative Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ): A brief self-report measure of fantasy proneness. Personality and Individual differences, 31(6), 987-995. | Link |
Creative Mindsets Scale | Self-Report | Adult | beliefs, creativity | Karwowski, M. (2014). Creative mindsets: Measurement, correlates, consequences. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 8(1), 62. | Link |
Creative Self-Efficacy Scale | Self-Report | Adult | self-efficacy, creativity | Beghetto, R. A. (2006). Creative self-efficacy: Correlates in middle and secondary students. Creativity Research Journal, 18(4), 447-457. | Link |
Creativity Styles Questrionnaire Revised | Self-Report | Adult | creativity | Kumar, V.k. & Holman, E. R. (1997). The creativity Styles Questionnaire-Revised. Unpublished Psychological Test. Department of Psychology, West Chester University of Pennsylvania. West Chester, PA 19383. | Link |
Curiosity and Exploration Inventory II | Self-Report | Adult | creativity | Kashdan‚ T. B.‚ Gallagher‚ M. W.‚ Silvia‚ P.‚ Breen‚ W. E.‚ Terhar‚ D.‚ & Steger‚ M. F. (2009). The Curiosity and Exploration Inventory-II: Development‚ factor structure‚ and initial psychometrics. Journal of Research in Personality‚ 43(6)‚ 987-998. | Link |
Current Thoughts Scale | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem | Heatherton, T.F. & Polivy, J. (1991). Development and validation of a scale for measuring state self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 895-910. | Link |
Cyber Motivations for Aggression and Deviance | Self-Report | Adult | aggression, trolling | DeMarsico, D., Bounoua, N., Miglin, R., & Sadeh, N. (2021). Aggression in the Digital Era: Assessing the Validity of the Cyber Motivations for Aggression and Deviance Scale. Assessment, 1073191121990088. | Link |
th>DASS | Self-Report | Adult | depression | Parkitny, L., & McAuley, J. (2010). The depression anxiety stress scale (DASS). Journal of physiotherapy, 56(3), 204. | Link |
Day Reconstruction Method | Self-Report | Adult | quality of life, life events | Kahneman, D., Krueger, A. B., Schkade, D. A., Schwarz, N., & Stone, A. A. (2004). A survey method for characterizing daily life experience: The day reconstruction method. Science, 306(5702), 1776-1780. | Link |
Death Attitude Profile and Revised version | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes | Wong, P. T., Reker, G. T., & Gesser, G. (1994). Death Attitude Profile-Revised: A multidimensional measure of attitudes toward death. Death anxiety handbook: Research, instrumentation, and application, 121, 121-148. | Link |
Deffenbacher Driving Aggression Scale | Self-Report | Adult | aggression, driving | Deffenbacher, J.L., Oetting, E.R., & Lynch, R.S. (1994). Development of a Driving Anger Scale. Psychological Reports, 74, 83-91. | Link |
Depressive Life Experiences Scale | Self-Report | Adult | life events, depression | Snell, W. E., Jr., Hawkins, R. C. II, & Belk, S. S. (1990). Measuring depressive life experiences. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 605-613. | Link |
Diabetes Self Efficacy Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness, self-efficacy | Unpublished | Link |
Dickman's Impulsivity Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | personality, big 5, impulsivity | Dickman, S. J. (1990). Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity: personality and cognitive correlates. Journal of personality and social psychology, 58(1), 95. | Link |
Dieting Beliefs Scale | Self-Report | Adult | eating | Stotland, S. & Zuroff, D.C. (1990). A new measure of weight locus of control: The Dieting Beliefs Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 54, 191-203. | Link |
Differential Loneliness Scale (non-student version) | Self-Report | Adult | loneliness | Schmidt‚ N. & Sermat‚ V. (1983). Measuring loneliness in different relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 44‚ 1038-1047. | Link |
Differential Loneliness Scale (student version) | Self-Report | Adult | loneliness | Schmidt‚ N. & Sermat‚ V. (1983). Measuring loneliness in different relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 44‚ 1038-1047. | Link |
Differentiation of Self Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | emotional intelligence, relationship | Skowron, E. A., & Friedlander, M. L. (1998). The Differentiation of Self Inventory: Development and initial validation. Journal of counseling psychology, 45(3), 235. | Link |
Displaced Aggression Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | aggression | Denson, T. F., Pedersen, W. C., & Miller, N. (2006). The displaced aggression questionnaire. Journal of personality and social psychology, 90(6), 1032. | Link |
Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy | Self-Report | Adult | self-efficacy, alcohol | Oei‚ T.P.S.‚ Hasking‚ P.A.‚ & Young‚ R.M. (2005). Drinking refusal self-efficacy questionnairerevised(DRSEQ-R): A new factor structure with confirmatory factor analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence‚ 78‚ 297-307. | Link |
Duke UNC Functional Social Support Scale | Self-Report | Adult | social, social support | Broadhead, W. E., Gehlbach, S. H., De Gruy, F. V., & Kaplan, B. H. (1988). The Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire: Measurement of social support in family medicine patients. Medical care, 709-723. | Link |
Eating Attitude Test | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, eating | Garner, D. M., Olmsted, M. P., Bohr, Y., & Garfinkel, P. E. (1982). The eating attitudes test: Psychometric features and clinical correlates. Psychological Medicine, 12(4), 871-878. doi:10.1017/S0033291700049163. | Link |
Eating Self Efficacy | Self-Report | Adult | self-efficacy, eating | Glynn, S. M., & Ruderman, A. J. (1986). The development and validation of an eating self-efficacy scale. Cognitive therapy and research, 10, 403-420. | Link |
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale | Self-Report | Adult | depression | Cox, J.L., Holden, J.M., and Sagovsky, R. 1987. Detection of postnatal depression: Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. British Journal of Psychiatry, (150),782-786 | Link |
Effective Communication in Team Sports Scale | Self-Report | Adult | sport, social | Sullivan, P., & Feltz, D. L. (2003). The preliminary development of the Scale for Effective Communication in Team Sports (SECTS). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(8), 1693-1715. | Link |
Elderly Motivation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | motivation | Vallerand, R. J., & O'Connor, B. P. (1989). Motivation in the elderly: A theoretical framework and some promising findings. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 30(3), 538. | Link |
Emotion Regulation Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | emotion | Gross, J.J., & John, O.P. (2003). Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 348-362. | Link |
Emotional Creativity Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, emotional intelligence, creativity | Averill, J. R. (1999). Individual differences in emotional creativity: Structure and correlates. Journal of personality, 67(2), 331-371. | Link |
Emotional Expressivity Scale | Self-Report | Adult | emotion, expressivity | Kring, A. M., Smith, D. A., & Neale, J. M. (1994). Individual differences in dispositional expressiveness: development and validation of the Emotional Expressivity Scale. Journal of personality and social psychology, 66(5), 934. | Link |
Emotional Intensity Scale | Self-Report | Adult | emotion, expressivity | Bachorowski, J. A., & Braaten, E. B. (1994). Emotional intensity: Measurement and theoretical implications. Personality and individual differences, 17(2), 191-199. | Link |
Empathy Quotient | Self-Report | Adult | empathy | Baron-Cohen, S. and Wheelwright, S. (2004). The Empathy Quotient: An Investigation of Adults with Asperger Syndrome or High Functioning Autism, and Normal Sex Differences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 34 (2), 163-175. | Link |
Empathy Quotient | Self-Report | Adult | empathy, theory of mind | Simon Baron-Cohen, Sally Wheelwright. The empathy quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism, and normal sex differences. 34(2): J Autism Dev Disord 163-75 (2004). | Link |
Epworth Sleepiness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, sleep | Johns, M. W. (1991) A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: The Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Sleep, 14(6):540-5. | Link |
Ethics Position Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, social, pro-social | Forsyth, D. R. (1980). A taxonomy of ethical ideologies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39, 175-184. | Link |
Exercise Self Efficacy | Self-Report | Adult | self-efficacy | Resnick, B., & Jenkins, L. S. (2000). Testing the Reliability and Validity of the Self-Efficacy for Exercise Scale. Nursing Research, 49. | Link |
Experience of Shame Scale | Self-Report | Adult | shame | Andrews, B., Qian, M., & Valentine, J. D. (2002). Predicting depressive symptoms with a new measure of shame: The Experience of Shame Scale. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41(1), 29-42. | Link |
Experiences in Close Relationships Scale - Short form | Self-Report | Adult | friend, relationship | Wei, M., Russell, D. W., Mallinckrodt, B., & Vogel, D. L. (2007). The experiences in Close Relationship Scale (ECR)-Short Form: Reliability, validity, and factor structure. Journal of Personality Assessment, 88, 187-204 | Link |
Faux Pas Recognition Test | Self-Report | Adult | emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence | Stone, V.E., Baron-Cohen, S. & Knight, R.T. (1998). Frontal lobe contributions to theory of mind. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 640-656. | Link |
Fear of Crime | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, crime | Painter, K. A., & Farrington, D. P. (2001). Evaluating situational crime prevention using a young people's survey: Part II making sense of the elite police voice. British Journal of Criminology, 41(2), 266-284. | Link |
Fear of Happiness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, happiness | Joshanloo, M., Lepshokova, Z. K., Panyusheva, T., Natalia, A., Poon, W. C., Yeung, V. W. L., ... & Jiang, D. Y. (2014). Cross-cultural validation of fear of happiness scale across 14 national groups. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(2), 246-264. | Link |
Fear Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | depression, anxiety, fear, mental health | Marks, I. M., Mathews (1979) Brief standard self-rating for phobic patients. Behavior Research and Therapy 17:263-167, | Link |
Feedback on Physical Appearance Scale | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Tantleff-Dunn, S., Thompson, J. K., & Dunn, M. E. (1995). The Feedback on Physical Appearance Scale (FOPAS): questionnaire development and psychometric evaluation. Eating Disorders, 3(4), 332-341. | Link |
Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | mindfulness | Baer, R. A., Smith, G. T., Hopkins, J., Krietemeyer, J., & Toney, L. (2006). Using self- report assessment methods to explore facets of mindfulness. Assessment, 13, 27-45. | Link |
Flourishing Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, quality of life, happiness, emotional intelligence, behaviour, satisfaction | Diener, E., Wirtz, D., Tov, W., Kim-Prieto, C., Choi, D., Oishi, S., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2010). New measures of well-being: Flourishing and positive and negative feelings. Social Indicators Research, 39, 247-266. | Link |
Fragility of Happiness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | happiness | Joshanloo, M., Weijers, D., Jiang, D.-Y., Han, G., Bae, J., Pang, J., et al. (in press). Fragility | Link |
Free Will and Determinism Plus Scale | Self-Report | Adult | beliefs | Paulhus, D.L., & Carey, J. (2010). Measuring beliefs in free will and related constructs. Journal of Personality Assessment, under review. | Link |
Friendship Contingent Self-Esteem Scale | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem, friend, relationship | Cambron, M. J., Acitelli, L. K., & Steinberg, L. (2010). When friends make you blue: The role of friendship contingent self-esteem in predicting self-esteem and depressive symptoms. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(3), 384-397. | Link |
Friendship Qualities Scale | Self-Report | Adolescent | friend, relationship | Bukowski‚ W.M.‚ Hoza‚ B.‚ & Boivin‚ M. (1994). Measuring friendship quality during pre- and early adolescence: The development and psychometric properties of the friendship qualities scale. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships‚ 11‚ 471-484. | Link |
Friendship Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, friend, relationship | Baron-Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2003). The Friendship Questionnaire: An investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 33(5), 509-517. | Link |
Functional and Dysfunctional Impulsivity Scale for Children | Self-Report | Child | personality, big 5, child, impulsivity | Brunas-Wagstaff, J., Tilley, A., Verity, M., Ford, S., & Thompson, D. (1997). Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity in children and their relationship to Eysenck's impulsiveness and venturesomeness dimensions. Personality and individual Differences, 22(1), 19-25. | Link |
Functional Assessment Rating Scale | Self-Report | Adult | depression, drugs, alcohol, anxiety | Ward, J. C., & Dow, M. G. (1994). The functional assessment rating scale. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Department of Community Mental Health. | Link |
Gambling Motivation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | gambling, maladaptive behaviour | Chantal, Y., Vallerand, R. J., & Vallieres, E. F. (1995). Motivation and gambling involvement. The Journal of Social Psychology, 135(6), 755-763. | Link |
Gambling Passion Scale | Self-Report | Adult | gambling, maladaptive behaviour | Rousseau, F. L., Vallerand, R. J., Ratelle, C. F., Mageau, G. A., & Provencher, P. J. (2002). Passion and gambling: On the validation of the Gambling Passion Scale (GPS). Journal of Gambling Studies, 18, 45-66. | Link |
Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale | Self-Report | Adult | shyness, anxiety | Bobbi Fibel and W. Daniel Hale. (1978). Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale (GESS). In: Kevin Corcoran and Joel Fischer (eds). Measures for Clinical Practice and Research‚ Volume 2: Adults‚ Oxford University press‚ 2013‚ pp. 168-169. | Link |
Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, happiness, behaviour, confidence | Fibel, B., & Hale, W. D. (1978). The Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale: A new measure. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46(5), 924. | Link |
Geriatric Depression Scale | Self-Report | depression | Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, et al; Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res. 1982-1983 17(1):37-49. | Link | |
Global Motivation Scale | Self-Report | motivation | Guay, F., Blais, M. R., Vallerand, R. J., & Pelletier, L. G. (1999). Global Motivation Scale. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. | Link | |
Goldberg Depression Scale | Self-Report | Adult | mood, depression, suicide ideation | Goldberg D, Bridges K, Duncan-Jones P, Grayson D. (1998) Detecting anxiety and depression in general medical settings. British Medical Journal, 297, 897-899 | Link |
Gough Personality Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality | Gough, H. G. (1979). A creative personality scale for the adjective check list. Journal of personality and social psychology, 37(8), 1398. | Link |
Gratitude Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem, well-being, gratitude | McCullough, M. E., Emmons, R. A., & Tsang, J. (2002). The grateful disposition: A conceptual and empirical topography. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 112-127 | Link |
Guilt and Shame Proneness | Self-Report | Adult | personality, attitudes, beliefs | Cohen, T. R., Wolf, S. T., Panter, A. T., & Insko, C. A. (2011). Introducing the GASP scale: a new measure of guilt and shame proneness. Journal of personality and social psychology, 100(5), 947 | Link |
Guilt and Shame Scale | Self-Report | Adult | anxiety, emotion | Cohen, T. R., Wolf, S. T., Panter, A. T., & Insko, C. A. (2011). Introducing the GASP scale: A new measure of guilt and shame proneness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100(5), 947 966. doi: 10.1037/a0022641 | Link |
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale | Self-Report | Adult | depression | Hamilton M. (1960) A rating scale for depression. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 23:56–62 | Link |
Hassles and Uplifts Scales | Self-Report | Adult | stress, anxiety | Kanner, A. D., Coyne, J. C., Schaefer, C., & Lazarus, R. S. (1981). Comparison of two modes of stress measurement: Daily hassles and uplifts versus major life events. Journal of behavioral medicine, 4(1), 1-39. | Link |
Health Orientation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness | Snell Jr, W. E., Johnson, G., Lloyd, P. J., & Hoover, M. W. (1991). The Health Orientation Scale: A measure of psychological tendencies associated with health. European Journal of Personality, 5(2), 169-183. | Link |
Hoarding Scale | Self-Report | Adult | hoarding, maladaptive | Frost, R. O., Steketee, G., & Grisham, J. (2004). Measurement of compulsive hoarding: saving inventory-revised. Behaviour research and therapy, 42(10), 1163-1182. | Link |
Home Situations Questionanire | Parent/Carer Report | Child | maladaptive behaviour, parent, child, behaviour | DuPaul, G. J., & Barkley, R. A. (1992). Situational variability of attention problems: Psychometric properties of the Revised Home and School Situations Questionnaires. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 21(2), 178-188. | Link |
Homophobia Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, sexuality | Wright, L. W., Adams, H. E., & Bernat, J. (1999). Development and validation of the homophobia scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 21(4), 337-347. | Link |
Homosexuality Attitude Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, sexuality | Kite, M. E., & Deaux, D. (1986). Attitudes toward homosexuality: Assessment and behavioral consequences. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 7(2), 137-162. | Link |
Humour Style Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | personality, humour | Martin, R. A., Puhlik-Doris, P., Larsen, G., Gray, J., & Weir, K. (2003). Individual differences in uses of humor and their relation to psychological well-being: Development of the Humor Styles Questionnaire. Journal of research in personality, 37(1), 48-75. | Link |
Hypersensitive Narcissim Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, narcissism | Hendin, H. M., & Cheek, J. M. (1997). Assessing hypersensitive narcissism: A reexamination of Murray's Narcism Scale. Journal of research in personality, 31(4), 588-599. | Link |
Hypomanic Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality | Eckblad, M., & Chapman, L. J. (1986). Development and validation of a scale for hypomanic personality. Journal of abnormal psychology, 95(3), 214. | Link |
ICD-10 Symptom Rating | Self-Report | Adult | depression, anxiety | Tritt, K., von Heymann, F., Zaudig, M., Zacharias, I., Söllner, W., & Loew, T. (2008). Development of theICD-10-Symptom-Rating"(ISR) questionnaire. Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 54(4), 409-418. | Link |
Ideal Student Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | learning, education | Wong, B., & Chiu, Y.L.T. (2021). The ideal student: Deconstructing expectations in higher education. London: Open University Press | Link |
Illness Perception Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | illness | Broadbent, E., Petrie, K. J., Main, J., & Weinman, J. (2006). The brief illness perception questionnaire. Journal of psychosomatic research, 60(6), 631-637. | Link |
Illness Perception Questionnaire- Revised | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness | Moss-Morris, R., Weinman, J., Petrie, K., Horne, R., Cameron, L., & Buick, D. (2002). The revised illness perception questionnaire (IPQ-R). Psychology and health, 17(1), 1-16. | Link |
Impact of Events Scale | Self-Report | Adult | life events | Weiss, D.S., & Marmar, C.R. (1997). The Impact of Event Scale-Revised. In J.P. Wilson, & T.M. Keane (Eds.), Assessing Psychological Trauma and PTSD: A Practitioner’s Handbook (pp. 399-411). New York: Guilford Press | Link |
Imposterism Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, attitudes, beliefs | Leary, M. R., Patton, K. M., Orlando, A. E., & Wagoner Funk, W. (2000). The impostor phenomenon: Self perceptions, reflected appraisals, and interpersonal strategies. Journal of personality, 68(4), 725-756. | Link |
Index of Perceived Community Resilience | Self-Report | Adult | community involvement, resilience, collective | Kulig, J. C., Edge, D. S., Townshend, I., Lightfoot, N., & Reimer, W. (2013). Community resiliency: Emerging theoretical insights. Journal of Community Psychology, 41(6), 758-775. | Link |
Individualism-Collectivism Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, collective | Triandis, H. C. & Gelfland, M. J. (1998). Converging measurement of horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 118-128. | Link |
Inner Strength Scale | Self-Report | Adult | identity, creativity | Lundman, B., Viglund, K., Aléx, L., Jonsén, E., Norberg, A., Fischer, R. S., ... & Nygren, B. (2011). Development and psychometric properties of the Inner Strength Scale. International journal of nursing studies, 48(10), 1266-1274. | Link |
Inspiration Scale | Self-Report | Adult | motivation, creativity, imagination | Thrash, T. M., & Elliot, A. J. (2003). Inspiration as a psychological construct. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 871-889. | Link |
Internal Personal Situational Attribution Questionniare | Self-Report | Adult | locus of control, attribution style | Kinderman, P., & Bentall, R. P. (1996). A new measure of causal locus: the internal, personal and situational attributions questionnaire. Personality and Individual differences, 20(2), 261-264. | Link |
International Personality Item Pool | Self-Report | Adult | personality | Various refs according to scales used | Link |
Interpersonal Conflict At Work Scale | Self-Report | Adult | work, job, occupational, organisational, career | Spector, P. E., & Jex, S. M. (1998). Development of Four Self-Report Measures of Job Stressors and Strain: Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale, Organizational Constraints Scale, Quantitative Workload Inventory, and Physical Symptoms Inventory. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 3, 356-367. | Link |
Interpersonal Orientation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, relationship, social cognition, social behaviour, pro-social | Swap, W. C., & Rubin, J. Z. (1983). Measurement of interpersonal orientation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(1), 208. | Link |
Interpersonal Reactivity Index | Self-Report | Adult | relationship, empathy | Davis, M. H. (1980). A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 10, 85. | Link |
Interpersonal Trust in Specific Others Scale | Self-Report | Adult | relationship, trust | Johnson-George, C., & Swap, W. C. (1982). Measurement of specific interpersonal trust: Construction and validation of a scale to assess trust in a specific other. Journal of personality and Social Psychology, 43(6), 1306. | Link |
Interpersonal Trust Scale | Self-Report | Adult | trust | Rotter, J. B. (1967). Interpersonal trust scale. Journal of Personality. | Link |
Intrinsic Motivation Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | motivation | Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. Springer Science & Business Media. | Link |
Invalidating Childhood Environment Scale | Self-Report | Child | maladaptive behaviour, child, mental health | Mountford, V., Corstorphine, E., Tomlinson, S., & Waller, G. (2007). Development of a measure to assess invalidating childhood environments in the eating disorders. Eating behaviors, 8(1), 48-58. | Link |
Inventory of Depressive Symptomology | Self-Report | Adult | illness, depression | Rush, A. J., Gullion, C. M., Basco, M. R., Jarrett, R. B., & Trivedi, M. H. (1996). The inventory of depressive symptomatology (IDS): psychometric properties. Psychological medicine, 26(3), 477-486. | Link |
Job Descriptive Index | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, work, job, organisational | Lake, C. J., Gopalkrishnan, P., Sliter, M. T., & Withrow, S. (2010). The Job Descriptive Index: Newly updated and available for download. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 48(1), 47-49. | Link |
Job Related Affective Wellbeing Scale | Self-Report | Adult | work, job, well-being | Van Katwyk, P. T., Fox, S., Spector, P. E., & Kelloway, E. K. (2000). Using the Job-Related Affective Well-Being Scale (JAWS) to investigate affective responses to work stressors. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5(2), 219-230. doi: | Link |
Job Satisfaction Composite Measure | Self-Report | Adult | job, career, satisfaction | Maurer, T. J., & Chapman, E. F. (2013). Ten years of career success in relation to individual and situational variables from the employee development literature. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 450-465. | Link |
Job Satisfaction Survey | Self-Report | Adult | work, job | Spector, P. E. (1985). Measurement of human service staff satisfaction: Development of the Job Satisfaction Survey. American Journal of Community Psychology, 13, 693-713 | Link |
Just World Scale | Self-Report | Adult | beliefs | Lucas, T., Zhdanova, L., & Alexander, S. (2011). Procedural and Distributive Justice Beliefs for Self and Others Assessment of a Four-Factor Individual Differences Model. Journal of Individual Differences, 32(1), 14-25. | Link |
Just World Scale | Adult | locus of control | Rubin, Z., & Peplau, L. A. (1975). Who believes in a just world?. Journal of social issues, 31(3), 65-89. | Link | |
Leisure Motivation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | motivation | Pelletier, L.G., Vallerand, R.J., Brière, N.M., & Blais, . Construction et validation de l'Échelle de motivation vis-à-vis les Loisirs (EML). Communication présentée au congrès annuel de la SQRP, Ottawa, ON, 28 octobre 1989. Résumé des communications, p.146. | Link |
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexuality Identity Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, identity, sexuality | Mohr, J. J., & Kendra, M. S. (2011). Revision and extension of a multidimensional measure of sexual minority identity: The Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identity Scale. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58, 234-45. | Link |
Leyton Obsessional Inventory (modified) | Self-Report | Adolescent | stress, anxiety, OCD | Berg, C. J., Rapoport, J. L., & Flament, M. (1986). The Leyton obsessional inventory-child version. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 25(1), 84-91. | Link |
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale | Self-Report | Adult | social, anxiety, social behaviour | Baker, S. L., Heinrichs, N., Kim, H. J., & Hofmann, S. G. (2002). The Liebowitz social anxiety scale as a self-report instrument: a preliminary psychometric analysis. Behaviour research and therapy, 40(6), 701-715. | Link |
Life Attitude Profile | Self-Report | Adult | personality, attitudes, beliefs, life events, locus of control | Reker, G. T., & Peacock, E. J. (1981). The Life Attitude Profile (LAP): A multidimensional instrument for assessing attitudes toward life. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 13(3), 264. | Link |
Life Effectiveness Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem, self-efficacy, behaviour, coping | Wang, J. C. K., Neill, J. T., Liu, W. C., Tan, O. S., Koh, C., & Ee, J. (2008). Project work and life skills: Psychometric properties of the life effectiveness questionnaire for project work. | Link |
Life Events Checklist | Self-Report | Adult | life events | Gray, M. J., Litz, B. T., Hsu, J. L., & Lombardo, T. W. (2004). Psychometric properties of the life events checklist. Assessment, 11(4), 330-341. | Link |
Life Orientation Test-Revised | Self-Report | Adult | personality, optimism, pessimism | Glaesmer, H., Rief, W., Martin, A., Mewes, R., Brähler, E., Zenger, M., & Hinz, A. (2012). Psychometric properties and population based norms of the Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT R). British journal of health psychology, 17(2), 432-445. | Link |
Loneliness & Social Dissatisfaction Questionnaire (Ages 5-11) | Self-Report | Child | loneliness | Asher, S. R., Hymel, S., & Renshaw, P. D. (1984). Loneliness in children. Child development, 1456-1464. | Link |
Machiavellianism Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, impulsivity, trust, emotion | Christie, R., & Geis, F. L. (2013). Studies in machiavellianism. Academic Press. | Link |
Magical Ideation Scale | Adult | beliefs, imagination, mental health | Eckblad, M., & Chapman, L. J. (1983). Magical ideation as an indicator of schizotypy. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 51(2), 215. | Link | |
Major Depression Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | depression | LR Olsen, et al. The internal and external validity of the Major Depression Inventory in measuring severity of depressive states. Psychological Medicine 351-356. 2003. | Link |
Male Body Attitudes Scale (MBAS) | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Tylka, T. L., Bergeron, D., & Schwartz, J. P. (2005). Development and psychometric evaluation of the Male Body Attitudes Scale (MBAS). Body image, 2(2), 161-175. | Link |
Manager Employee Trust | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, work, job, organisational | Tzafrir, S.S. and Dolan, S.L. (2004),Trust Me: A Scale for Measuring Manager Employee Trust", Management Research, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 115-132. | Link |
Manual and Scales for Patterns of Adaptive Learning | Self-Report | learning | Midgley, C., Maehr, M. L., Hruda, L. Z., Anderman, E., Anderman, L., Freeman, K. E., & Urdan, T. (2000). Manual for the patterns of adaptive learning scales. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 734-763. | Link | |
Marital Problems Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, relationship, behaviour | Douglass IV, F. M., & Douglass, R. (1995). The Marital Problems Questionnaire (MPQ): A short screening instrument for marital therapy. Family relations, 238-244. | Link |
Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale | Self-Report | Adult | sexuality | Snell, W. E., Belk, S. S., & Hawkins, R. C. (1986). The Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale: The politics of masculine and feminine self-presentation. Sex Roles, 15, 249-267. | Link |
Masculine Behavior Scale | Self-Report | Adult | sexuality, sex roles | Snell, W. E. (1989). Development and validation of the Masculine Behavior Scale: A measure of behaviors stereotypically attributed to males vs. females. Sex roles, 21, 749-767. | Link |
Masculine Role Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | sex roles, sense of self | Snell, W. E. (1986). The masculine role inventory: Components and correlates. Sex Roles, 15, 443-455. | Link |
Mate Retention Inventory - Short Form | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, sexuality, relationship, violence | Buss, D. M., Shackelford, T. K., & McKibbin, W. F. (2008). The mate retention inventory-short form (MRI-SF). Personality and Individual Differences, 44(1), 322-334. | Link |
Materialism | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, behaviour, consumer, marketing | Belk, R. W. (1984). Three scales to measure constructs related to materialism: Reliability, validity, and relationships to measures of happiness. ACR North American Advances. | Link |
Mating Effort Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, sexuality, relationship | Rowe, D. C., Vazsonyi, A. T., & Figueredo, A. J. (1997). Mating-effort in adolescence: A conditional or alternative strategy. Personality and Individual Differences, 23(1), 105-115. | Link |
Maudsley Obsessional Compulsive Inventory | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, OCD, mental health | Hodgson‚ R. J.‚ & Rachman‚ S. (1977). Obsessional-compulsive complaints. Behaviour Research and Therapy‚ 15(5)‚ 389-395 | Link | |
Maudsley Violence Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | violence, impulsivity | Walker, J. S. (2005). The Maudsley Violence Questionnaire: initial validation and reliability. Personality and Individual Differences, 38(1), 187-201. | Link |
Maximizing Scale & Regret Scale | Self-Report | Adult | emotion | Schwartz, B., Ward, A., Monterosso, J., Lyubomirsky, S., White, K., & Lehman, D. R. (2002). Maximizing versus satisficing: happiness is a matter of choice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 1178- 1197. | Link |
Meaning in Life Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | identity, life events | Steger, M. F., Frazier, P., Oishi, S., & Kaler, M. (2006). The Meaning in Life Questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53, 80-93. | Link |
Measure of Body Apperception | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape, cancer, health | Carver, C. S., Pozo-Kaderman, C., Price, A. A., Noriega, V., Harris, S. D., Derhagopian, R. P., Robinson, D. S., & Moffatt, F. L., Jr. (1998). Concern about aspects of body image and adjustment to early stage breast cancer. Psychosomatic Medicine, 60, 168-174 | Link |
Measurement of Attachment Qualities | Self-Report | Adult | attachment | Carver, C. S. (1997). Adult attachment and personality: Converging evidence and a new measure. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 865-883 | Link |
Measuring Confidence in Academic Study | Self-Report | Adult | confidence, learning | Sander, P., & Sanders, L. (2003). Measuring confidence in academic study: a summary report. | Link |
Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviours Among Youths | Self-Report | Adolescent | attitudes, beliefs, behaviour, violence | Dahlberg LL, Toal SB, Swahn M, Behrens CB. Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes, Behaviors, and Influences Among Youths: A Compendium of Assessment Tools, 2nd ed., Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 2005 | Link |
Mental Health Inventory 5 | Self-Report | Child Adolescent | mental health | Rivera-Riquelme, M., Piqueras, J. A., & Cuijpers, P. (2019). The Revised Mental Health Inventory-5 (MHI-5) as an ultra-brief screening measure of bidimensional mental health in children and adolescents. Psychiatry Research, 274, 247-253. | Link |
Mental Toughness Scale for Adolescents | Self-Report | Adolescent | resilience | McGeown, S., St. Clair-Thompson, H., & Putwain, D. W. (2018). The development and validation of a mental toughness scale for adolescents. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 36(2), 148-161. | Link |
Mindful Attention Awareness Scale | Adult | mindfulness | Brown, K.W. & Ryan, R.M. (2003). The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 822-848. | Link | |
Minnesota Eating Behaviour | Self-Report | Adult | eating, behaviour | von Ranson, K. M., Klump, K. L., Iacono, W. G., & McGue, M. (2005). The Minnesota Eating Behavior Survey: A brief measure of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors. Eating Behaviors, 6(4), 373-392. | Link |
Modified Dental Anxiety Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, anxiety | Humphris, G. M., Morrison, T., & Lindsay, S. J. E. (1995). The Modified Dental Anxiety Scale: validation and United Kingdom norms. Community dental health. | Link |
Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale | Clinician | Adult | depression | SA Montgomery, M Asberg. A New Depression Scale Designed to be Sensitive to Change. British Journal of Psychiatry 134 (4): 382–89. 04-1979 | Link |
Mood Check BiPolar Screener | Self-Report | Adult | mood | Phelps, J. | Link |
Moral Identity Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | personality, identity, moral | Black, J. E., & Reynolds, W. M. (2016). Development, reliability, and validity of the Moral Identity Questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 97, 120-129. | Link |
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire | Adult | motivation | Pintrich, P. R., Smith, D. A., Garcia, T., & McKeachie, W. J. (1993). Reliability and predictive validity of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Educational and psychological measurement, 53(3), 801-813. | Link | |
Multidimensional AIDS Anxiety Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness, anxiety | Snell, W. E., & Finney, P. (1998). The multidimensional AIDS anxiety questionnaire. Handbook of sexuality-related measures, 351-353. | Link |
Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, identity | George, L. S., & Park, C. L. (2017). The multidimensional existential meaning scale: A tripartite approach to measuring meaning in life. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 12(6), 613-627. | Link |
Multidimensional Facebook Intensity Scale | Self-Report | Adult | behaviour, addiction, social media | Orosz, G., Tóth-Király, I., & Bőthe, B. (2016). Four facets of Facebook intensity—the development of the multidimensional Facebook intensity scale. Personality and individual differences, 100, 95-104. | Link |
Multidimensional Health Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness | Snell, W. E. (1997) The Multidimentional Health Questionnaire. American Journal of Health Behavior, 21(1), 33-42 | Link |
Multidimensional Jealousy Scale | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, relationship | Pfeiffer, S. M., & Wong, P. T. (1989). Multidimensional jealousy. Journal of social and personal relationships, 6(2), 181-196. | Link |
Multidimensional Parenting Perfectionism Questionnaire | Adult | relationship, parent | Snell Jr, W. E., Overbey, G. A., & Brewer, A. L. (2005). Parenting perfectionism and the parenting role. Personality and Individual Differences, 39(3), 613-624. | Link | |
Multidimensional Psychology of Eating Questionnaire (MPEQ) | Self-Report | Adult | eating | Snell, W. E., Jr., Johnson, G (2002). Chapter 14: The Multidimensional Psychology of Eating Questionnaire: Preliminary evidence for reliability and validity. In W. E. Snell, Jr. (Ed.), Progress in the study of physical and psychological health. Cape Girardeau, MO: Snell Publications | Link |
Multidimensional Relationship Questionnaire | Adult | relationship | Snell, W. E., Jr., Schicke, M., & Arbeiter, T. (2002). The Multidimensional Relationship Questionnaire: Psychological dispositions associated with intimate relations. In W. E. Snell, Jr. (Ed.), New Directions in The Psychology of Intimate Relations: Research and Theory. Cape Girardeau, MO: Snell Publications. | Link | |
Multidimensional Romantic Perfectionism Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | relationship | Bailey, D. P., & Snell Jr, W. E. The Effects of Romantic Perfectionism on Disclosure in Romantic Relationships. | Link |
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support | Self-Report | Adult | social support | Zimet, G. D., Dahlem, N. W., Zimet, S. G., & Farley, G. K. (1988). The multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Journal of personality assessment, 52(1), 30-41. | Link |
Multidimensional Sexual Approach Questionnaire (MSAQ) | Self-Report | Adult | sexuality | Snell‚ W. E.‚ Jr. (in press). The Multidimensional Sexual Approach Questionnaire. In C. M. Davis‚ W. L. Yarber‚ and S. L. Davis (Eds.)‚ Handbook of sexuality-related measures. Newbury Park: Sage. | Link |
Multidimensional Sexual Perfectionism Questionnaire | Adult | sexuality, relationship | Stoeber, J., Harvey, L. N., Almeida, I., & Lyons, E. (2013). Multidimensional sexual perfectionism. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 1593-1604. | Link | |
Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire (MSSCQ) | Self-Report | Adult | sexuality | William E. Snell, Jr. (1998).The Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire". In Davis, Yarber, Bauseman, Schreer, and Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related measures (521-524). Newbury Park: Sage. | Link |
Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire | Adult | sexuality | Snell Jr, W. E., Fisher, T. D., & Walters, A. S. (1993). The Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire: An objective self-report measure of psychological tendencies associated with human sexuality. Annals of sex research, 6(1), 27-55. | Link | |
Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientations Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, sport | Vallerand, R. J., Brière, N. M., Blanchard, C., & Provencher, P. (1997). Development and validation of the multidimensional sportspersonship orientations scale. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. | Link |
Multiple Intelligence Self Efficacy Scale | Adult | IQ, confidence, school | Muqodas, I., Putri, H. E., Yuliyanto, A., & Agustin, M. (2020, August). The Development of Multiple Intelligence and Self Efficacy in Primary School Students. In 2nd International Seminar on Guidance and Counseling 2019 (ISGC 2019) (pp. 294-297). Atlantis Press. | Link | |
Narcissistic Personality Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | personality, narcissism | Raskin, R. N., & Hall, C. S. (1979). A narcissistic personality inventory. Psychological reports, 45(2), 590-590. | Link |
Need for Cognition Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, cognitive | Cacioppo, J. T., & Petty, R. E. (1982). The need for cognition. Journal of personality and social psychology, 42(1), 116. | Link |
Need for Relatedness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | relationship | Richer‚ S.F.‚ & Vallerand‚ R.J. (1998) Construction and validation of the perceived relatedness scale (ESAS). European Review of Applied Psychology‚ 48‚ 129–137. | Link |
Negative Self Portrayal Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, social, appearance, anxiety | Moscovitch, D.A., & Huyder, V. (2011). The negative self-portrayal scale: Development, validation, and application to social anxiety. Behavior Therapy, 42, 183-196, doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2010.04.007 | Link |
New Age Orientation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, religion, paranormal, attachment | Granqvist, P., & Hagekull, B. (2001). Seeking security in the new age: On attachment and emotional compensation. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 40(3), 527-545. | Link |
NPI-16 Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, narcissism | Ames, D. R., Rose, P., & Anderson, C. P. (2006). The NPI-16 as a short measure of narcissism. Journal of research in personality, 40(4), 440-450. | Link |
Obligatory Exercise Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | health, exercise, body image | Pasman, L. J. & Thompson, J. K. (1988). Body image and eating disturbance in obligatory runners, obligatory weightlifters, and sedentary individuals. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 7 (6), 759-769. | Link |
Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, OCD, mental health | Myers, S. G., Fisher, P. L., & Wells, A. (2008). Belief domains of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire-44 (OBQ-44) and their specific relationship with obsessive–compulsive symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22(3), 475-484. | Link |
Organisational commitment Scale | Self-Report | Adult | work, job, organisational, 105 | Mowday‚ R. T.‚ Steers‚ R. M. & Porter‚ L. W. (1979). The Measurement of organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior‚ 14‚ 224-247. | Link |
Oxford Happiness Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | happiness, well-being | Hills, P., & Argyle, M. (2002). The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: a compact scale for the measurement of psychological well being. Personality and Individual Differences, 33, 1073–1082. | Link |
Pain Distress Inventory | Adult | pain | Osman, A., Barrios, F. X., Gutierrez, P. M., Kopper, B. A., Butler, A., & Bagge, C. L. (2003). The Pain Distress Inventory: development and initial psychometric properties. Journal of clinical psychology, 59(7), 767-785. | Contact author | |
Panic Attack Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, stress, anxiety, PTSD, mental health | Norton, G. R., Harrison, B., Hauch, J., & Rhodes, L. (1985). Characteristics of people with infrequent panic attacks. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 94(2), 216. | Link |
Parental Stress Scale | Adult | stress, parent | Berry, J. O., & Jones, W. H. (1995). The parental stress scale: Initial psychometric evidence. Journal of social and personal relationships, 12(3), 463-472. | Link | |
Partner Interaction Questionnaire - Smoking | Self-Report | Adult | health, attitudes, behaviour, social support | Cohen S, Lichtenstein E. (1990) Partner behaviors that support quitting smoking. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 58(3): 304-9. | Link |
Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, mental health, optimism | Olatunji, B. O., Abramowitz, J. S., Williams, N. L., Connolly, K. M., & Lohr, J. M. (2007). Scrupulosity and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: Confirmatory factor analysis and validity of the Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 21(6), 771-787. | Link | |
Perceived Belonging in Sport Scale | Self-Report | Adult | sport, social | Allen, J. B. (2006). The perceived belonging in sport scale: Examining validity. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 7(4), 387-405. | Link |
Perceived Socvial Inequity Scale -Women | Self-Report | Adult | women, attitudes | Corning, A. F. (2000). Assessing perceived social inequity: A relative deprivation framework. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78(3), 463. | Link |
Perceived Stress Scales | Self-Report | Adult | stress | Cohen, S., Kamarck, T., and Mermelstein, R. (1983). A global measure of perceived stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24, 386-396. | Link |
Perception Of Compentence In Life Domains Scale | Self-Report | Adult | life events, relationship, leisure, learning | Losier, G.F., Vallerand, R.J., & Blais, M.R. (1993). Construction et validation de l'Échelle des Perceptions de Compétence dans les Domaines de Vie (EPCDV). Science et comportement, 23, 1-16. | Link |
Perception of Teasing Scale | Self-Report | Adult | bullying | Thompson, J. K., Cattarin, J., Fowler, B., & Fisher, E. (1995). The perception of teasing scale (POTS): A revision and extension of the physical appearance related teasing scale (PARTS). Journal of personality assessment, 65(1), 146-157. | Link |
Perceptual Abberation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | beliefs, body awareness, maladaptive behaviour, appearance | Chapman, L. J., Chapman, J. P., & Raulin, M. L. (1978). Perceptual aberration scale. Unpublished manuscript, University of Wisconsin—Madison. | Dr. Thomas Kwapil at |
Personal Acquaintance Measure | Self-Report | Adult | personality, relationship | Starzyk, K. B., Holden, R. R., Fabrigar, L. R., & MacDonald, T. K. (2006). The Personal Acquaintance Measure: a tool for appraising one's acquaintance with any person. Journal of personality and social psychology, 90(5), 833. | Link |
Personal Attributes Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | personality, gender roles, sex roles | Spence, J.T., & Helmreich, R.L. (1978). Masculinity and femininity: Their psychological dimensions, correlates, and antecedents. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. | Link |
Personal Development Survey | Self-Report | Adolescent | attitudes, self-efficacy, social behaviour, resilience | Kanevsky, Lannie, Corke, Michael, & Frangkiser, Lorri. (2008). The academic resilience and psychosocial characteristics of inner-city English learners in a museum-based school program. Education and Urban Society, Vol 40(4), 452-475. doi: 10.1177/00131245 | Link |
Personal Growth Initiative Scale II | Self-Report | Adult | well-being, sense of self | Robitschek, C., Ashton, M. W., Spering, C. C., Geiger, N., Byers, D., Schotts, G. C., & Thoen, M. A. (2012). Development and psychometric evaluation of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale–II. Journal of counseling psychology, 59(2), 274. | Link |
Personal Living Space Cue Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | cognitive, social | Gosling, S. D., Craik, K. H., Martin, N. R., & Pryor, M. R. (2005). The Personal Living Space Cue Inventory: An analysis and evaluation. Environment and Behavior, 37, 683-705. | Link |
Personal Sense of Uniqueness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | identity, sense of self | Şimşek, Ö. F., & Yalınçetin, B. (2010). I feel unique, therefore I am: The development and preliminary validation of the personal sense of uniqueness (PSU) scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 49(6), 576-581. | Link |
Personal Social Capital Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, social, behaviour, social cognition, social behaviour, social capital | Chen, X., Stanton, B., Gong, J., Fang, X., & Li, X. (2008). Personal Social Capital Scale: an instrument for health and behavioral research. Health education research, 24(2), 306-317. | Link |
Physical Activity and Sport Anxiety Scale | Self-Report | Adult | sport, anxiety | Norton, P. J., Hope, D. A., & Weeks, J. W. (2004). The physical activity and sport anxiety scale (PASAS): Scale development and psychometric analysis. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 17(4), 363-382. | Link |
Physical Appearance Comparison Scale- 3 | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, body shape | Schaefer, L. M., & Thompson, J. K. (2018). The development and validation of the Physical Appearance Comparison Scale–3 (PACS-3). Psychological Assessment, 30(10), 1330. | Link |
Physical Appearance State And Trait Anxiety Scale | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, body shape | Reed, D. L., Thompson, J. K., Brannick, M. T., & Sacco, W. P. (1991). Development and validation of the physical appearance state and trait anxiety scale (PASTAS). Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 5(4), 323-332. | Link |
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule | Self-Report | Adult | shyness, fear, emotion | Watson, D., Clark, L. A., & Tellegen, A. (1988). Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(6), 1063–1070. | Link |
Positive-Negative Relationship Quality | Self-Report | Adult | friend, relationship | Fincham, F.D., & Rogge, R. (2010). Understanding relationship quality: Theoretical challenges and new tools for assessment. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 2, 227-242. | Link |
Post Traumatic Cognitions inventory | Adult | cognitive, PTSD | Foa, E. B., Ehlers, A., Clark, D. M., Tolin, D. F., & Orsillo, S. M. (1999). The posttraumatic cognitions inventory (PTCI): Development and validation. Psychological assessment, 11(3), 303. | Link | |
Preschool Anxiety Scale | Self-Report | Child | child, anxiety | Spence, S. H., Rapee, R., McDonald, C., & Ingram, M. (2001). The structure of anxiety symptoms among preschoolers. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39(11), 1293–1316 | Link |
Proactive Personality Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality | Bateman, T. S., & Crant, J. M. (1993). The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates. Journal of organizational behavior, 14(2), 103-118. | Link |
Procrastination Scale (student version) | Self-Report | Adult | procrastination | Lay, C. (1986). At last, my research article on procrastination. Journal of Research in Personality, 20, 474-495. | Link |
Prosocialness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, attitudes, social, behaviour, social behaviour, altruism | Caprara, G. V., Steca, P., Zelli, A., & Capanna, C. (2005). A new scale for measuring adults' prosocialness. European Journal of psychological assessment, 21(2), 77-89. | Link |
Psychological Collectivism | Self-Report | Adult | personality, collective | Jackson, C. L., Colquitt, J. A., Wesson, M. J., & Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2006). Psychological collectivism: A measurement validation and linkage to group member performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(4), 884. | Link |
Psychological Collectivism Measure | Self-Report | Adult | social, behaviour, social behaviour, collective | Jackson, C. L., Colquitt, J. A., Wesson, M. J., & Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2006). Psychological collectivism: A measurement validation and linkage to group member performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(4), 884. | Link |
Psychological Thriving Scale | Self-Report | Adult | coping, sense of self, efficacy | Sirois, F. M., & Hirsch, J. K. (2013). Associations of psychological thriving with coping efficacy, expectations for future growth, and depressive symptoms over time in people with arthritis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 75(3), 279-286. | Link |
Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, anxiety, inhibition, impulsivity | Boduszek, D., Debowska, A., Sherretts, N., & Willmott, D. (2018). Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale (PPTS): Construct validity of the instrument in a sample of US prisoners. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1596. | Link |
Psycho-Social Aspects of Facebook Use | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, behaviour, social media | Bodroža, B., & Jovanović, T. (2016). Validation of the new scale for measuring behaviors of Facebook users: Psycho-Social Aspects of Facebook Use (PSAFU). Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 425-435. | Link |
PTSD Checklist | Self-Report | Adult | PTSD | Weathers, F.W., Litz, B.T., Keane, T.M., Palmieri, P.A., Marx, B.P., & Schnurr, P.P. (2013).The PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). Scale available from the National Center for PTSD at | Link |
Quality of Life Scale | Self-Report | Adult | quality of life | Frisch, M.B., Cornell, J., Villanueva, M., & Retzlaff, P.J. (1992). Clinical validation of the Quality of Life Inventory: A measure of life satisfaction for use in treatment planning and outcome assessment. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 4, 92-101. | Link |
Questionnaire on Smoking Urges | Self-Report | Adult | health, attitudes | Cox, L. S., Tiffany, S. T., & Christen, A. G. (2001). Evaluation of the brief questionnaire of smoking urges (QSU-brief) in laboratory and clinical settings. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 3(1), 7-16. | Link |
Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology | Self-Report | Adult | depression | Rush, A. J., Trivedi, M. H., Ibrahim, H. M., Carmody, T. J., Arnow, B., Klein, D. N., ... & Keller, M. B. (2003). The 16-Item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS), clinician rating (QIDS-C), and self-report (QIDS-SR): a psychometric evaluation in patients with chronic major depression. Biological psychiatry, 54(5), 573-583. | Link |
RAND 36-item Health Survey | Self-Report | Adult | health | Ware Jr, J. E. (2000). SF-36 health survey update. Spine, 25(24), 3130-3139. | Link |
Recreation Experience Preference Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, leisure | Driver, B.L. (1983). Master list of items for Recreation Experience Preference scales and domains. Unpublished document. USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, CO: Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. | Link |
Relational Assessment Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | relationship | Snell Jr, W. E., & Finney, P. D. (1993). Measuring relational aspects of the self: Relational-esteem, relational-depression, and relational-preoccupation. Contemporary Social Psychology, 17(2), 44-55. | Link |
Relationship Awareness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | relationship | Snell Jr, W. E. New Directions in the Psychology of Intimate Relations: Research and Theory Chapter 1: The Relationship Awareness Scale: Measuring Relational‑Consciousness. | Link |
Relationship Disclosure Scale | Self-Report | Adult | relationship | Snell Jr, W. E., Hampton, B. R., & McMANUS, P. A. M. E. L. A. (1992). The impact of counselor and participant gender on willingness to discuss relational topics: Development of the relationship disclosure scale. Journal of Counseling & Development, 70(3), 409-416. | Link |
Repetitive Thinking Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | behaviour, OCD, mental health | McEvoy, P. M., Mahoney, A. E., & Moulds, M. L. (2010). Are worry, rumination, and post-event processing one and the same?: Development of the Repetitive Thinking Questionnaire. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24(5), 509-519. | Link |
Resilience Measures | Self-Report | Adult | stress, mental health, resilience | Gibbons, F. X., Roberts, M. E., Gerrard, M., Li, Z., Beach, S. R., Simons, R. L., ... & Philibert, R. A. (2012). The impact of stress on the life history strategies of African American adolescents: cognitions, genetic moderation, and the role of discrimination. Developmental psychology, 48(3), 722. | Link |
Resilience Scale for Adults | Self-Report | Adult | resilience | Jowkar, B., Friborg, O., & Hjemdal, O. (2010). Cross cultural validation of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) in Iran. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51(5), 418-425. | Link |
Resource Generator | Self-Report | Adult | social, social cognition, social behaviour, social capital | Van Der Gaag, M., & Snijders, T. A. (2005). The Resource Generator: social capital quantification with concrete items. Social networks, 27(1), 1-29. | Link |
Response to Academic Stress Questionnaire - Child Self Report | Self-Report | Child Adolescent | stress, child, coping, education | Compas, B. E., Connor-Smith, J. K., Saltzman, H., Thomsen, A. H., & Wadsworth, M. E. (2001). Coping with stress during childhood and adolescence: Progress, problems, and potential in theory and research. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 87-127. | Link |
Revised Academic Hardiness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | school, education | Creed, P. A., Conlon, E. G., & Dhaliwal, K. (2013). Revisiting the academic hardiness scale: Revision and revalidation. Journal of Career Assessment, 21(4), 537-554. | Link |
Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (RCBS) | Adult | shyness | Cheek, J. M. (1983). Revised cheek and buss shyness scale. Journal of Personality Assessment. | Link | |
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale | Self-Report | Child | child, anxiety | Reynolds, C., & Richmond, B. O. (1985). Revised children's manifest anxiety scale. Psychological Assessment. | Link |
Revised Paranormal Belief Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, beliefs, paranormal | Tobacyk, J. J. (2004). A revised paranormal belief scale. The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 23(23), 94-98. | Link |
Revised Self Monitoring Scale | Self-Report | Adult | identity, social, behaviour, sense of self | Lennox‚ R. D.‚ & Wolfe‚ R. N. (1984). Revision of the Self-Monitoring Scale. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 46‚ 1349–1364. | Link |
Revised Test Anxiety Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, stress, anxiety, education | Hagtvet, K. A., & Benson, J. (1997). The motive to avoid failure and test anxiety responses: Empirical support for integration of two research traditions. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 10(1), 35-57. | Link |
Risky Behaviour Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | risk, impulsivity | Weiss, N. H., Tull, M. T., Dixon-Gordon, K., & Gratz, K. L. (2018). Assessing the negative and positive emotion-dependent nature of risky behaviors among substance dependent patients. Assessment, 25(6), 702-715. | Link |
Risky, Impulsive, & Self-destructive behavior Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive, risk, impulsivity | Sadeh, N., & Baskin-Sommers, A. (2017). Risky, impulsive, and self-destructive behavior Questionnaire (RISQ): A validation study. Assessment, 24(8), 1080-1094 | Link |
Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem | Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. | Link |
Rotter Locus of Control | Self-Report | Adult | personality, locus of control | Rotter, J. (2011). Rotter internal-external locus of control scale. 28 Measures of Locus of Control, 10. | Link |
Rotter Locus of Control Scale | Self-Report | Adult | locus of control | Rotter, J. B. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement. Psychological monographs: General and applied, 80(1), 1. | Link |
Satisfaction with Life Scale | Self-Report | Adult | quality of life, life events | Diener, E. D., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of personality assessment, 49(1), 71-75. | Link |
Scale for Effective Communication in Sports | Self-Report | Adult | sport, communication, efficacy | Sullivan, P., & Feltz, D. L. (2003). The preliminary development of the Scale for Effective Communication in Team Sports (SECTS). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(8), 1693-1715. | Link |
Scale of Positive and Negative Experience | Self-Report | Adult | well-being, anxiety | Diener, E., Wirtz, D., Tov, W., Kim-Prieto, C., Choi, D., Oishi, S., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2009). Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE). Ed Diener personal Website. | Link |
Scale of Suicidal Ideation | Self-Report | Adult | depression, suicide, mental health | Beck, A. T., Kovacs, M., & Weissman, A. (1979). Assessment of suicidal intention: the Scale for Suicide Ideation. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 47(2), 343. | Link |
School Academic Optimism Scale | Self-Report | Adult | optimism, education | Hoy, W. K., Tarter, C. J., & Hoy, A. W. (2006). Academic optimism of schools: A force for student achievement. American educational research journal, 43(3), 425-446. | Link |
School Effectiveness Index | Self-Report | Adult | teacher, efficacy, school, education | Hoy, W. K., Tarter, C. J., & Kottkamp, R. B. (1991). Open schools/healthy schools: Measuring organizational climate. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage | Link |
School Situations Questionnaire | Self-Report | Child | child, behaviour | Barkley, R. A. (2013). Defiant children: A clinician's manual for assessment and parent training. Guilford press. | Link |
Self Consciousness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | shyness, anxiety | Scheier, M. F., & Carver, C. S. (1985). The Self Consciousness Scale: A revised version for use with general populations 1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 15(8), 687-699. | Link |
Self Regulation Questionniare | Self-Report | Adult | personality, attitudes, locus of control, behaviour | Brown, J. M., Miller, W. R., & Lawendowski, L. A. (1999). The self-regulation questionnaire. | Link |
Self-Handicapping Scale | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem, self-efficacy, behaviour, fear, efficacy, education | Rhodewalt, F. (1990). Self-handicappers. In Self-Handicapping (pp. 69-106). Springer, Boston, MA. | Link |
Self-Monitoring Scale | Self-Report | Adult | identity, social, behaviour, sense of self | Snyder, M. (1974). Self-monitoring of expressive behavior. Journal of personality and social psychology, 30(4), 526. | Link |
Self-Report Altrusim Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, social behaviour, altruism | Rushton, J. P., Chrisjohn, R. D., & Fekken, G. C. (1981). The altruistic personality and the self-report altruism scale. Personality and individual differences, 2(4), 293-302. | Link |
Sensational Interests Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | personality, beliefs, maladaptive behaviour, impulsivity, paranormal | Egan, V., Auty, J., Miller, R., Ahmadi, S., Richardson, C., & Gargan, I. (1999). Sensational interests and general personality traits. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 10(3), 567-582. | Link |
Sense and Self-Regulation Checklist | Self-Report | Adult | health, quality of life, pain, behaviour | Silva, L. M., & Schalock, M. (2012). Sense and self-regulation checklist, a measure of comorbid autism symptoms: initial psychometric evidence. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66(2), 177-186. | Link |
Sense of Community Index | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, community involvement | Chipuer, H. M., & Pretty, G. M. (1999). A review of the sense of community index: Current uses, factor structure, reliability, and further development. Journal of Community psychology, 27(6), 643-658. | Link |
Sexual Attitudes Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, sexuality, relationship | Hendrick, S., Hendrick, C., Slapion-Foote, M. J., & Foote, F. H. (1985). Gender differences in sexual attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48(6), 1630. | Link |
Sexual Awareness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | sexuality, sex roles | Snell Jr, W. E., Fisher, T. D., & Miller, R. S. (1991). Development of the Sexual Awareness Questionnaire: Components, reliability, and validity. Annals of Sex Research, 4(1), 65-92. | Link |
Sexual Experiences Survey | Self-Report | Adult | women, attitudes, sexuality, violence, crime | Koss, M. P., & Oros, C. J. (1982). Sexual experiences survey: a research instrument investigating sexual aggression and victimization. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 50(3), 455. | Link |
Sexual Fantasy Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, sexuality, sex roles | Arndt, W. B., Foehl, J. C., & Good, F. E. (1985). Specific sexual fantasy themes: A multidimensional study. Journal of Personality and Social psychology, 48(2), 472. | Link |
Sexual Relationship Scale | Self-Report | Adult | sexuality, relationship, sex roles | Snell‚ W. E.‚ Jr. (in press). The Sexual Relationship Scale. In C. M. Davis‚ W. L. Yarber‚ and S. L. Davis (Eds.)‚ Handbook of sexuality-related measures. Newbury Park: Sage. | Link |
Sexual Self Disclosure Scale | Self-Report | Adult | sex roles, sense of self | Snell, W. E., Belk, S. S., Papini, D. R., & Clark, S. (1989). Development and validation of the sexual self-disclosure scale. Annals of Sex Research, 2, 307-334. | Link |
Sexuality Scale (SS) | Self-Report | Adult | sexuality | Snell Jr, W. E., & Papini, D. R. (1989). The Sexuality Scale: An instrument to measure sexual esteem, sexual depression, and sexual preoccupation. | Link |
Sheep Goat Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, paranormal | Thalbourne, M. A., and Delin, P. S. (1993). A new instrument for measuring the sheep-goat variable: its psychometric properties and factor structure. J. Soc. Psych. Res. 59, 172–186. | Link |
Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure | Self-Report | Adult | stress, burnout, work, job, mental health | Shirom‚ A. (1989). Burnout in work organizations. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology‚ 4‚ 26 – 48. | Link |
Shirom-Melamed Vigour Measure | Self-Report | Adult | work, job, self-efficacy, mental health, coping | Shirom, A. (2005). Shirom-melamed vigor measure. | Link |
Short Dark Triad Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, maladaptive behaviour, psychopathy, narcissism | Jones, D. N., & Paulhus, D. L. (2014). Introducing the Short Dark Triad (SD3): A brief measure of dark personality traits. Assessment, 21, 28-41. | Link |
Short Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences | Self-Report | Adult | mental health | Mason, O., Claridge, G., & Jackson, M. (1995). New scales for the assessment of schizotypy. Personality and Individual differences, 18(1), 7-13. | Link |
Short Test of Musical Preference | Self-Report | Adult | creativity, expressivity, music | Rentfrow, P. J., & Gosling, S. D. (2003). The do re mi’s of everyday life: The structure and personality correlates of music preferences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 1236-1256. | Link |
Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | work, eating, drugs, alcohol, maladaptive behaviour, relationship, addiction | Christo, G., Jones, S. L., Haylett, S., Stephenson, G. M., Lefever, R. M., & Lefever, R. (2003). The Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire: Further validation of a tool for simultaneous assessment of multiple addictive behaviours. Addictive behaviors, 28(2), 225-248. | Link |
Shyness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | anxiety, communication | McCroskey, J. C., & Richmond, V. P. (1982). Communication apprehension and shyness: Conceptual and operational distinctions. Central States Speech Journal, 33, 458-468. | Link |
Significant Others Scale | Self-Report | Adult | relationship, coping | Power, M. J., Champion, L. A., & Aris, S. J. (1988). The development of a measure of social support: the Significant Others (SOS) Scale. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27(4), 349-358. | Link |
Silver Lining Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | illness, attitudes, coping | Sodergren, S. C. & Hyland, M. E. (1997). Qualitative phase in the development of the Silver Lining Questionnaire. Quality of Life Research, 6, (7-8), 365. | Link |
Sleep Quality Scale | Self-Report | Adult | sleep | Yi, H., Shin, K., & Shin, C. (2006). Development of the sleep quality scale. Journal of sleep research, 15(3), 309-316. | Link |
Smartphone Addiction Scale | Self-Report | Adult | addiction | Kwon M, Lee J-Y, Won W-Y, Park J-W, Min J-A, et al. (2013) Development and Validation of a Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS). PLoS ONE 8(2): e56936. | Link |
Social Dominance Orientation | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, social, social cognition, social behaviour | Pratto, F., Sidanius, J., Stallworth, L. M., & Malle, B. F. (1994). Social dominance orientation: A personality variable predicting social and political attitudes. Journal of personality and social psychology, 67(4), 741. | Link |
Social Dominance Orientation Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, social, behaviour, social cognition | Pratto, F., Sidanius, J., Stallworth, L. M., & Malle, B. F. (1994). Social dominance orientation: A personality variable predicting social and political attitudes. Journal of personality and social psychology, 67(4), 741. | Link |
Social Media Disorder Scale | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, addiction, social media | van den Eijnden, R. J., Lemmens, J. S., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2016). The social media disorder scale. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 478-487. | Link |
Social Network Index | Self-Report | Adult | social | Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Skoner, D. P., Rabin, B. S., & Gwaltney, J. M. Jr. (1997). Social ties and susceptibility to the common cold. Journal of the American Medical Association, 277, 1940-1944 | Link |
Social Norms for Physical Activity and Eating Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, exercise | Ball, K., Jeffery, R. W., Abbott, G., McNaughton, S. A., & Crawford, D. (2010). Is healthy behavior contagious: associations of social norms with physical activity and healthy eating. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 7( | Link |
Social Phobia Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, fear, social cognition, social behaviour | Connor, K. M., Davidson, J. R., Churchill, L. E., Sherwood, A., Weisler, R. H., & Foa, E. (2000). Psychometric properties of the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN): New self-rating scale. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 176(4), 379-386. | Link |
Social Phobia Scale | Self-Report | Adult | shyness, social, anxiety | Mattick, R. P., & Clarke, J. C. (1998). Development and validation of measures of social phobia scrutiny fear and social interaction anxiety. Behaviour research and therapy, 36(4), 455-470. | Link |
Social Physique Anxiety Scale | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, body shape, anxiety, mental health | Hart, E. A., Leary, M. R., & Rejeski, W. J. (1989). The measurement of social physique anxiety. Journal of Sport and exercise Psychology, 11(1), 94-104. | Link |
Social Thoughts and Beliefs Scale | Self-Report | Adult | shyness, social, anxiety | Turner, S. M., Johnson, M. R., Beidel, D. C., Heiser, N. A., & Lydiard, R. B. (2003). The Social Thoughts and Beliefs Scale: a new inventory for assessing cognitions in social phobia. Psychological assessment, 15(3), 384. | Link |
Socially Desirable response Scale -5 | Self-Report | Adult | social cognition, social behaviour | Hays, R. D., Hayashi, T., & Stewart, A. L. (1989). A five-item measure of socially desirable response set. Educational and psychological measurement, 49(3), 629-636. | Link |
Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance | Self-Report | Adult | body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape | Thompson, J. K., Van Den Berg, P., Roehrig, M., Guarda, A. S., & Heinberg, L. J. (2004). The sociocultural attitudes towards appearance scale 3 (SATAQ 3): Development and validation. International journal of eating disorders, 35(3), 293-304. | Link |
Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Scale-4 | Self-Report | Adult | self-esteem, identity, body awareness, body esteem, eating, appearance, body shape, anxiety, sense of self | Schaefer, L. M., Burke, N. L., Thompson, J. K., Dedrick, R. F., Heinberg, L. J., Calogero, R. M., ... & Swami, V. (2015). Development and validation of the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-4 (SATAQ-4). Psychological assessment, 27(1), 54. | Link |
Sociosexuality Orientation Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, sexuality | Simpson, J. A., & Gangestad, S. W. (1991). Individual differences in sociosexuality: evidence for convergent and discriminant validity. Journal of personality and social psychology, 60(6), 870. | Link |
Specific Interpersonal Trust Scale | Self-Report | Adult | personality, relationship, trust, emotion | Johnson-George, C., & Swap, W. C. (1982). Measurement of specific interpersonal trust: Construction and validation of a scale to assess trust in a specific other. Journal of personality and social psychology, 43(6), 1306. | Link |
Spence Children's Anxiety Scale | Self-Report | Child | child, anxiety | Spence, S. H., Barrett, P. M., & Turner, C. M. (2003). Psychometric properties of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale with young adolescents. Journal of anxiety disorders, 17(6), 605-625. | Link |
Spheres of Control | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, locus of control, sense of self, pro-social | Paulhus, D.L., & Van Selst, M. (1990). The Spheres of Control scale: Ten years of research. Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 1029-1036 | Link |
Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT) | Self-Report | Adult | sport, anxiety | Martens, R. et al. (1990) Competitive Anxiety in Sport. Leeds: Human Kinetics | Link |
Sport Emotion Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, sport, emotion | Jones, M. V., Lane, A. M., Bray, S. R., Uphill, M., & Catlin, J. (2005). Development and validation of the Sport Emotion Questionnaire. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 27(4), 407-431. | Link |
Sport Motivation Scale II | Self-Report | Adult | motivation, sport | Pelletier, L. G., Rocchi, M. A., Vallerand, R. J., Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2013). Validation of the revised sport motivation scale (SMS-II). Psychology of sport and exercise, 14(3), 329-341. | Link |
Spousal Investment and Male Parenting Scales | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, relationship, parent, r | Gray, P. B., Kahlenberg, S. M., Barrett, E. S., Lipson, S. F., & Ellison, P. T. (2002). Marriage and fatherhood are associated with lower testosterone in males. Evolution and Human Behavior, 23(3), 193-201. | Link |
State Meta Mood Experience Scale | Self-Report | Adult | mood | Mayer, J. D., & Stevens, A. A. (1994). An emerging understanding of the reflective (meta-) experience of mood. Journal of research in personality, 28(3), 351-373. | Link |
State-Trait-Cheerfulness-Inventory (STCI) | Self-Report | Adult | personality, happiness | Auerbach, S., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., & Ruch, W. (2013). An investigation of the emotions elicited by hospital clowns in comparison to circus clowns and nursing staff. The European Journal of Humour Research, 1(3), 26-54. | Link |
Stereotypes About AIDS Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, illness, attitudes, beliefs, sexuality | Snell, W. E., Finney, P. D., & Godwin, L. J. (1998). The stereotypes about AIDS scale. Handbook of sexuality-related measures, 354-357. | Link |
Stereotypes About Male Sexuality Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, sexuality, gender roles, sex roles | Snell, W. E., Jr., Belk, S. S., & Hawkins, R. C., II. (1986). The Stereotypes About Male Sexuality Scale (SAMSS): Components, correlates, ante- cedents, consequences, and counselor bias. Social and Behavioral Sciences Documents, 16, 10. (Ms. No. 2747) | Link |
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adolescent | attitudes, behaviour, confidence | Goodman, A., & Goodman, R. (2009). Strengths and difficulties questionnaire as a dimensional measure of child mental health. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(4), 400-403. | Link |
Stress in General Scale | Self-Report | Adult | stress, job | Stanton, J. M., Balzer, W. K., Smith, P. C., Parra, L. F., & Ironson, G. (2001). A general measure of work stress: The stress in general scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 61(5), 866-888. | Link |
Stressful Life Experiences Screening | Self-Report | Adult | life events, stress | Goodman, L., Corcoran, C., Turner, K., Yuan, N., & Green, B. (1998). Assessing traumatic event exposure: General issues and preliminary findings for the Stressful Life Events Screening Questionnaire. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 11(3), 521-542. | Link |
Structured Trauma-Related Experiences and Symptoms Screener | Self-Report | Adult | life events, stress, trauma | Grasso, D. J., Ford, J. D., & Greene, C. A. (2019). Preliminary psychometrics of the Structured Trauma-Related Experiences and Symptoms Screener for Adults (STRESS-A) in an urban prenatal healthcare clinic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11(8), 927. | Link |
Student Stress Scale | Self-Report | Adult | stress | Insel, P. M., & Roth, W. (2007). Core Concepts in Health Update. New York City: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages. | Link |
Students' Life Satisfaction Scale | Self-Report | Adult | life events, well-being, satisfaction | Huebner, E. S. (1991). Initial development of the Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale. School Psychology International, 12, 231-243. | Link |
Subjective Happiness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | happiness, well-being | Lyubomirsky, S., & Lepper, H. S. (1999). A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social indicators research, 46, 137-155. | Link |
Survey of Recent Life Experiences | Self-Report | Adult | life events | Kohn, P. M., & Macdonald, J. E. (1992). The Survey of Recent Life Experiences: A decontaminated hassles scale for adults. Journal of behavioral medicine, 15(2), 221-236. | Link |
Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test (Adolescent) | Self-Report | Adolescent | emotional intelligence | Palmer‚ B.‚ & Stough‚ C. (2001). SUEIT: Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test: Interim Technical Manual V2. Organisational Psychology Research Unit‚ Swinburne University: Australia. | Link |
Tactics of Mate Attraction | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, beliefs, sexuality, relationship | Buss, D. M. (1988). The evolution of human intrasexual competition: tactics of mate attraction. Journal of personality and social psychology, 54(4), 616. | Link |
Teacher Academic Optimism Scales | Self-Report | Adult | optimism, teacher, school, education | Hoy, A. W., Hoy, W. K., & Kurz, N. M. (2008). Teacher's academic optimism: The development and test of a new construct. Teaching and teacher education, 24(4), 821-835. | Link |
Teacher Attitudes Toward Inclusion Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, teacher, school, education | Cullen, J. P., Gregory, J. L., & Noto, L. A. (2010). The teacher attitudes toward inclusion scale (TATIS) technical report. Online submission. | Link |
Teacher Burnout Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, stress, burnout, school, education | Richmond, V. P., Wrench, J. S., & Gorham, J. (2001). Communication, affect, and learning in the classroom. Acton, MA: Tapestry Press. | Link |
Teacher Self Efficacy Scales | Self-Report | Adult | self-efficacy, teacher, efficacy, school, education | Tschannen-Moran, M., & Hoy, A. (2001). Teacher efficacy: Capturing an elusive construct. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(7), 783-805. | Link |
Teacher Stress Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | stress, teacher, education | Fimian, M. J. (1984). The development of an instrument to measure occupational stress in teachers: The Teacher Stress Inventory. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 57(4), 277-293. | Link |
Teachers' Creativity Fostering Behaviour Scale | Self-Report | Adult | motivation, teacher, education | Soh, K. (2015). Creativity fostering teacher behaviour around the world: Annotations of studies using the CFTIndex. Cogent Education, 2(1), 1034494. | Link |
Ten Commandments Questionniare | Self-Report | Adult | religiosity | Snell, W. E., & Overbey, G. A. (2008). Assessing belief in the 10 commandments: the multidimensional 10 commandments questionnaire. Journal of religion and health, 47, 188-216. | Link |
Ten Item Personality Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | personality | Gosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., & Swann, W. B., Jr. (2003). A Very Brief Measure of the Big Five Personality Domains. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 504-528. | Link |
The Spiritual Experience Index: | Self-Report | Adult | identity, religion | Genia, V. (1997). The spiritual experience index: Revision and reformulation. Review of religious research, 344-361. | Link |
Thought Control Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | stress, coping | Wells, A., & Davies, M.I (1994) The Thought Control Questionnaire: A measure of individual differences in the control of unwanted thoughts. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 871-878. | Link |
Toronto Alexithymia Scale | Self-Report | Adult | health, mental health | Bagby, R. M., Parker, J. D., & Taylor, G. J. (1994). The twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale—I. Item selection and cross-validation of the factor structure. Journal of psychosomatic research, 38(1), 23-32. | Link |
Toronto Mindfulness Scale | Self-Report | Adult | mindfulness | Lau, M. A., Bishop, S. R., Segal, Z. V., Buis, T., Anderson, N. D., Carlson, L., ... & Devins, G. (2006).. Journal of clinical psychology, 62(12), 1445-1467. | Link |
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | emotional intelligence | Petrides, K. V. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. In C. Stough, D. H. Saklofske, and J. D. Parker, Advances in the assessment of emotional intelligence. New York: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-88370-0_5 | Link |
Trust Scale | Self-Report | Adult | trust | Rotter, J. B. (1967). A new scale for the measurement of interpersonal trust. Journal of Personality, 35(4), 651–665. | Link |
Trust Value Friendship Scale for children | Self-Report | Child | child, trust | Rotenberg, K. J. (1991). The trust-value basis of children’s friendship. Children’s Interpersonal Trust: Sensitivity to Lying, Deception and Promise Violations, 160-172. | Link |
Undergraduate Stress Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | life events, stress, anxiety, education | Crandall, C. S., Preisler, J. J., & Aussprung, J. (1992). Measuring life event stress in the lives of college students: The Undergraduate Stress Questionnaire (USQ). Journal of behavioral medicine, 15, 627-662. | Link |
UPPS | Self-Report | Adult | personality, big 5, impulsivity | Whiteside, S. P., & Lynam, D. R. (2001). The Five Factor Model and impulsivity: using a structural model of personality to understand impulsivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(4), 669-689 | Link |
Uses of Music Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | creativity, music | Chamorro Premuzic, T., & Furnham, A. (2007). Personality and music: Can traits explain how people use music in everyday life?. British journal of psychology, 98(2), 175-185. | Link |
Uses of Music Inventory | Self-Report | Adult | personality, music | Chamorro Premuzic, T., & Furnham, A. (2007). Personality and music: Can traits explain how people use music in everyday life?. British Journal of Psychology, 98(2), 175-185. | Link |
Varieties of Sadistic Tendencies | Self-Report | Adult | personality, attitudes, violence, psychopathy | D. L. Paulhus & D. N. Jones (2015). Measuring dark personalities via questionnaire. In G. J. Boyle, D. H. Saklofske & G. Matthews (Eds.), Measures of personality and social psychological constructs (pp.562-594). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. | Link |
VIVQ | Self-Report | Adult | personality, imagination | Marks, D. F. (1989). Construct validity of the vividness of visual imagery questionnaire. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 69(2), 459-465. | Link |
Warpy Thoughts Scale | Self-Report | Adult | attitudes, maladaptive behaviour | Parslow, R. A., Christensen, H., Griffiths, K. M., & Groves, C. (2006). The Warpy Thoughts Scale: a New 20 Item Instrument to Measure Dysfunctional Attitudes. Cognitive behaviour therapy, 35(2), 106-116. | Link |
Ways of Religious Coping scale | Self-Report | Adult | religion, coping | Boudreaux‚ E.‚ Catz‚ S.‚ Ryan‚ L.‚ & Amaral-Melendez‚ M. (1995). The Ways of Religious Coping Scale: Reliability‚ validity‚ and scale development. Assessment‚ 2(3)‚ 233-244. | Link |
Weight Efficacy Life-Style Questionnaire | Self-Report | Adult | eating, body shape | Ames,G.E., Heckman, M.G. , Grothe, K.B., Clark, M.M. (2012). Eating self-efficacy: Development of a short-form WEL, Eat. Behav. 13 375–378. | Link |
Wender Utah Rating for ADHD | Self-Report | Adult | ADHD | Ward, M. F., Wender, P.H., Reimherr, F.W. (1993) The Wender Utah Rating Scale: An aid in the retrospective diagnosis of childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Am J Psychiatry, 150, 885-890. | Link |
Werry-Weiss-Peters Activity Rating Scale | Self-Report | Child | ADHD | Routh, D. K., Schroeder, C. S., & O'Tuama, L. A. (1974). Development of activity level in children. Developmental Psychology, 10(2), 163. | Link |
WHO-5 Well-Being Index | Self-Report | Adult | well-being | World Health Organization. (1998). Wellbeing measures in primary health care/the depcare project. Copenhagen: WHO, Regional Office for Europe, 1(2), 3. | Link |
Willingness To Communicate | Self-Report | Adult | anxiety, communication | McCroskey, J. C. (1992). Reliability and validity of the willingness to communicate scale. Communication Quarterly, 40, 16-25. | Link |
Work and Social Adjustment Scale | Self-Report | Adult | work, job, social | Mundt, J. C., I. M. Marks, et al. (2002). “The Work and Social Adjustment Scale: A simple measure of impairment in functioning.” Br. J. Psychiatry 180: 461-4 | Link |
Work Locus of Control Scale | Self-Report | Adult | work, locus of control | Spector, P. E. (1988). Development of the work locus of control scale. Journal of occupational psychology, 61(4), 335-340. | Link |
Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, OCD | Goodman, W. K., Price, L. H., Rasmussen, S. A., Mazure, C., Fleischmann, R. L., Hill, C. L., ... & Charney, D. S. (1989). The Yale-Brown obsessive compulsive scale: I. Development, use, and reliability. Archives of general psychiatry, 46(11), 1006-1011. | Link |
YBOCS Body Dysmorphic Disorder | Self-Report | Adult | maladaptive behaviour, OCD, mental health | Phillips, K. A., Hollander, E., Rasmussen, S. A., & Aronowitz, B. R. (1997). A severity rating scale for body dysmorphic disorder: development, reliability, and validity of a modified version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. Psychopharmacology bulletin, 33(1), 17. | Link |
Self-Rating Depression Scale | Self-Report | Adult | depression | Zung, W. W. (1965). A self-rating depression scale. Archives of general psychiatry, 12(1), 63-70. | Link |