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Department of Psychology

Psychometric Tests and Self-Report Questionnaires

Copyrighted Tests

Photocopiable Tests

Tests in Journals and Online

Copyrighted Tests

These tests are only to be administered under the supervision of a suitably qualified individual.

Test Name Author/s Purpose
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition Lord, C., et. al. Used to assess and diagnose autism spectrum disorders across age, developmental level and language skills
British Picture Vocabulary Scale III Dunn, Dunn, & Styles This assessment plays an important role in assessing a child’s receptive (hearing) vocabulary. It helps you identify any delay in vocabulary development, even before children are in full-time education
Dyslexia Adult Screening Test Fawcett, A, & Nicholson, R. Dyslexia Adult Screening Test (DAST) helps screen for dyslexia and other learning difficulties
Dyslexia Early Screening Test Nicholson, R. & Fawcett, A. Evaluates whether a young child is experiencing difficulty in areas known to be affected in dyslexia
Family Relations Test Gives an objective indication of feelings and emotions a child has towards family members. Emotional attachments
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Kaufman, A. S. & Kaufman, N. L. A culturally fair ability test for all children. It is an effective and individually administered measure of cognitive ability
NEPSY-II: A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment, Second Edition Kemp, S., Kirk. U., & Korkman, M. Results provide information relating to typical childhood disorders, enabling accurate diagnosis and intervention planning for success in school and at home
Symptom Checklist-90-Revised Derogatis, L. It is designed to evaluate a broad range of psychological problems and symptoms of psychopathology
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test 3rd Edition Wechsler, D. WIAT-III provides a reliable assessment of reading, language and numerical attainment in one test
Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence Wechsler, D. The Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence - Third UK Edition (WPPSI-III UK) is a user-friendly, reliable and valid measure of intelligence in young children

Photocopiable Tests

These tests are available for all staff and students at Hope, you may photocopy these resources for research purposes.

Approaches to the measurement of health-related attributions
Test Name Author/s
Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (NFER-Nelson)
Introduction and Global Measures of Distress
The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12)Goldberg (1972)
The Fear Questionnaire Marks and Matthews (1979)
The Mobility Inventory for AgoraphobiaChambless et al (1985)
The Clinical Anxiety Scale (CAS)Snaith et al (1982)
The Padua Inventory Sanavio (1988)
Habit Disorder
The Morgan-Russell Assessment Schedule (MRAS)Morgan and Russell (1975)
The Body Shape Questionnaire Cooper et al (1987)
The Short Alcohol Dependence Data (SADD)Raistrick et al (1983)
Psychological Adjustment to Illness
The McGill Pain QuestionnaireMelzack (1995)
Interpersonal Difficulties
Social Activities and Distress Scale (SAD)Watson and Friend (1969)
Inventory of Interpersonal problems (IIP)Horowitz et al (1988)
The Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual SatisfactionRust and Golombok (1986)
The Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital StateRust et al (1988)
Stress, Coping and Social Support
Hassles and Uplifts ScalesKanner et al (1981)
The Significant Others Scale (SOS)Power et al (1988)
The Coping Responses Inventory (CRI)Moos (1990)
Inventory for Depressive Symptomology (IDS)Rush et al (1986)
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD)Zigmond and Snaith (1983)
Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio
Pain and Pain Behaviours
McGill Pain QuestionnaireMelzack (1995)
UAB Pain Behaviour ScaleRichards et al (1982)
Beliefs About Pain Control QuestionnaireSkevington (1990)
Pain Coping Strategies QuestionnaireRosentiel and Keefe (1983)
Varni-Thompson Paediatric Pain QuestionnaireVarni et al (1987)
COPECarver et al (1989)
Mental Adjustment to Cancer ScaleWatson et al (1988)
Health Status and Health Related Quality of Life
Perceived Health StatusWright (1987)
Satisfaction With Life ScaleDiener et al (1985)
Acceptance of Illness ScaleFelton et al (1985)
Quality of Adjusted Life Year IndexRosser and Kind (1988)
Illness Specific Measurement
a) Arthritis Impact Measurement ScaleMeenan et al (1965)
b)Rotterdam Symptom ChecklistDe Haes et al (1990)
Illness Symptoms, Disability and Recovery
Barthel IndexMahoney and Barthel (1965)
Functional Limitations profilePatrick and Peach (1989)
Measuring Symptoms
Expectations, Experience, and Evaluations of Health Care
Attitudes Towards Doctors and Medicine ScaleMarteau (1990)
Patient Request FormSalmon and Quine (1989)
Krantz Health Opinion SurveyKrantz et al (1980)
Cancer Attitude InventoryBerrenberg (1991)
Prejudicial Evaluation and Social Interaction ScaleSt Lawrence et al (1990)
Medical Interview Satisfaction ScaleWolf et al (1978)
Individual and Demographic Differences
Framingham Type A Behaviour Pattern MeasureHaynes et al (1983)
Framingham Anger MeasureHaynes et al (1983)
Courtauld Emotional Control ScaleWatson and Greer (1983)
Marlowe-Crowne ScaleCrowne and Marlowe (1960)
Positive and Negative Affect ScheduleWatson et al (1988)
Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic LanguidnessPennebaker (1982)
Rosenberg Self Esteem ScaleRosenberg (1989)
Life Orientation TestScheier and Carver (1985)
Causal and Control Beliefs
Multidimensional Health Locus of Control ScaleWallston et al (1978)
Children’s Health Locus of Control ScaleParcel and Meyer (1978)
Perceived Control of Insulin Dependent DiabetesBradley et al 91984)
Recovery of Locus of ControlPartridge and Johnson (1989)
Self Efficacy Measurement
Specific Self-Efficacy beliefsWegner et al (1993)
Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale
Beliefs and Knowledge About Health and Illness
Health Value ScaleLau et al (1986)
Health Related Behaviour
General Preventative Health Behaviours ChecklistAmir (1987)
Reported Health Behaviours ChecklistProhaska et al (1985)

Tests in Journals & Online Resources

These tests are available for all staff and students at Hope, you may photocopy these resources for research purposes.

0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z |

Test Name Type Population Keywords Reference Link or DOI
10 item questionnaire of Smoking UrgesSelf-ReportAdulthealth, behaviour, addictionWest, R., & Ussher, M. (2010). Is the ten-item Questionnaire of Smoking Urges (QSU-brief) more sensitive to abstinence than shorter craving measures?. Psychopharmacology, 208(3), 427-432.Link
15D Measure of Health Related Quality of LifeSelf-ReportAdulthealth, quality of lifeSintonen, H. (1995). The 15D-measure of health-related quality of life. II. Feasibility, reliability and validity of its valuation system. National Centre for Health Program Evaluation, Working Paper 42, Melbourne.Link
16D Measure of Health Related Quality of Life (age12-15)Self-ReportAdolescenthealth, quality of lifeApajasalo, M., Sintonen, H., Holmberg, C., Sinkkonen, J., Aalberg, V., Pihko, H., ... & Rautonen, J. (1996). Quality of life in early adolescence: a sixteen dimensional health-related measure (16D). Quality of Life Research, 5, 205-211.Link
17D Measure of Health related Quality of Life (age 8-11) Self-ReportChildhealth, quality of lifeApajasalo, M., Rautonen, J., Holmberg, C., Sinkkonen, J., Aalberg, V., Pihko, H., ... & Sintonen, H. (1996). Quality of life in pre-adolescence: a 17-dimensional health-related measure (17D). Quality of Life Research, 5, 532-538.Link
33 Item Emotional Intelligence Scale Self-ReportAdultemotional intelligenceSchutte, N. S., Malouff, J. M., Bobik, C., Coston, T. D., Greeson, C., Jedlicka, C., ... & Wendorf, G. (2001). Emotional intelligence and interpersonal relations. The Journal of social psychology, 141(4), 523-536.Link
h>Abbreviated Dyadic Adjustment ScaleSelf-ReportAdultrelationshipSabourin, S., Valois, P., & Lussier, Y. (2005). Development and validation of a brief version of the dyadic adjustment scale with a nonparametric item analysis model. Psychological assessment, 17(1), 15.Link
Abridged Job Descriptive IndexSelf-ReportAdultwork, organisational, careerStanton, J. M., Sinar, E. F., Balzer, W. K., Julian, A. L., Thoresen, P., Aziz, S., ... & Smith, P. C. (2002). Development of a compact measure of job satisfaction: The abridged Job Descriptive Index. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 62(1), 173-Link
Academic DishonestySelf-ReportAdultattitudes, behaviour, educationMcCabe, D. L., & Trevino, L. K. (1993). Academic dishonesty: Honor codes and other contextual influences. Journal of higher education, 522-538.Link
Academic Motivation ScaleSelf-ReportAdultself-efficacy, motivationVallerand, R. J., Pelletier, L. G., Blais, M. R., Briere, N. M., Senecal, C., & Vallieres, E. F. (1992). The Academic Motivation Scale: A measure of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation in education. Educational and psychological measurement, 52(4), 1003Link
Academic Stress ScaleSelf-ReportAdultstress, anxiety, educationKohn, J. P., & Frazer, G. H. (1986). An academic stress scale: Identification and rated importance of academic stressors. Psychological reports, 59(2), 415-426.Link
Adolescent Invulnerability Scale & Adolescent Personal Uniqueness ScaleSelf-ReportAdolescentattitudes, unique, adolescentDuggan, P. M., Lapsley, D. K., & Norman, K. (2001). Adolescent invulnerability and personal uniqueness: Scale development and initial construct validation (Doctoral dissertation, Ball State University).Link
Adolescent SUEITSelf-ReportAdolescentemotional intelligenceLuebbers, S., Downey, L. A., & Stough, C. (2007). The development of an adolescent measure of EI. Personality and Individual Differences, 42(6), 999-1009.Link
Adult ADHD Self-Report ScaleSelf-ReportAdultADHDKessler, R. C., Adler, L., Ames, M., Demler, O., Faraone, S., Hiripi, E., Howes, M. J., Jin, R., Secnik, K., Spencer, T., Ustun, T. B., & Walters, E. E. (2005). The World Health Organization Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS): a short screening scale for use in the general population. Psychological Medicine, 35(2), 245–256.Link
Adult Attachment Styles QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultrelationship, attachmentHazan, C., & Shaver, P. (1987). Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of personality and social psychology, 52(3), 511.Link
Affect Intensity MeasureSelf-ReportAdultemotion, expressivityLarsen, R. J., Diener, E., & Emmons, R. A. (1986). Affect intensity and reactions to daily life events. Journal of personality and social psychology, 51(4), 803.Link
Affective Communication TestSelf-ReportAdultemotion, expressivityFriedman, H. S., Prince, L. M., Riggio, R. E., & DiMatteo, M. R. (1980). Understanding and assessing nonverbal expressiveness: the affective communication test. Journal of personality and social psychology, 39(2), 333.Link
Affective Communication Test (ACT)Self-ReportAdultemotion, communication, affectFriedman, H. S., Prince, L. M., Riggio, R. E., & DiMatteo, M. R. (1980). Understanding and assessing nonverbal expressiveness: The Affective Communication Test. Journal of personality and social psychology, 39(2), 333.Link
Affective LearningSelf-ReportAdultMcCroskey, J. C. (1994). Assessment of affect toward communication and affect toward instruction in communication. In S Morreale & M. Brooks (Eds.), 1994 SCA summer conference proceedings and prepared remarks: Assessing college student competence in speech communication. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication AssociationLink
Aggression QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultaggressionBuss, A. H., & Perry, M. (1992). The aggression questionnaire. Journal of personality and social psychology, 63(3), 452.Link
Aggressive Fantiasies QuestionnaireSelf-ReportChildaggression, violence, risk, mental healthNadel, H., Spellmann, M., Alvarez-Canino, T., Lausell-Bryant, L., & Landsberg, G. (1996). The cycle of violence and victimization: A study of the school-based intervention of a multidisciplinary youth violence-prevention program. American journal of preventive medicine, 12(5), 109-119.Link
AIDS Discussion Strategy Scale Self-ReportAdulthealth, illnessSnell Jr, W. E. (1998). AIDS Discussion Strategy Scale. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, 348.Link
Alcohol Abstinence Self -Efficacy ScaleSelf-ReportAdultself-efficacy, alcoholDiClemente, C. C., Carbonari, J. P., Montgomery, R. P., & Hughes, S. O. (1994). The Alcohol Abstinence Self-Efficacy scale. Journal of studies on alcohol, 55(2), 141-148.Link
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification TestSelf-ReportAdultalcohol, addictionBabor, T. F., Higgins-Biddle, J. C., Saunders, J. B., & Monteiro, M. G. (2001). The alcohol use disorders identification test (pp. 1-37). Geneva: World Health Organization.Link
Appraisal of Life Events ScaleSelf-ReportAdultlife eventsFerguson, E., Matthews, G., & Cox, T. (1999). The appraisal of life events (ALE) scale: Reliability and validity. British Journal of Health Psychology, 4(2), 97-116.Link
Appraisal of Social Concern ScaleAdultshyness, social, anxietyTelch, M. J., Lucas, R. A., Smits, J. A., Powers, M. B., Heimberg, R., & Hart, T. (2004). Appraisal of social concerns: A cognitive assessment instrument for social phobia. Depression and Anxiety, 19(4), 217-224.Link
Arthritis Self Efficacy ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthealth, self-efficacyLorig, K., Chastain, R. L., Ung, E., Shoor, S., & Holman, H. R. (1989). Development and evaluation of a scale to measure perceived self efficacy in people with arthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 32(1), 37-44.Link
Aspects of Identity Questionnaire-RevisedSelf-ReportAdultidentityCheek, J. M., Tropp, L. R., Chen, L. C., & Underwood, M. K. Aspects of Identity Questionnaire--Revised. Personality and Individual Differences.Link
Athlete Drinking ScaleSelf-ReportAdultalcohol, sportMartens, M. P., Watson II, J. C., Royland, E. M., & Beck, N. C. (2005). Development of the athlete drinking scale. Psychology of addictive behaviors, 19(2), 158.Link
Attitudes to Women Questionnaire- Short VersionSelf-ReportAdultwomen, attitudes, beliefsSpence, J. T., Helmreich, R., & Stapp, J. (1973). A short version of the Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS). Bulletin of the Psychonomic society, 2(4), 219-220.Link
Attitudes Towards SelfSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefsCarver, C. S., La Voie, L., Kuhl, J., & Ganellen, R. J. (1988). Cognitive concomitants of depression: A further examination of the roles of generalization, high standards, and self-criticism. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 7, 350-365.Link
Auburn Differential Masculinity InventorySelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviourBurk, L. R., Burkhart, B. R., & Sikorski, J. F. (2004). Construction and Preliminary Validation of the Auburn Differential Masculinity Inventory. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 5(1), 4.Link
Authoritarianism-Rebellion ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonalityKohn, P. M. (1972). The authoritarianism-rebellion scale: A balanced F scale with left-wing reversals. Sociometry, 176-189.Link
Autism Parenting Stress IndexSelf-ReportAdultstress, parentSilva, L. M., & Schalock, M. (2012). Autism parenting stress index: Initial psychometric evidence. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(4), 566-574.Link
Autism Self-Efficacy Scale for TeachersSelf-ReportAdultself-efficacy, teacher, efficacy, schoolRuble, L. A., Toland, M. D., Birdwhistell, J. L., McGrew, J. H., & Usher, E. L. (2013). Preliminary study of the autism self-efficacy scale for teachers (ASSET). Research in autism spectrum disorders, 7(9), 1151-1159.Link
Avoidance Strategy QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultsocial supportBelk, S. S., & Snell, W. E., Jr. . (2013) . The Avoidance Strategy Questionnaire (ASQ) . Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. Retrieved from www.midss.ieLink
Beck Anxiety InventorySelf-ReportAdultanxietyBeck, A. T., Epstein, N., Brown, G., & Steer, R. (1993). Beck anxiety inventory. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.Link
Belief About Women ScaleSelf-ReportAdultwomen, attitudes, beliefsBelk, S. S., & Snell Jr, W. E. (1986). Beliefs about women: Components and correlates. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 12(4), 403-413.Link
Belief in a Dangerous WorldSelf-ReportAdultbeliefsDuckitt ,J., Wagner, C., duPlessis ,I.,& Birum ,I.(2002).The psychological basesof ideology and prejudice: Testing a dual process model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83(1) ,75–93Link
Bem Sex-role InventorySelf-ReportAdultsex rolesBem, S. L. (1981). Bem sex role inventory. Journal of personality and social psychology.Link
Bergen Facebook Addiction ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviour, addiction, social behaviourAndreassen, C. S., Torsheim, T., Brunborg, G. S., & Pallesen, S. (2012). Development of a Facebook addiction scale. Psychological reports, 110(2), 501-517.Link
Bergen Shopping Addiction ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviour, behaviour, impulsivity, addiction, consumer, materialismAndreassen, C. S., Griffiths, M. D., Pallesen, S., Bilder, R. M., Torsheim, T., & Aboujaoude, E. (2015). The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: Reliability and validity of a brief screening test. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1374.Link
Berkeley Expressivity QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultimpulsivity, emotion, expressivityGross, J. J., John, O. P., & Richards, J. (1995). Berkeley expressivity questionnaire. Edwin Mellen Press.Link
Berlin Social Support ScalesSelf-ReportAdultsocialSchwarzer, R., & Schulz, U. (2000). Berlin social support scales (BSSS). (Retrieved date)Link
Bi-dimensional Impression Management InventorySelf-ReportAdultwork, job, organisationalKitching, S. (2009). The bi-dimensional impression management index (BIMI): A measure of agentic and communal impression management (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia).Link
Binge Eating ScaleSelf-ReportAdulteating, behaviourGormally, J., Black, S., Daston, S., & Rardin, D. (1982). The assessment of binge eating severity among obese persons. Addictive behaviors, 7(1), 47-55.Link
BIS/BAS scalesSelf-ReportAdultaggression, inhibitionCarver, C. S., & White, T. L. (1994). Behavioral inhibition, behavioral activation, and affective responses to impending reward and punishment: the BIS/BAS scales. Journal of personality and social psychology, 67(2), 319.Link
Body Awareness QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeShields, S. A., Mallory, M. E., & Simon, A. (1989). The body awareness questionnaire: Reliability and validity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 53(4), 802-815.Link
Body Comparison ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeFisher, E., Dunn, M., & Thompson, J. K. (2002). Social comparison and body image: An investigation of body comparison processes using multidimensional scaling. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 21(5), 566-579.Link
Body Esteem Scale - RevisedSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeFrost, K. A., Franzoi, S. L., Oswald, D. L., & Shields, S. A. (2017). Revising the Body Esteem Scale with a U.S. college student sample: Evaluation, validation, and uses for the BES-R. Sex Roles.Link
Body Image QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeHuddy, D. C., Nieman, D. C., & Johnson, R. L. (1993). Relationship between body image and percent body fat among college male varsity athletes and nonathletes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 77(3), 851-857.Link
Body Image SatisfactionAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeRodrigues, F., Monteiro, D., Flores, P., & Forte, P. (2021, July). On Redefining the Body Image Satisfaction Questionnaire: A Preliminary Test of Multidimensionality. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 7, p. 876). MDPI.Link
Body Shape PreferenceSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeShih, M. Y., & Kubo, C. (2005). Body shape preference and body satisfaction of Taiwanese and Japanese female college students. Psychiatry Research, 133(2), 263-271.Link
Body Shape QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeCooper, P. J., Taylor, M. J., Cooper, Z., & Fairbum, C. G. (1987). The development and validation of the Body Shape Questionnaire. International Journal of eating disorders, 6(4), 485-494.Link
Brief Fear of Negative EvaluationSelf-ReportAdultsocial, anxiety, social behaviourCarleton, R. N., McCreary, D. R., Norton, P. J., & Asmundson, G. J. (2006). Brief fear of negative evaluation scale—revised. Depression and anxiety, 23(5), 297-303.Link
Brief HAPPISelf-ReportAdultcognitive, mental healthMansell, W., & Jones, S. H. (2006). The Brief-HAPPI: A questionnaire to assess cognitions that distinguish between individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and non-clinical controls. Journal of Affective Disorders, 93(1), 29-34.Link
Brief Illness Perception QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdulthealth, illnessBroadbent, E., Petrie, K. J., Main, J., & Weinman, J. (2006). The brief illness perception questionnaire. Journal of psychosomatic research, 60(6), 631-637.Link
Brief Illness Perception QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultillnessBroadbent, E., Petrie, K. J., Main, J., & Weinman, J. (2006). The brief illness perception questionnaire. Journal of psychosomatic research, 60(6), 631-637.Link
Brief Index of Affective Job SatisfactionSelf-ReportAdultwork, job, organisational, career, satisfactionThompson, E. R., & Phua, F. T. (2012). A brief index of affective job satisfaction. Group & Organization Management, 37(3), 275-307.Link
Brief Mood Introspection ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmoodMayer, J. D., & Gaschke, Y. N. (1988). The experience and meta-experience of mood. Journal of personality and social psychology, 55(1), 102.Link
Brief Pain InventorySelf-ReportAdulthealth, illness, painCleeland, C. S., & Ryan, K. M. (1991). The brief pain inventory. Pain Research Group.Link
Brief Psychiatric Rating ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmental healthVentura, J., Green, M. F., Shaner, A., & Liberman, R. P. (1993). Training and quality assurance with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale:The drift busters.". International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.Link
Brief Resilience ScaleSelf-ReportAdultcoping, resilienceSmith, B. W., Dalen, J., Wiggins, K., Tooley, E., Christopher, P., & Bernard, J. (2008). The brief resilience scale: assessing the ability to bounce back. International journal of behavioral medicine, 15, 194-200.Link
Brief Resilience ScaleSelf-ReportAdultresilienceSmith, B. W., Dalen, J., Wiggins, K., Tooley, E., Christopher, P., & Bernard, J. (2008). The brief resilience scale: assessing the ability to bounce back. International journal of behavioral medicine, 15(3), 194-200.Link
Brief Resilient Coping ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, coping, resilienceSinclair, V. G., & Wallston, K. A. (2004). The development and psychometric evaluation of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale. Assessment, 11(1), 94-101.Link
Bully IndexSelf-ReportAdultbullying, aggression, behaviourSmith, P. A., & Hoy, W. K. (2004). Teachers' perceptions of student bullying: a conceptual and empirical analysis. Journal of school Leadership, 14(3), 308-326.Link
Cambridge Behaviour ScaleSelf-ReportAdultemotional intelligence, behaviour, empathy, emotional intelligenceBaron-Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2004). The empathy quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 34(2), 163-175.Link
Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions ScaleSelf-ReportAdultfearBell, V., Halligan, P. W., & Ellis, H. D. (2006). The Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale (CAPS): a new validated measure of anomalous perceptual experience. Schizophrenia bulletin, 32(2), 366-377.Link
Career Satisfaction ScaleSelf-ReportAdultwork, career, satisfactionGreenhaus, J. H., Parasuraman, S., & Wormley, W. M. (1990). Effects of race on organizational experiences, job performance evaluations, and career outcomes. Academy of management Journal, 33(1), 64-86.Link
Child and Youth Resilience MeasureSelf-ReportChild, Adolescentchild, social support, social behaviour, resilienceUngar, M., & Liebenberg, L. (2011). Assessing resilience across cultures using mixed methods: Construction of the child and youth resilience measure. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 5(2), 126-149.Link
Child Surgery WorriesSelf-ReportChildhealth, illness, childQuiles, M. J., Ortigosa, J. M., Méndez, F. X., & Pedroche, S. (1999). THE CHILD SURGERY WORRIES QUESTIONNAIRE ADOLESCENT FORM. Psicothema, 11(3), 601-609.Link
Children's Eating Behaviour QuestionnaireParent/Carer ReportChildeating,childWardle, J., Guthrie, C.A., Sanderson, S., Rapoport, L. (2001)Development of the Children's Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. J Child Psychol 42, 963-970.Link
Children's General Trust Beliefs Scale (CGTB)Self-ReportChildbeliefs, child, trustRotenberg, K. J., Fox, C., Green, S., Ruderman, L., Slater, K., Stevens, K., & Carlo, G. (2005). Construction and validation of a children's interpersonal trust belief scale. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 23(2), 271-293.Link
Chronic Disease Self EfficacySelf-ReportAdulthealth, illness, self-efficacyLorig KR, Sobel, DS, Ritter PL, Laurent, D, Hobbs, M. Effect of a self-management program for patients with chronic disease. Effective Clinical Practice, 4, 2001,pp. 256-262.Link
Clinical Anger ScaleSelf-ReportAdultangerSnell Jr, W. E., Gum, S., Shuck, R. L., Mosley, J. A., & Kite, T. L. (1995). The clinical anger scale: Preliminary reliability and validity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51(2), 215-226.Link
Clinical Assessment of Multi-impulsivity ChecklistSelf-ReportAdultbehaviour, impulsivityEvans, C. D. H., Searle, Y., & Dolan, B. M. (1998). Two new tools for the assessment of multi impulsivity: the ‘MIS’and the ‘CAM’. European Eating Disorders Review: The Professional Journal of the Eating Disorders Association, 6(1), 48-57.Link
Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale -revisedSelf-ReportAdultemotional intelligence, emotion, mindfulnessFeldman, G., Hayes, A., Kumar, S., Greeson, J., & Laurenceau, J. P. (2007). Mindfulness and emotion regulation: The development and initial validation of the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised (CAMS-R). Journal of Psychopathology and BehaviourLink
Cognitive Emotion Regulation QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultcognitive, coping, emotionGarnefski, N., & Kraaij, V. (2006). Cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire–development of a short 18-item version (CERQ-short). Personality and individual differences, 41(6), 1045-1053.Link
Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Short)Self-ReportAdultpersonality, emotional intelligenceGarnefski, N., & Kraaij, V. (2006). Cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire–development of a short 18-item version (CERQ-short). Personality and individual differences, 41(6), 1045-1053.Link
Cognitive Failures QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultcognitiveBroadbent, D. E., Cooper, P. F., FitzGerald, P., & Parkes, K. R. (1982). The cognitive failures questionnaire (CFQ) and its correlates. British journal of clinical psychology, 21(1), 1-16.Link
Cohen-Hoberman Inventory of Physical SymptomsSelf-ReportAdulthealth, illness, well-beingCohen, S., & Hoberman, H. M. (1983). Cohen-Hoberman inventory of physical symptoms. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.Link
Collective Coping Styles InventorySelf-ReportAdultpersonality, coping, collectiveHeppner, P. P., Heppner, M. J., Lee, D. G., Wang, Y. W., Park, H. J., & Wang, L. F. (2006). Development and validation of a collectivist coping styles inventory. Journal of counseling psychology, 53(1), 107.Link
Collective Self Esteem ScaleSelf-ReportAdultself-esteemLuhtanen, R., & Crocker, J. (1992). A collective self-esteem scale: Self-evaluation of one's social identity. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 18(3), 302-318.Link
Collective Teacher EfficacySelf-ReportAdultself-efficacyGoddard, R. D., Hoy, W. K., & Hoy, A. W. (2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its meaning, measure, and impact on student achievement. American educational research journal, 37(2), 479-507.Link
Collectivist Coping Styles InventorySelf-ReportAdultcoping, collectiveHeppner, P. P., Heppner, M. J., Lee, D. G., Wang, Y. W., Park, H. J., & Wang, L. F. (2006). Development and validation of a collectivist coping styles inventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(1), 107.Link
Coming Out Growth ScaleSelf-ReportAdultself-esteem, stress, sexuality, social supportVaughan, M. D., & Waehler, C. A. (2010). Coming out growth: Conceptualizing and measuring stress-related growth associated with coming out to others as a sexual minority. Journal of adult development, 17, 94-109.Link
Commitment InventorySelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, relationshipStanley, S. M., & Markman, H. J. (1992). Assessing commitment in personal relationships. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 595-608.Link
Commitment Inventory RevisedSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, relationshipOwen, J., Rhoades, G. K., Stanley, S. M., & Markman, H. J. (2011). The Revised Commitment Inventory: Psychometrics and use with unmarried couples. Journal of family issues, 32(6), 820-841.Link
Community Involvement ScaleSelf-ReportAdolescentcommunity involvementOman‚ R. F.‚ Vesely‚ S.K.‚ McLeroy‚ K.R.‚ Harris-Wyatt‚ V.‚ Aspy‚ C.B.‚ Rodine‚ S. & Marshall‚ L. (2002). Reliability and validity of the youth asset survey. Journal of Adolescent Health (31)‚ 247-255.Link
Components of Attitudes Toward HomosexualitySelf-ReportAdultattitudes, sexualityLaMar, L., & Kite, M. (1998). Sex differences in attitudes toward gay men and lesbians: A multidimensional perspective. Journal of Sex Research, 35(2), 189-196.Link
Comprehensive Inventory of ThrivingSelf-ReportAdultquality of life, well-being, community involvement, mental health, trust, loneliness, pro-socialSu, R., Tay, L., & Diener, E. (2014). The development and validation of the Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving (CIT) and the Brief Inventory of Thriving (BIT). Applied Psychology: Health and Well Being, 6(3), 251-279.Link
Comprehensive Misconduct InventorySelf-ReportAdultbullying, driving, drugs, maladaptive behaviour, violenceArvan, M. (2015). Shocking news for social liberals and economic conservatives? Moral judgments and the Comprehensive Misconduct Inventory. Available at SSRN: or Link
Comprehensive Quality of LifeSelf-ReportAdultquality of lifeCummins, R. A., Mccabe, M. P., Romeo, Y., & Gullone, E. (1994). Validity studies the comprehensive quality of life scale (Comqol): Instrument development and psychometric evaluation on college staff and students. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54(2), 372-382.Link
Computer Anxiety Ratings ScaleSelf-ReportAdultanxietyHeinssen‚ R.K.‚ Glass‚ C.R.‚ & Knight‚ L.A. (1987). Assessing computer anxiety: Development and validation of the Computer Anxiety Rating Scale. Computers in Human Behavior‚ 3‚ 49-59.Link
Conflict Between Sexes InstrumentSelf-ReportAdultrelationship, gender roles, communicationBuss, D. (2013) . Conflict Between the Sexes Instrument . Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science.Link
Conflict Tactics Scale - RevisedSelf-ReportAdultaggression, relationship, violenceStraus, M. A., Hamby, S. L., Boney-McCoy, S. U. E., & Sugarman, D. B. (1996). The revised conflict tactics scales (CTS2) development and preliminary psychometric data. Journal of family issues, 17(3), 283-316.Link
Consideration of Future Consequences ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthealth, well-being, alcohol, behaviourPetrocelli, J. V. (2003). Factor validation of the consideration of future consequences scale: Evidence for a short version. The Journal of social psychology, 143(4), 405-413.Link
Consumer Alienation ScaleSelf-ReportAdultalienation, consumer, marketingAllison, N. K. (1978). A psychometric development of a test for consumer alienation from the marketplace. Journal of Marketing Research, 15(4), 565-575.Link
Consumer's Need for UniquenessSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, consumer, uniqueKelly Tepper Tian, William O. Bearden, Gary L. Hunter; Consumers' Need for Uniqueness: Scale Development and Validation, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 28, Issue 1, 1 June 2001, Pages 50–66,
Contentment with Life Assessment ScaleSelf-ReportAdultlife events, happiness, satisfactionLavallee, L. F., Hatch, P. M., Michalos, A. C., & McKinley, T. (2007). Development of the contentment with life assessment scale (CLAS): Using daily life experiences to verify levels of self-reported life satisfaction. Social Indicators Research, 83(2), 2Link
Contingencies of Self WorthSelf-ReportAdultself-esteem, social, appearance, social cognitionCrocker, J., & Knight, K. M. (2005). Contingencies of self-worth. Current directions in psychological science, 14(4), 200-203.Link
Contour Rating ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeThompson, M. A., & Gray, J. J. (1995). Development and validation of a new body-image assessment scale. Journal of personality assessment, 64(2), 258-269.Link
COPESelf-ReportAdultcopingCarver, C. S., Scheier, M. F., & Weintraub, J. K. (1989). Assessing coping strategies: A theoretically based approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 267-283.Link
Coping Competence QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultdepression, behaviour, copingSchroder, K. E., & Ollis, C. L. (2013). The Coping Competence Questionnaire: A measure of resilience to helplessness and depression. Motivation and Emotion, 37, 286-302.Link
Coping Styles Questionnaire for Social SituationsSelf-ReportAdultanxiety, social behaviour, copingAntony, M.M., McCabe, R.E.,& Fournier, K. (2001). The Coping Styles Questionnaire for Social Situations. Hamilton, ON: Anxiety Treatment and Research Centre. Link
Creative Achievement QuestionniareSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, creativityCarson, S. H., Peterson, J. B., & Higgins, D. M. (2005). Reliability, validity, and factor structure of the creative achievement questionnaire. Creativity research journal, 17(1), 37-50.Link
Creative Behaviour InventorySelf-ReportAdultbehaviour, creativityHocevar, D. (1980). Intelligence, divergent thinking, and creativity. Intelligence, 4, 25-40Link
Creative Experiences QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, creativityMerckelbach, H., Horselenberg, R., & Muris, P. (2001). The Creative Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ): A brief self-report measure of fantasy proneness. Personality and Individual differences, 31(6), 987-995.Link
Creative Mindsets ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbeliefs, creativityKarwowski, M. (2014). Creative mindsets: Measurement, correlates, consequences. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 8(1), 62.Link
Creative Self-Efficacy ScaleSelf-ReportAdultself-efficacy, creativityBeghetto, R. A. (2006). Creative self-efficacy: Correlates in middle and secondary students. Creativity Research Journal, 18(4), 447-457.Link
Creativity Styles Questrionnaire RevisedSelf-ReportAdultcreativityKumar, V.k. & Holman, E. R. (1997). The creativity Styles Questionnaire-Revised. Unpublished Psychological Test. Department of Psychology, West Chester University of Pennsylvania. West Chester, PA 19383.Link
Curiosity and Exploration Inventory IISelf-ReportAdultcreativityKashdan‚ T. B.‚ Gallagher‚ M. W.‚ Silvia‚ P.‚ Breen‚ W. E.‚ Terhar‚ D.‚ & Steger‚ M. F. (2009). The Curiosity and Exploration Inventory-II: Development‚ factor structure‚ and initial psychometrics. Journal of Research in Personality‚ 43(6)‚ 987-998.Link
Current Thoughts ScaleSelf-ReportAdultself-esteemHeatherton, T.F. & Polivy, J. (1991). Development and validation of a scale for measuring state self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 895-910. Link
Cyber Motivations for Aggression and DevianceSelf-ReportAdultaggression, trolling DeMarsico, D., Bounoua, N., Miglin, R., & Sadeh, N. (2021). Aggression in the Digital Era: Assessing the Validity of the Cyber Motivations for Aggression and Deviance Scale. Assessment, 1073191121990088.Link
th>DASSSelf-ReportAdultdepressionParkitny, L., & McAuley, J. (2010). The depression anxiety stress scale (DASS). Journal of physiotherapy, 56(3), 204.Link
Day Reconstruction MethodSelf-ReportAdultquality of life, life eventsKahneman, D., Krueger, A. B., Schkade, D. A., Schwarz, N., & Stone, A. A. (2004). A survey method for characterizing daily life experience: The day reconstruction method. Science, 306(5702), 1776-1780.Link
Death Attitude Profile and Revised versionSelf-ReportAdultattitudesWong, P. T., Reker, G. T., & Gesser, G. (1994). Death Attitude Profile-Revised: A multidimensional measure of attitudes toward death. Death anxiety handbook: Research, instrumentation, and application, 121, 121-148.Link
Deffenbacher Driving Aggression ScaleSelf-ReportAdultaggression, drivingDeffenbacher, J.L., Oetting, E.R., & Lynch, R.S. (1994). Development of a Driving Anger Scale. Psychological Reports, 74, 83-91.Link
Depressive Life Experiences ScaleSelf-ReportAdultlife events, depressionSnell, W. E., Jr., Hawkins, R. C. II, & Belk, S. S. (1990). Measuring depressive life experiences. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 605-613.Link
Diabetes Self Efficacy ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthealth, illness, self-efficacyUnpublishedLink
Dickman's Impulsivity InventorySelf-ReportAdultpersonality, big 5, impulsivityDickman, S. J. (1990). Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity: personality and cognitive correlates. Journal of personality and social psychology, 58(1), 95.Link
Dieting Beliefs ScaleSelf-ReportAdulteatingStotland, S. & Zuroff, D.C. (1990). A new measure of weight locus of control: The Dieting Beliefs Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 54, 191-203.Link
Differential Loneliness Scale (non-student version)Self-ReportAdultlonelinessSchmidt‚ N. & Sermat‚ V. (1983). Measuring loneliness in different relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 44‚ 1038-1047.Link
Differential Loneliness Scale (student version)Self-ReportAdultlonelinessSchmidt‚ N. & Sermat‚ V. (1983). Measuring loneliness in different relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 44‚ 1038-1047.Link
Differentiation of Self InventorySelf-ReportAdultemotional intelligence, relationshipSkowron, E. A., & Friedlander, M. L. (1998). The Differentiation of Self Inventory: Development and initial validation. Journal of counseling psychology, 45(3), 235.Link
Displaced Aggression QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultaggressionDenson, T. F., Pedersen, W. C., & Miller, N. (2006). The displaced aggression questionnaire. Journal of personality and social psychology, 90(6), 1032.Link
Drinking Refusal Self-EfficacySelf-ReportAdultself-efficacy, alcoholOei‚ T.P.S.‚ Hasking‚ P.A.‚ & Young‚ R.M. (2005). Drinking refusal self-efficacy questionnairerevised(DRSEQ-R): A new factor structure with confirmatory factor analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence‚ 78‚ 297-307.Link
Duke UNC Functional Social Support ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsocial, social supportBroadhead, W. E., Gehlbach, S. H., De Gruy, F. V., & Kaplan, B. H. (1988). The Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire: Measurement of social support in family medicine patients. Medical care, 709-723.Link
Eating Attitude TestSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, eatingGarner, D. M., Olmsted, M. P., Bohr, Y., & Garfinkel, P. E. (1982). The eating attitudes test: Psychometric features and clinical correlates. Psychological Medicine, 12(4), 871-878. doi:10.1017/S0033291700049163.Link
Eating Self EfficacySelf-ReportAdultself-efficacy, eatingGlynn, S. M., & Ruderman, A. J. (1986). The development and validation of an eating self-efficacy scale. Cognitive therapy and research, 10, 403-420.Link
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression ScaleSelf-ReportAdultdepressionCox, J.L., Holden, J.M., and Sagovsky, R. 1987. Detection of postnatal depression: Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. British Journal of Psychiatry, (150),782-786Link
Effective Communication in Team Sports ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsport, socialSullivan, P., & Feltz, D. L. (2003). The preliminary development of the Scale for Effective Communication in Team Sports (SECTS). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(8), 1693-1715.Link
Elderly Motivation ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmotivationVallerand, R. J., & O'Connor, B. P. (1989). Motivation in the elderly: A theoretical framework and some promising findings. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 30(3), 538.Link
Emotion Regulation QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultemotionGross, J.J., & John, O.P. (2003). Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 348-362.Link
Emotional Creativity ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, emotional intelligence, creativityAverill, J. R. (1999). Individual differences in emotional creativity: Structure and correlates. Journal of personality, 67(2), 331-371.Link
Emotional Expressivity ScaleSelf-ReportAdultemotion, expressivityKring, A. M., Smith, D. A., & Neale, J. M. (1994). Individual differences in dispositional expressiveness: development and validation of the Emotional Expressivity Scale. Journal of personality and social psychology, 66(5), 934.Link
Emotional Intensity ScaleSelf-ReportAdultemotion, expressivityBachorowski, J. A., & Braaten, E. B. (1994). Emotional intensity: Measurement and theoretical implications. Personality and individual differences, 17(2), 191-199.Link
Empathy QuotientSelf-ReportAdultempathyBaron-Cohen, S. and Wheelwright, S. (2004). The Empathy Quotient: An Investigation of Adults with Asperger Syndrome or High Functioning Autism, and Normal Sex Differences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 34 (2), 163-175.Link
Empathy QuotientSelf-ReportAdultempathy, theory of mindSimon Baron-Cohen, Sally Wheelwright. The empathy quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism, and normal sex differences. 34(2): J Autism Dev Disord 163-75 (2004).Link
Epworth Sleepiness ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthealth, sleepJohns, M. W. (1991) A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: The Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Sleep, 14(6):540-5.Link
Ethics Position QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, social, pro-socialForsyth, D. R. (1980). A taxonomy of ethical ideologies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39, 175-184.Link
Exercise Self Efficacy Self-ReportAdultself-efficacyResnick, B., & Jenkins, L. S. (2000). Testing the Reliability and Validity of the Self-Efficacy for Exercise Scale. Nursing Research, 49. Link
Experience of Shame ScaleSelf-ReportAdultshameAndrews, B., Qian, M., & Valentine, J. D. (2002). Predicting depressive symptoms with a new measure of shame: The Experience of Shame Scale. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41(1), 29-42.Link
Experiences in Close Relationships Scale - Short formSelf-ReportAdultfriend, relationshipWei, M., Russell, D. W., Mallinckrodt, B., & Vogel, D. L. (2007). The experiences in Close Relationship Scale (ECR)-Short Form: Reliability, validity, and factor structure. Journal of Personality Assessment, 88, 187-204Link
Faux Pas Recognition TestSelf-ReportAdultemotional intelligence, emotional intelligenceStone, V.E., Baron-Cohen, S. & Knight, R.T. (1998). Frontal lobe contributions to theory of mind. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 640-656. Link
Fear of CrimeSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, crimePainter, K. A., & Farrington, D. P. (2001). Evaluating situational crime prevention using a young people's survey: Part II making sense of the elite police voice. British Journal of Criminology, 41(2), 266-284.Link
Fear of Happiness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, happinessJoshanloo, M., Lepshokova, Z. K., Panyusheva, T., Natalia, A., Poon, W. C., Yeung, V. W. L., ... & Jiang, D. Y. (2014). Cross-cultural validation of fear of happiness scale across 14 national groups. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(2), 246-264.Link
Fear QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultdepression, anxiety, fear, mental healthMarks, I. M., Mathews (1979) Brief standard self-rating for phobic patients. Behavior Research and Therapy 17:263-167, Link
Feedback on Physical Appearance ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeTantleff-Dunn, S., Thompson, J. K., & Dunn, M. E. (1995). The Feedback on Physical Appearance Scale (FOPAS): questionnaire development and psychometric evaluation. Eating Disorders, 3(4), 332-341.Link
Five Facet Mindfulness QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultmindfulnessBaer, R. A., Smith, G. T., Hopkins, J., Krietemeyer, J., & Toney, L. (2006). Using self- report assessment methods to explore facets of mindfulness. Assessment, 13, 27-45.Link
Flourishing ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, quality of life, happiness, emotional intelligence, behaviour, satisfactionDiener, E., Wirtz, D., Tov, W., Kim-Prieto, C., Choi, D., Oishi, S., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2010). New measures of well-being: Flourishing and positive and negative feelings. Social Indicators Research, 39, 247-266.Link
Fragility of Happiness ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthappinessJoshanloo, M., Weijers, D., Jiang, D.-Y., Han, G., Bae, J., Pang, J., et al. (in press). FragilityLink
Free Will and Determinism Plus ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbeliefsPaulhus, D.L., & Carey, J. (2010). Measuring beliefs in free will and related constructs. Journal of Personality Assessment, under review.Link
Friendship Contingent Self-Esteem ScaleSelf-ReportAdultself-esteem, friend, relationshipCambron, M. J., Acitelli, L. K., & Steinberg, L. (2010). When friends make you blue: The role of friendship contingent self-esteem in predicting self-esteem and depressive symptoms. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(3), 384-397.Link
Friendship Qualities ScaleSelf-ReportAdolescentfriend, relationshipBukowski‚ W.M.‚ Hoza‚ B.‚ & Boivin‚ M. (1994). Measuring friendship quality during pre- and early adolescence: The development and psychometric properties of the friendship qualities scale. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships‚ 11‚ 471-484.Link
Friendship QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, friend, relationshipBaron-Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2003). The Friendship Questionnaire: An investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 33(5), 509-517.Link
Functional and Dysfunctional Impulsivity Scale for ChildrenSelf-ReportChildpersonality, big 5, child, impulsivityBrunas-Wagstaff, J., Tilley, A., Verity, M., Ford, S., & Thompson, D. (1997). Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity in children and their relationship to Eysenck's impulsiveness and venturesomeness dimensions. Personality and individual Differences, 22(1), 19-25.Link
Functional Assessment Rating ScaleSelf-ReportAdultdepression, drugs, alcohol, anxietyWard, J. C., & Dow, M. G. (1994). The functional assessment rating scale. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Department of Community Mental Health.Link
Gambling Motivation ScaleSelf-ReportAdultgambling, maladaptive behaviourChantal, Y., Vallerand, R. J., & Vallieres, E. F. (1995). Motivation and gambling involvement. The Journal of Social Psychology, 135(6), 755-763.Link
Gambling Passion ScaleSelf-ReportAdultgambling, maladaptive behaviourRousseau, F. L., Vallerand, R. J., Ratelle, C. F., Mageau, G. A., & Provencher, P. J. (2002). Passion and gambling: On the validation of the Gambling Passion Scale (GPS). Journal of Gambling Studies, 18, 45-66.Link
Generalized Expectancy for Success ScaleSelf-ReportAdultshyness, anxietyBobbi Fibel and W. Daniel Hale. (1978). Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale (GESS). In: Kevin Corcoran and Joel Fischer (eds). Measures for Clinical Practice and Research‚ Volume 2: Adults‚ Oxford University press‚ 2013‚ pp. 168-169.Link
Generalized Expectancy for Success ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, happiness, behaviour, confidenceFibel, B., & Hale, W. D. (1978). The Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale: A new measure. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46(5), 924.Link
Geriatric Depression ScaleSelf-ReportdepressionYesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, et al; Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res. 1982-1983 17(1):37-49.Link
Global Motivation ScaleSelf-ReportmotivationGuay, F., Blais, M. R., Vallerand, R. J., & Pelletier, L. G. (1999). Global Motivation Scale. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.Link
Goldberg Depression ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmood, depression, suicide ideationGoldberg D, Bridges K, Duncan-Jones P, Grayson D. (1998) Detecting anxiety and depression in general medical settings. British Medical Journal, 297, 897-899Link
Gough Personality ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonalityGough, H. G. (1979). A creative personality scale for the adjective check list. Journal of personality and social psychology, 37(8), 1398.Link
Gratitude QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultself-esteem, well-being, gratitudeMcCullough, M. E., Emmons, R. A., & Tsang, J. (2002). The grateful disposition: A conceptual and empirical topography. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 112-127Link
Guilt and Shame PronenessSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, attitudes, beliefsCohen, T. R., Wolf, S. T., Panter, A. T., & Insko, C. A. (2011). Introducing the GASP scale: a new measure of guilt and shame proneness. Journal of personality and social psychology, 100(5), 947Link
Guilt and Shame ScaleSelf-ReportAdultanxiety, emotionCohen, T. R., Wolf, S. T., Panter, A. T., & Insko, C. A. (2011). Introducing the GASP scale: A new measure of guilt and shame proneness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100(5), 947 966. doi: 10.1037/a0022641Link
Hamilton Depression Rating ScaleSelf-ReportAdultdepressionHamilton M. (1960) A rating scale for depression. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 23:56–62Link
Hassles and Uplifts ScalesSelf-ReportAdultstress, anxietyKanner, A. D., Coyne, J. C., Schaefer, C., & Lazarus, R. S. (1981). Comparison of two modes of stress measurement: Daily hassles and uplifts versus major life events. Journal of behavioral medicine, 4(1), 1-39.Link
Health Orientation ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthealth, illnessSnell Jr, W. E., Johnson, G., Lloyd, P. J., & Hoover, M. W. (1991). The Health Orientation Scale: A measure of psychological tendencies associated with health. European Journal of Personality, 5(2), 169-183.Link
Hoarding ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthoarding, maladaptive Frost, R. O., Steketee, G., & Grisham, J. (2004). Measurement of compulsive hoarding: saving inventory-revised. Behaviour research and therapy, 42(10), 1163-1182.Link
Home Situations QuestionanireParent/Carer ReportChildmaladaptive behaviour, parent, child, behaviourDuPaul, G. J., & Barkley, R. A. (1992). Situational variability of attention problems: Psychometric properties of the Revised Home and School Situations Questionnaires. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 21(2), 178-188.Link
Homophobia ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, sexualityWright, L. W., Adams, H. E., & Bernat, J. (1999). Development and validation of the homophobia scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 21(4), 337-347.Link
Homosexuality Attitude ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, sexualityKite, M. E., & Deaux, D. (1986). Attitudes toward homosexuality: Assessment and behavioral consequences. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 7(2), 137-162.Link
Humour Style QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, humourMartin, R. A., Puhlik-Doris, P., Larsen, G., Gray, J., & Weir, K. (2003). Individual differences in uses of humor and their relation to psychological well-being: Development of the Humor Styles Questionnaire. Journal of research in personality, 37(1), 48-75.Link
Hypersensitive Narcissim ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, narcissismHendin, H. M., & Cheek, J. M. (1997). Assessing hypersensitive narcissism: A reexamination of Murray's Narcism Scale. Journal of research in personality, 31(4), 588-599.Link
Hypomanic ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonalityEckblad, M., & Chapman, L. J. (1986). Development and validation of a scale for hypomanic personality. Journal of abnormal psychology, 95(3), 214.Link
ICD-10 Symptom RatingSelf-ReportAdultdepression, anxietyTritt, K., von Heymann, F., Zaudig, M., Zacharias, I., Söllner, W., & Loew, T. (2008). Development of theICD-10-Symptom-Rating"(ISR) questionnaire. Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 54(4), 409-418.Link
Ideal Student InventorySelf-ReportAdultlearning, educationWong, B., & Chiu, Y.L.T. (2021). The ideal student: Deconstructing expectations in higher education. London: Open University PressLink
Illness Perception QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultillnessBroadbent, E., Petrie, K. J., Main, J., & Weinman, J. (2006). The brief illness perception questionnaire. Journal of psychosomatic research, 60(6), 631-637.Link
Illness Perception Questionnaire- RevisedSelf-ReportAdulthealth, illnessMoss-Morris, R., Weinman, J., Petrie, K., Horne, R., Cameron, L., & Buick, D. (2002). The revised illness perception questionnaire (IPQ-R). Psychology and health, 17(1), 1-16.Link
Impact of Events ScaleSelf-ReportAdultlife eventsWeiss, D.S., & Marmar, C.R. (1997). The Impact of Event Scale-Revised. In J.P. Wilson, & T.M. Keane (Eds.), Assessing Psychological Trauma and PTSD: A Practitioner’s Handbook (pp. 399-411). New York: Guilford PressLink
Imposterism ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, attitudes, beliefsLeary, M. R., Patton, K. M., Orlando, A. E., & Wagoner Funk, W. (2000). The impostor phenomenon: Self perceptions, reflected appraisals, and interpersonal strategies. Journal of personality, 68(4), 725-756.Link
Index of Perceived Community ResilienceSelf-ReportAdultcommunity involvement, resilience, collectiveKulig, J. C., Edge, D. S., Townshend, I., Lightfoot, N., & Reimer, W. (2013). Community resiliency: Emerging theoretical insights. Journal of Community Psychology, 41(6), 758-775.Link
Individualism-Collectivism ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, collectiveTriandis, H. C. & Gelfland, M. J. (1998). Converging measurement of horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 118-128. Link
Inner Strength ScaleSelf-ReportAdultidentity, creativityLundman, B., Viglund, K., Aléx, L., Jonsén, E., Norberg, A., Fischer, R. S., ... & Nygren, B. (2011). Development and psychometric properties of the Inner Strength Scale. International journal of nursing studies, 48(10), 1266-1274.Link
Inspiration ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmotivation, creativity, imaginationThrash, T. M., & Elliot, A. J. (2003). Inspiration as a psychological construct. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 871-889.Link
Internal Personal Situational Attribution QuestionniareSelf-ReportAdultlocus of control, attribution styleKinderman, P., & Bentall, R. P. (1996). A new measure of causal locus: the internal, personal and situational attributions questionnaire. Personality and Individual differences, 20(2), 261-264.Link
International Personality Item PoolSelf-ReportAdultpersonalityVarious refs according to scales usedLink
Interpersonal Conflict At Work ScaleSelf-ReportAdultwork, job, occupational, organisational, careerSpector, P. E., & Jex, S. M. (1998). Development of Four Self-Report Measures of Job Stressors and Strain: Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale, Organizational Constraints Scale, Quantitative Workload Inventory, and Physical Symptoms Inventory. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 3, 356-367.Link
Interpersonal Orientation ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, relationship, social cognition, social behaviour, pro-socialSwap, W. C., & Rubin, J. Z. (1983). Measurement of interpersonal orientation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(1), 208.Link
Interpersonal Reactivity IndexSelf-ReportAdultrelationship, empathyDavis, M. H. (1980). A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 10, 85. Link
Interpersonal Trust in Specific Others ScaleSelf-ReportAdultrelationship, trustJohnson-George, C., & Swap, W. C. (1982). Measurement of specific interpersonal trust: Construction and validation of a scale to assess trust in a specific other. Journal of personality and Social Psychology, 43(6), 1306.Link
Interpersonal Trust ScaleSelf-ReportAdulttrustRotter, J. B. (1967). Interpersonal trust scale. Journal of Personality.Link
Intrinsic Motivation InventorySelf-ReportAdultmotivationDeci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. Springer Science & Business Media.Link
Invalidating Childhood Environment ScaleSelf-ReportChildmaladaptive behaviour, child, mental healthMountford, V., Corstorphine, E., Tomlinson, S., & Waller, G. (2007). Development of a measure to assess invalidating childhood environments in the eating disorders. Eating behaviors, 8(1), 48-58.Link
Inventory of Depressive SymptomologySelf-ReportAdultillness, depressionRush, A. J., Gullion, C. M., Basco, M. R., Jarrett, R. B., & Trivedi, M. H. (1996). The inventory of depressive symptomatology (IDS): psychometric properties. Psychological medicine, 26(3), 477-486.Link
Job Descriptive IndexSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, work, job, organisationalLake, C. J., Gopalkrishnan, P., Sliter, M. T., & Withrow, S. (2010). The Job Descriptive Index: Newly updated and available for download. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 48(1), 47-49.Link
Job Related Affective Wellbeing ScaleSelf-ReportAdultwork, job, well-being Van Katwyk, P. T., Fox, S., Spector, P. E., & Kelloway, E. K. (2000). Using the Job-Related Affective Well-Being Scale (JAWS) to investigate affective responses to work stressors. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5(2), 219-230. doi:
Job Satisfaction Composite MeasureSelf-ReportAdultjob, career, satisfactionMaurer, T. J., & Chapman, E. F. (2013). Ten years of career success in relation to individual and situational variables from the employee development literature. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 450-465.Link
Job Satisfaction SurveySelf-ReportAdultwork, jobSpector, P. E. (1985). Measurement of human service staff satisfaction: Development of the Job Satisfaction Survey. American Journal of Community Psychology, 13, 693-713Link
Just World ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbeliefsLucas, T., Zhdanova, L., & Alexander, S. (2011). Procedural and Distributive Justice Beliefs for Self and Others Assessment of a Four-Factor Individual Differences Model. Journal of Individual Differences, 32(1), 14-25.Link
Just World ScaleAdultlocus of controlRubin, Z., & Peplau, L. A. (1975). Who believes in a just world?. Journal of social issues, 31(3), 65-89.Link
Leisure Motivation ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmotivationPelletier, L.G., Vallerand, R.J., Brière, N.M., & Blais, . Construction et validation de l'Échelle de motivation vis-à-vis les Loisirs (EML). Communication présentée au congrès annuel de la SQRP, Ottawa, ON, 28 octobre 1989. Résumé des communications, p.146.Link
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexuality Identity ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, identity, sexualityMohr, J. J., & Kendra, M. S. (2011). Revision and extension of a multidimensional measure of sexual minority identity: The Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identity Scale. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58, 234-45.Link
Leyton Obsessional Inventory (modified)Self-ReportAdolescentstress, anxiety, OCDBerg, C. J., Rapoport, J. L., & Flament, M. (1986). The Leyton obsessional inventory-child version. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 25(1), 84-91.Link
Liebowitz Social Anxiety ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsocial, anxiety, social behaviourBaker, S. L., Heinrichs, N., Kim, H. J., & Hofmann, S. G. (2002). The Liebowitz social anxiety scale as a self-report instrument: a preliminary psychometric analysis. Behaviour research and therapy, 40(6), 701-715.Link
Life Attitude ProfileSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, attitudes, beliefs, life events, locus of controlReker, G. T., & Peacock, E. J. (1981). The Life Attitude Profile (LAP): A multidimensional instrument for assessing attitudes toward life. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 13(3), 264.Link
Life Effectiveness QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultself-esteem, self-efficacy, behaviour, copingWang, J. C. K., Neill, J. T., Liu, W. C., Tan, O. S., Koh, C., & Ee, J. (2008). Project work and life skills: Psychometric properties of the life effectiveness questionnaire for project work.Link
Life Events ChecklistSelf-ReportAdultlife eventsGray, M. J., Litz, B. T., Hsu, J. L., & Lombardo, T. W. (2004). Psychometric properties of the life events checklist. Assessment, 11(4), 330-341.Link
Life Orientation Test-RevisedSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, optimism, pessimismGlaesmer, H., Rief, W., Martin, A., Mewes, R., Brähler, E., Zenger, M., & Hinz, A. (2012). Psychometric properties and population based norms of the Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT R). British journal of health psychology, 17(2), 432-445.Link
Loneliness & Social Dissatisfaction Questionnaire (Ages 5-11)Self-ReportChildlonelinessAsher, S. R., Hymel, S., & Renshaw, P. D. (1984). Loneliness in children. Child development, 1456-1464.Link
Machiavellianism ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, impulsivity, trust, emotionChristie, R., & Geis, F. L. (2013). Studies in machiavellianism. Academic Press.Link
Magical Ideation ScaleAdultbeliefs, imagination, mental healthEckblad, M., & Chapman, L. J. (1983). Magical ideation as an indicator of schizotypy. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 51(2), 215.Link
Major Depression InventorySelf-ReportAdultdepressionLR Olsen, et al. The internal and external validity of the Major Depression Inventory in measuring severity of depressive states. Psychological Medicine 351-356. 2003.Link
Male Body Attitudes Scale (MBAS)Self-ReportAdultattitudes, body awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeTylka, T. L., Bergeron, D., & Schwartz, J. P. (2005). Development and psychometric evaluation of the Male Body Attitudes Scale (MBAS). Body image, 2(2), 161-175.Link
Manager Employee TrustSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, work, job, organisationalTzafrir, S.S. and Dolan, S.L. (2004),Trust Me: A Scale for Measuring Manager Employee Trust", Management Research, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 115-132.Link
Manual and Scales for Patterns of Adaptive LearningSelf-ReportlearningMidgley, C., Maehr, M. L., Hruda, L. Z., Anderman, E., Anderman, L., Freeman, K. E., & Urdan, T. (2000). Manual for the patterns of adaptive learning scales. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 734-763.Link
Marital Problems QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, relationship, behaviourDouglass IV, F. M., & Douglass, R. (1995). The Marital Problems Questionnaire (MPQ): A short screening instrument for marital therapy. Family relations, 238-244.Link
Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsexualitySnell, W. E., Belk, S. S., & Hawkins, R. C. (1986). The Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale: The politics of masculine and feminine self-presentation. Sex Roles, 15, 249-267.Link
Masculine Behavior ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsexuality, sex rolesSnell, W. E. (1989). Development and validation of the Masculine Behavior Scale: A measure of behaviors stereotypically attributed to males vs. females. Sex roles, 21, 749-767.Link
Masculine Role InventorySelf-ReportAdultsex roles, sense of selfSnell, W. E. (1986). The masculine role inventory: Components and correlates. Sex Roles, 15, 443-455.Link
Mate Retention Inventory - Short FormSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, sexuality, relationship, violenceBuss, D. M., Shackelford, T. K., & McKibbin, W. F. (2008). The mate retention inventory-short form (MRI-SF). Personality and Individual Differences, 44(1), 322-334.Link
MaterialismSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, behaviour, consumer, marketingBelk, R. W. (1984). Three scales to measure constructs related to materialism: Reliability, validity, and relationships to measures of happiness. ACR North American Advances.Link
Mating Effort ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, sexuality, relationshipRowe, D. C., Vazsonyi, A. T., & Figueredo, A. J. (1997). Mating-effort in adolescence: A conditional or alternative strategy. Personality and Individual Differences, 23(1), 105-115.Link
Maudsley Obsessional Compulsive InventoryAdultmaladaptive behaviour, OCD, mental healthHodgson‚ R. J.‚ & Rachman‚ S. (1977). Obsessional-compulsive complaints. Behaviour Research and Therapy‚ 15(5)‚ 389-395Link
Maudsley Violence QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultviolence, impulsivityWalker, J. S. (2005). The Maudsley Violence Questionnaire: initial validation and reliability. Personality and Individual Differences, 38(1), 187-201.Link
Maximizing Scale & Regret ScaleSelf-ReportAdultemotionSchwartz, B., Ward, A., Monterosso, J., Lyubomirsky, S., White, K., & Lehman, D. R. (2002). Maximizing versus satisficing: happiness is a matter of choice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 1178- 1197.Link
Meaning in Life QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultidentity, life eventsSteger, M. F., Frazier, P., Oishi, S., & Kaler, M. (2006). The Meaning in Life Questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53, 80-93.Link
Measure of Body ApperceptionSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shape, cancer, healthCarver, C. S., Pozo-Kaderman, C., Price, A. A., Noriega, V., Harris, S. D., Derhagopian, R. P., Robinson, D. S., & Moffatt, F. L., Jr. (1998). Concern about aspects of body image and adjustment to early stage breast cancer. Psychosomatic Medicine, 60, 168-174Link
Measurement of Attachment QualitiesSelf-ReportAdultattachmentCarver, C. S. (1997). Adult attachment and personality: Converging evidence and a new measure. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 865-883Link
Measuring Confidence in Academic StudySelf-ReportAdultconfidence, learningSander, P., & Sanders, L. (2003). Measuring confidence in academic study: a summary report.Link
Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviours Among YouthsSelf-ReportAdolescentattitudes, beliefs, behaviour, violenceDahlberg LL, Toal SB, Swahn M, Behrens CB. Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes, Behaviors, and Influences Among Youths: A Compendium of Assessment Tools, 2nd ed., Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 2005Link
Mental Health Inventory 5Self-ReportChild Adolescentmental healthRivera-Riquelme, M., Piqueras, J. A., & Cuijpers, P. (2019). The Revised Mental Health Inventory-5 (MHI-5) as an ultra-brief screening measure of bidimensional mental health in children and adolescents. Psychiatry Research, 274, 247-253.Link
Mental Toughness Scale for AdolescentsSelf-ReportAdolescentresilienceMcGeown, S., St. Clair-Thompson, H., & Putwain, D. W. (2018). The development and validation of a mental toughness scale for adolescents. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 36(2), 148-161.Link
Mindful Attention Awareness ScaleAdultmindfulnessBrown, K.W. & Ryan, R.M. (2003). The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 822-848.Link
Minnesota Eating BehaviourSelf-ReportAdulteating, behaviourvon Ranson, K. M., Klump, K. L., Iacono, W. G., & McGue, M. (2005). The Minnesota Eating Behavior Survey: A brief measure of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors. Eating Behaviors, 6(4), 373-392.Link
Modified Dental Anxiety ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthealth, anxietyHumphris, G. M., Morrison, T., & Lindsay, S. J. E. (1995). The Modified Dental Anxiety Scale: validation and United Kingdom norms. Community dental health.Link
Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating ScaleClinicianAdultdepressionSA Montgomery, M Asberg. A New Depression Scale Designed to be Sensitive to Change. British Journal of Psychiatry 134 (4): 382–89. 04-1979Link
Mood Check BiPolar ScreenerSelf-ReportAdultmoodPhelps, J. Link
Moral Identity QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, identity, moralBlack, J. E., & Reynolds, W. M. (2016). Development, reliability, and validity of the Moral Identity Questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 97, 120-129.Link
Motivated Strategies for Learning QuestionnaireAdultmotivationPintrich, P. R., Smith, D. A., Garcia, T., & McKeachie, W. J. (1993). Reliability and predictive validity of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Educational and psychological measurement, 53(3), 801-813.Link
Multidimensional AIDS Anxiety QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdulthealth, illness, anxietySnell, W. E., & Finney, P. (1998). The multidimensional AIDS anxiety questionnaire. Handbook of sexuality-related measures, 351-353.Link
Multidimensional Existential Meaning ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, identityGeorge, L. S., & Park, C. L. (2017). The multidimensional existential meaning scale: A tripartite approach to measuring meaning in life. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 12(6), 613-627.Link
Multidimensional Facebook Intensity ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbehaviour, addiction, social mediaOrosz, G., Tóth-Király, I., & Bőthe, B. (2016). Four facets of Facebook intensity—the development of the multidimensional Facebook intensity scale. Personality and individual differences, 100, 95-104.Link
Multidimensional Health QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdulthealth, illnessSnell, W. E. (1997) The Multidimentional Health Questionnaire. American Journal of Health Behavior, 21(1), 33-42Link
Multidimensional Jealousy ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviour, relationshipPfeiffer, S. M., & Wong, P. T. (1989). Multidimensional jealousy. Journal of social and personal relationships, 6(2), 181-196.Link
Multidimensional Parenting Perfectionism QuestionnaireAdultrelationship, parentSnell Jr, W. E., Overbey, G. A., & Brewer, A. L. (2005). Parenting perfectionism and the parenting role. Personality and Individual Differences, 39(3), 613-624.Link
Multidimensional Psychology of Eating Questionnaire (MPEQ)Self-ReportAdulteatingSnell, W. E., Jr., Johnson, G (2002). Chapter 14: The Multidimensional Psychology of Eating Questionnaire: Preliminary evidence for reliability and validity. In W. E. Snell, Jr. (Ed.), Progress in the study of physical and psychological health. Cape Girardeau, MO: Snell PublicationsLink
Multidimensional Relationship QuestionnaireAdultrelationshipSnell, W. E., Jr., Schicke, M., & Arbeiter, T. (2002). The Multidimensional Relationship Questionnaire: Psychological dispositions associated with intimate relations. In W. E. Snell, Jr. (Ed.), New Directions in The Psychology of Intimate Relations: Research and Theory. Cape Girardeau, MO: Snell Publications.Link
Multidimensional Romantic Perfectionism QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultrelationshipBailey, D. P., & Snell Jr, W. E. The Effects of Romantic Perfectionism on Disclosure in Romantic Relationships.Link
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social SupportSelf-ReportAdultsocial supportZimet, G. D., Dahlem, N. W., Zimet, S. G., & Farley, G. K. (1988). The multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Journal of personality assessment, 52(1), 30-41.Link
Multidimensional Sexual Approach Questionnaire (MSAQ)Self-ReportAdultsexualitySnell‚ W. E.‚ Jr. (in press). The Multidimensional Sexual Approach Questionnaire. In C. M. Davis‚ W. L. Yarber‚ and S. L. Davis (Eds.)‚ Handbook of sexuality-related measures. Newbury Park: Sage.Link
Multidimensional Sexual Perfectionism QuestionnaireAdultsexuality, relationshipStoeber, J., Harvey, L. N., Almeida, I., & Lyons, E. (2013). Multidimensional sexual perfectionism. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 1593-1604.Link
Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire (MSSCQ)Self-ReportAdultsexualityWilliam E. Snell, Jr. (1998).The Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire". In Davis, Yarber, Bauseman, Schreer, and Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related measures (521-524). Newbury Park: Sage.Link
Multidimensional Sexuality QuestionnaireAdultsexualitySnell Jr, W. E., Fisher, T. D., & Walters, A. S. (1993). The Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire: An objective self-report measure of psychological tendencies associated with human sexuality. Annals of sex research, 6(1), 27-55.Link
Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientations ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, sportVallerand, R. J., Brière, N. M., Blanchard, C., & Provencher, P. (1997). Development and validation of the multidimensional sportspersonship orientations scale. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology.Link
Multiple Intelligence Self Efficacy ScaleAdultIQ, confidence, schoolMuqodas, I., Putri, H. E., Yuliyanto, A., & Agustin, M. (2020, August). The Development of Multiple Intelligence and Self Efficacy in Primary School Students. In 2nd International Seminar on Guidance and Counseling 2019 (ISGC 2019) (pp. 294-297). Atlantis Press.Link
Narcissistic Personality InventorySelf-ReportAdultpersonality, narcissismRaskin, R. N., & Hall, C. S. (1979). A narcissistic personality inventory. Psychological reports, 45(2), 590-590.Link
Need for Cognition ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, cognitiveCacioppo, J. T., & Petty, R. E. (1982). The need for cognition. Journal of personality and social psychology, 42(1), 116.Link
Need for Relatedness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultrelationshipRicher‚ S.F.‚ & Vallerand‚ R.J. (1998) Construction and validation of the perceived relatedness scale (ESAS). European Review of Applied Psychology‚ 48‚ 129–137.Link
Negative Self Portrayal ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, social, appearance, anxietyMoscovitch, D.A., & Huyder, V. (2011). The negative self-portrayal scale: Development, validation, and application to social anxiety. Behavior Therapy, 42, 183-196, doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2010.04.007Link
New Age Orientation ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, religion, paranormal, attachmentGranqvist, P., & Hagekull, B. (2001). Seeking security in the new age: On attachment and emotional compensation. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 40(3), 527-545.Link
NPI-16 ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, narcissismAmes, D. R., Rose, P., & Anderson, C. P. (2006). The NPI-16 as a short measure of narcissism. Journal of research in personality, 40(4), 440-450.Link
Obligatory Exercise QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdulthealth, exercise, body imagePasman, L. J. & Thompson, J. K. (1988). Body image and eating disturbance in obligatory runners, obligatory weightlifters, and sedentary individuals. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 7 (6), 759-769.Link
Obsessive Beliefs QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviour, OCD, mental healthMyers, S. G., Fisher, P. L., & Wells, A. (2008). Belief domains of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire-44 (OBQ-44) and their specific relationship with obsessive–compulsive symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22(3), 475-484.Link
Organisational commitment ScaleSelf-ReportAdultwork, job, organisational, 105Mowday‚ R. T.‚ Steers‚ R. M. & Porter‚ L. W. (1979). The Measurement of organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior‚ 14‚ 224-247.Link
Oxford Happiness QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdulthappiness, well-beingHills, P., & Argyle, M. (2002). The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: a compact scale for the measurement of psychological well being. Personality and Individual Differences, 33, 1073–1082.Link
Pain Distress InventoryAdultpainOsman, A., Barrios, F. X., Gutierrez, P. M., Kopper, B. A., Butler, A., & Bagge, C. L. (2003). The Pain Distress Inventory: development and initial psychometric properties. Journal of clinical psychology, 59(7), 767-785.Contact author
Panic Attack QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, stress, anxiety, PTSD, mental healthNorton, G. R., Harrison, B., Hauch, J., & Rhodes, L. (1985). Characteristics of people with infrequent panic attacks. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 94(2), 216.Link
Parental Stress ScaleAdultstress, parentBerry, J. O., & Jones, W. H. (1995). The parental stress scale: Initial psychometric evidence. Journal of social and personal relationships, 12(3), 463-472.Link
Partner Interaction Questionnaire - SmokingSelf-ReportAdulthealth, attitudes, behaviour, social supportCohen S, Lichtenstein E. (1990) Partner behaviors that support quitting smoking. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 58(3): 304-9.Link
Penn Inventory of ScrupulosityAdultmaladaptive behaviour, mental health, optimismOlatunji, B. O., Abramowitz, J. S., Williams, N. L., Connolly, K. M., & Lohr, J. M. (2007). Scrupulosity and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: Confirmatory factor analysis and validity of the Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 21(6), 771-787.Link
Perceived Belonging in Sport ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsport, socialAllen, J. B. (2006). The perceived belonging in sport scale: Examining validity. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 7(4), 387-405.Link
Perceived Socvial Inequity Scale -WomenSelf-ReportAdultwomen, attitudesCorning, A. F. (2000). Assessing perceived social inequity: A relative deprivation framework. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78(3), 463.Link
Perceived Stress ScalesSelf-ReportAdultstressCohen, S., Kamarck, T., and Mermelstein, R. (1983). A global measure of perceived stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24, 386-396.Link
Perception Of Compentence In Life Domains ScaleSelf-ReportAdultlife events, relationship, leisure, learningLosier, G.F., Vallerand, R.J., & Blais, M.R. (1993). Construction et validation de l'Échelle des Perceptions de Compétence dans les Domaines de Vie (EPCDV). Science et comportement, 23, 1-16.Link
Perception of Teasing ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbullyingThompson, J. K., Cattarin, J., Fowler, B., & Fisher, E. (1995). The perception of teasing scale (POTS): A revision and extension of the physical appearance related teasing scale (PARTS). Journal of personality assessment, 65(1), 146-157.Link
Perceptual Abberation ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbeliefs, body awareness, maladaptive behaviour, appearanceChapman, L. J., Chapman, J. P., & Raulin, M. L. (1978). Perceptual aberration scale. Unpublished manuscript, University of Wisconsin—Madison.Dr. Thomas Kwapil at
Personal Acquaintance MeasureSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, relationshipStarzyk, K. B., Holden, R. R., Fabrigar, L. R., & MacDonald, T. K. (2006). The Personal Acquaintance Measure: a tool for appraising one's acquaintance with any person. Journal of personality and social psychology, 90(5), 833.Link
Personal Attributes QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, gender roles, sex rolesSpence, J.T., & Helmreich, R.L. (1978). Masculinity and femininity: Their psychological dimensions, correlates, and antecedents. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.Link
Personal Development SurveySelf-ReportAdolescentattitudes, self-efficacy, social behaviour, resilienceKanevsky, Lannie, Corke, Michael, & Frangkiser, Lorri. (2008). The academic resilience and psychosocial characteristics of inner-city English learners in a museum-based school program. Education and Urban Society, Vol 40(4), 452-475. doi: 10.1177/00131245Link
Personal Growth Initiative Scale IISelf-ReportAdultwell-being, sense of selfRobitschek, C., Ashton, M. W., Spering, C. C., Geiger, N., Byers, D., Schotts, G. C., & Thoen, M. A. (2012). Development and psychometric evaluation of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale–II. Journal of counseling psychology, 59(2), 274.Link
Personal Living Space Cue InventorySelf-ReportAdultcognitive, socialGosling, S. D., Craik, K. H., Martin, N. R., & Pryor, M. R. (2005). The Personal Living Space Cue Inventory: An analysis and evaluation. Environment and Behavior, 37, 683-705.Link
Personal Sense of Uniqueness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultidentity, sense of selfŞimşek, Ö. F., & Yalınçetin, B. (2010). I feel unique, therefore I am: The development and preliminary validation of the personal sense of uniqueness (PSU) scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 49(6), 576-581.Link
Personal Social Capital ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, social, behaviour, social cognition, social behaviour, social capitalChen, X., Stanton, B., Gong, J., Fang, X., & Li, X. (2008). Personal Social Capital Scale: an instrument for health and behavioral research. Health education research, 24(2), 306-317.Link
Physical Activity and Sport Anxiety ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsport, anxietyNorton, P. J., Hope, D. A., & Weeks, J. W. (2004). The physical activity and sport anxiety scale (PASAS): Scale development and psychometric analysis. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 17(4), 363-382.Link
Physical Appearance Comparison Scale- 3Self-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, body shapeSchaefer, L. M., & Thompson, J. K. (2018). The development and validation of the Physical Appearance Comparison Scale–3 (PACS-3). Psychological Assessment, 30(10), 1330.Link
Physical Appearance State And Trait Anxiety ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, body shapeReed, D. L., Thompson, J. K., Brannick, M. T., & Sacco, W. P. (1991). Development and validation of the physical appearance state and trait anxiety scale (PASTAS). Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 5(4), 323-332.Link
Positive and Negative Affect ScheduleSelf-ReportAdultshyness, fear, emotionWatson, D., Clark, L. A., & Tellegen, A. (1988). Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(6), 1063–1070. Link
Positive-Negative Relationship QualitySelf-ReportAdultfriend, relationshipFincham, F.D., & Rogge, R. (2010). Understanding relationship quality: Theoretical challenges and new tools for assessment. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 2, 227-242.Link
Post Traumatic Cognitions inventoryAdultcognitive, PTSDFoa, E. B., Ehlers, A., Clark, D. M., Tolin, D. F., & Orsillo, S. M. (1999). The posttraumatic cognitions inventory (PTCI): Development and validation. Psychological assessment, 11(3), 303.Link
Preschool Anxiety ScaleSelf-ReportChildchild, anxietySpence, S. H., Rapee, R., McDonald, C., & Ingram, M. (2001). The structure of anxiety symptoms among preschoolers. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39(11), 1293–1316Link
Proactive Personality ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonalityBateman, T. S., & Crant, J. M. (1993). The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates. Journal of organizational behavior, 14(2), 103-118.Link
Procrastination Scale (student version)Self-ReportAdultprocrastinationLay, C. (1986). At last, my research article on procrastination. Journal of Research in Personality, 20, 474-495.Link
Prosocialness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, attitudes, social, behaviour, social behaviour, altruismCaprara, G. V., Steca, P., Zelli, A., & Capanna, C. (2005). A new scale for measuring adults' prosocialness. European Journal of psychological assessment, 21(2), 77-89.Link
Psychological CollectivismSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, collectiveJackson, C. L., Colquitt, J. A., Wesson, M. J., & Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2006). Psychological collectivism: A measurement validation and linkage to group member performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(4), 884.Link
Psychological Collectivism MeasureSelf-ReportAdultsocial, behaviour, social behaviour, collectiveJackson, C. L., Colquitt, J. A., Wesson, M. J., & Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2006). Psychological collectivism: A measurement validation and linkage to group member performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(4), 884.Link
Psychological Thriving ScaleSelf-ReportAdultcoping, sense of self, efficacySirois, F. M., & Hirsch, J. K. (2013). Associations of psychological thriving with coping efficacy, expectations for future growth, and depressive symptoms over time in people with arthritis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 75(3), 279-286.Link
Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale Self-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviour, anxiety, inhibition, impulsivityBoduszek, D., Debowska, A., Sherretts, N., & Willmott, D. (2018). Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale (PPTS): Construct validity of the instrument in a sample of US prisoners. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1596.Link
Psycho-Social Aspects of Facebook UseSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, behaviour, social mediaBodroža, B., & Jovanović, T. (2016). Validation of the new scale for measuring behaviors of Facebook users: Psycho-Social Aspects of Facebook Use (PSAFU). Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 425-435.Link
PTSD ChecklistSelf-ReportAdultPTSDWeathers, F.W., Litz, B.T., Keane, T.M., Palmieri, P.A., Marx, B.P., & Schnurr, P.P. (2013).The PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). Scale available from the National Center for PTSD at
Quality of Life ScaleSelf-ReportAdultquality of lifeFrisch, M.B., Cornell, J., Villanueva, M., & Retzlaff, P.J. (1992). Clinical validation of the Quality of Life Inventory: A measure of life satisfaction for use in treatment planning and outcome assessment. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 4, 92-101.Link
Questionnaire on Smoking UrgesSelf-ReportAdulthealth, attitudesCox, L. S., Tiffany, S. T., & Christen, A. G. (2001). Evaluation of the brief questionnaire of smoking urges (QSU-brief) in laboratory and clinical settings. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 3(1), 7-16. Link
Quick Inventory of Depressive SymptomatologySelf-ReportAdultdepressionRush, A. J., Trivedi, M. H., Ibrahim, H. M., Carmody, T. J., Arnow, B., Klein, D. N., ... & Keller, M. B. (2003). The 16-Item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS), clinician rating (QIDS-C), and self-report (QIDS-SR): a psychometric evaluation in patients with chronic major depression. Biological psychiatry, 54(5), 573-583.Link
RAND 36-item Health SurveySelf-ReportAdulthealthWare Jr, J. E. (2000). SF-36 health survey update. Spine, 25(24), 3130-3139.Link
Recreation Experience Preference ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, leisureDriver, B.L. (1983). Master list of items for Recreation Experience Preference scales and domains. Unpublished document. USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, CO: Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.Link
Relational Assessment QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultrelationshipSnell Jr, W. E., & Finney, P. D. (1993). Measuring relational aspects of the self: Relational-esteem, relational-depression, and relational-preoccupation. Contemporary Social Psychology, 17(2), 44-55.Link
Relationship Awareness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultrelationshipSnell Jr, W. E. New Directions in the Psychology of Intimate Relations: Research and Theory Chapter 1: The Relationship Awareness Scale: Measuring Relational‑Consciousness.Link
Relationship Disclosure ScaleSelf-ReportAdultrelationshipSnell Jr, W. E., Hampton, B. R., & McMANUS, P. A. M. E. L. A. (1992). The impact of counselor and participant gender on willingness to discuss relational topics: Development of the relationship disclosure scale. Journal of Counseling & Development, 70(3), 409-416.Link
Repetitive Thinking QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultbehaviour, OCD, mental healthMcEvoy, P. M., Mahoney, A. E., & Moulds, M. L. (2010). Are worry, rumination, and post-event processing one and the same?: Development of the Repetitive Thinking Questionnaire. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24(5), 509-519.Link
Resilience MeasuresSelf-ReportAdultstress, mental health, resilienceGibbons, F. X., Roberts, M. E., Gerrard, M., Li, Z., Beach, S. R., Simons, R. L., ... & Philibert, R. A. (2012). The impact of stress on the life history strategies of African American adolescents: cognitions, genetic moderation, and the role of discrimination. Developmental psychology, 48(3), 722.Link
Resilience Scale for AdultsSelf-ReportAdultresilienceJowkar, B., Friborg, O., & Hjemdal, O. (2010). Cross cultural validation of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) in Iran. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51(5), 418-425.Link
Resource GeneratorSelf-ReportAdultsocial, social cognition, social behaviour, social capitalVan Der Gaag, M., & Snijders, T. A. (2005). The Resource Generator: social capital quantification with concrete items. Social networks, 27(1), 1-29.Link
Response to Academic Stress Questionnaire - Child Self ReportSelf-ReportChild Adolescentstress, child, coping, educationCompas, B. E., Connor-Smith, J. K., Saltzman, H., Thomsen, A. H., & Wadsworth, M. E. (2001). Coping with stress during childhood and adolescence: Progress, problems, and potential in theory and research. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 87-127.Link
Revised Academic Hardiness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultschool, educationCreed, P. A., Conlon, E. G., & Dhaliwal, K. (2013). Revisiting the academic hardiness scale: Revision and revalidation. Journal of Career Assessment, 21(4), 537-554.Link
Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (RCBS)AdultshynessCheek, J. M. (1983). Revised cheek and buss shyness scale. Journal of Personality Assessment.Link
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety ScaleSelf-ReportChildchild, anxietyReynolds, C., & Richmond, B. O. (1985). Revised children's manifest anxiety scale. Psychological Assessment.Link
Revised Paranormal Belief ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, beliefs, paranormalTobacyk, J. J. (2004). A revised paranormal belief scale. The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 23(23), 94-98.Link
Revised Self Monitoring ScaleSelf-ReportAdultidentity, social, behaviour, sense of selfLennox‚ R. D.‚ & Wolfe‚ R. N. (1984). Revision of the Self-Monitoring Scale. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 46‚ 1349–1364.Link
Revised Test Anxiety ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, stress, anxiety, educationHagtvet, K. A., & Benson, J. (1997). The motive to avoid failure and test anxiety responses: Empirical support for integration of two research traditions. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 10(1), 35-57.Link
Risky Behaviour QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultrisk, impulsivityWeiss, N. H., Tull, M. T., Dixon-Gordon, K., & Gratz, K. L. (2018). Assessing the negative and positive emotion-dependent nature of risky behaviors among substance dependent patients. Assessment, 25(6), 702-715.Link
Risky, Impulsive, & Self-destructive behavior QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive, risk, impulsivitySadeh, N., & Baskin-Sommers, A. (2017). Risky, impulsive, and self-destructive behavior Questionnaire (RISQ): A validation study. Assessment, 24(8), 1080-1094Link
Rosenberg Self Esteem ScaleSelf-ReportAdultself-esteemRosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.Link
Rotter Locus of ControlSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, locus of controlRotter, J. (2011). Rotter internal-external locus of control scale. 28 Measures of Locus of Control, 10.Link
Rotter Locus of Control ScaleSelf-ReportAdultlocus of controlRotter, J. B. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement. Psychological monographs: General and applied, 80(1), 1.Link
Satisfaction with Life ScaleSelf-ReportAdultquality of life, life eventsDiener, E. D., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of personality assessment, 49(1), 71-75.Link
Scale for Effective Communication in SportsSelf-ReportAdultsport, communication, efficacySullivan, P., & Feltz, D. L. (2003). The preliminary development of the Scale for Effective Communication in Team Sports (SECTS). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(8), 1693-1715.Link
Scale of Positive and Negative ExperienceSelf-ReportAdultwell-being, anxietyDiener, E., Wirtz, D., Tov, W., Kim-Prieto, C., Choi, D., Oishi, S., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2009). Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE). Ed Diener personal Website.Link
Scale of Suicidal IdeationSelf-ReportAdultdepression, suicide, mental healthBeck, A. T., Kovacs, M., & Weissman, A. (1979). Assessment of suicidal intention: the Scale for Suicide Ideation. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 47(2), 343.Link
School Academic Optimism ScaleSelf-ReportAdultoptimism, educationHoy, W. K., Tarter, C. J., & Hoy, A. W. (2006). Academic optimism of schools: A force for student achievement. American educational research journal, 43(3), 425-446.Link
School Effectiveness IndexSelf-ReportAdultteacher, efficacy, school, educationHoy, W. K., Tarter, C. J., & Kottkamp, R. B. (1991). Open schools/healthy schools: Measuring organizational climate. Beverly Hills, CA: SageLink
School Situations QuestionnaireSelf-ReportChildchild, behaviourBarkley, R. A. (2013). Defiant children: A clinician's manual for assessment and parent training. Guilford press.Link
Self Consciousness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultshyness, anxietyScheier, M. F., & Carver, C. S. (1985). The Self Consciousness Scale: A revised version for use with general populations 1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 15(8), 687-699.Link
Self Regulation QuestionniareSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, attitudes, locus of control, behaviourBrown, J. M., Miller, W. R., & Lawendowski, L. A. (1999). The self-regulation questionnaire.Link
Self-Handicapping ScaleSelf-ReportAdultself-esteem, self-efficacy, behaviour, fear, efficacy, educationRhodewalt, F. (1990). Self-handicappers. In Self-Handicapping (pp. 69-106). Springer, Boston, MA.Link
Self-Monitoring ScaleSelf-ReportAdultidentity, social, behaviour, sense of selfSnyder, M. (1974). Self-monitoring of expressive behavior. Journal of personality and social psychology, 30(4), 526.Link
Self-Report Altrusim ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, social behaviour, altruismRushton, J. P., Chrisjohn, R. D., & Fekken, G. C. (1981). The altruistic personality and the self-report altruism scale. Personality and individual differences, 2(4), 293-302.Link
Sensational Interests QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, beliefs, maladaptive behaviour, impulsivity, paranormalEgan, V., Auty, J., Miller, R., Ahmadi, S., Richardson, C., & Gargan, I. (1999). Sensational interests and general personality traits. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 10(3), 567-582.Link
Sense and Self-Regulation ChecklistSelf-ReportAdulthealth, quality of life, pain, behaviourSilva, L. M., & Schalock, M. (2012). Sense and self-regulation checklist, a measure of comorbid autism symptoms: initial psychometric evidence. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66(2), 177-186.Link
Sense of Community IndexSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, community involvementChipuer, H. M., & Pretty, G. M. (1999). A review of the sense of community index: Current uses, factor structure, reliability, and further development. Journal of Community psychology, 27(6), 643-658.Link
Sexual Attitudes QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, sexuality, relationshipHendrick, S., Hendrick, C., Slapion-Foote, M. J., & Foote, F. H. (1985). Gender differences in sexual attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48(6), 1630.Link
Sexual Awareness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsexuality, sex rolesSnell Jr, W. E., Fisher, T. D., & Miller, R. S. (1991). Development of the Sexual Awareness Questionnaire: Components, reliability, and validity. Annals of Sex Research, 4(1), 65-92.Link
Sexual Experiences SurveySelf-ReportAdultwomen, attitudes, sexuality, violence, crimeKoss, M. P., & Oros, C. J. (1982). Sexual experiences survey: a research instrument investigating sexual aggression and victimization. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 50(3), 455.Link
Sexual Fantasy QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, sexuality, sex rolesArndt, W. B., Foehl, J. C., & Good, F. E. (1985). Specific sexual fantasy themes: A multidimensional study. Journal of Personality and Social psychology, 48(2), 472.Link
Sexual Relationship ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsexuality, relationship, sex rolesSnell‚ W. E.‚ Jr. (in press). The Sexual Relationship Scale. In C. M. Davis‚ W. L. Yarber‚ and S. L. Davis (Eds.)‚ Handbook of sexuality-related measures. Newbury Park: Sage.Link
Sexual Self Disclosure ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsex roles, sense of selfSnell, W. E., Belk, S. S., Papini, D. R., & Clark, S. (1989). Development and validation of the sexual self-disclosure scale. Annals of Sex Research, 2, 307-334.Link
Sexuality Scale (SS)Self-ReportAdultsexualitySnell Jr, W. E., & Papini, D. R. (1989). The Sexuality Scale: An instrument to measure sexual esteem, sexual depression, and sexual preoccupation.Link
Sheep Goat ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, paranormalThalbourne, M. A., and Delin, P. S. (1993). A new instrument for measuring the sheep-goat variable: its psychometric properties and factor structure. J. Soc. Psych. Res. 59, 172–186.Link
Shirom-Melamed Burnout MeasureSelf-ReportAdultstress, burnout, work, job, mental healthShirom‚ A. (1989). Burnout in work organizations. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology‚ 4‚ 26 – 48.Link
Shirom-Melamed Vigour MeasureSelf-ReportAdultwork, job, self-efficacy, mental health, copingShirom, A. (2005). Shirom-melamed vigor measure.Link
Short Dark Triad ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, maladaptive behaviour, psychopathy, narcissismJones, D. N., & Paulhus, D. L. (2014). Introducing the Short Dark Triad (SD3): A brief measure of dark personality traits. Assessment, 21, 28-41.Link
Short Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and ExperiencesSelf-ReportAdultmental healthMason, O., Claridge, G., & Jackson, M. (1995). New scales for the assessment of schizotypy. Personality and Individual differences, 18(1), 7-13.Link
Short Test of Musical PreferenceSelf-ReportAdultcreativity, expressivity, musicRentfrow, P. J., & Gosling, S. D. (2003). The do re mi’s of everyday life: The structure and personality correlates of music preferences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 1236-1256.Link
Shorter PROMIS QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultwork, eating, drugs, alcohol, maladaptive behaviour, relationship, addictionChristo, G., Jones, S. L., Haylett, S., Stephenson, G. M., Lefever, R. M., & Lefever, R. (2003). The Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire: Further validation of a tool for simultaneous assessment of multiple addictive behaviours. Addictive behaviors, 28(2), 225-248.Link
Shyness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultanxiety, communicationMcCroskey, J. C., & Richmond, V. P. (1982). Communication apprehension and shyness: Conceptual and operational distinctions. Central States Speech Journal, 33, 458-468.Link
Significant Others ScaleSelf-ReportAdultrelationship, copingPower, M. J., Champion, L. A., & Aris, S. J. (1988). The development of a measure of social support: the Significant Others (SOS) Scale. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27(4), 349-358.Link
Silver Lining QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultillness, attitudes, copingSodergren, S. C. & Hyland, M. E. (1997). Qualitative phase in the development of the Silver Lining Questionnaire. Quality of Life Research, 6, (7-8), 365.Link
Sleep Quality ScaleSelf-ReportAdultsleepYi, H., Shin, K., & Shin, C. (2006). Development of the sleep quality scale. Journal of sleep research, 15(3), 309-316.Link
Smartphone Addiction ScaleSelf-ReportAdultaddictionKwon M, Lee J-Y, Won W-Y, Park J-W, Min J-A, et al. (2013) Development and Validation of a Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS). PLoS ONE 8(2): e56936.Link
Social Dominance OrientationSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, social, social cognition, social behaviourPratto, F., Sidanius, J., Stallworth, L. M., & Malle, B. F. (1994). Social dominance orientation: A personality variable predicting social and political attitudes. Journal of personality and social psychology, 67(4), 741.Link
Social Dominance Orientation ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, social, behaviour, social cognitionPratto, F., Sidanius, J., Stallworth, L. M., & Malle, B. F. (1994). Social dominance orientation: A personality variable predicting social and political attitudes. Journal of personality and social psychology, 67(4), 741.Link
Social Media Disorder ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviour, addiction, social mediavan den Eijnden, R. J., Lemmens, J. S., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2016). The social media disorder scale. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 478-487.Link
Social Network IndexSelf-ReportAdultsocialCohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Skoner, D. P., Rabin, B. S., & Gwaltney, J. M. Jr. (1997). Social ties and susceptibility to the common cold. Journal of the American Medical Association, 277, 1940-1944Link
Social Norms for Physical Activity and Eating ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthealth, exerciseBall, K., Jeffery, R. W., Abbott, G., McNaughton, S. A., & Crawford, D. (2010). Is healthy behavior contagious: associations of social norms with physical activity and healthy eating. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 7(Link
Social Phobia InventorySelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviour, fear, social cognition, social behaviourConnor, K. M., Davidson, J. R., Churchill, L. E., Sherwood, A., Weisler, R. H., & Foa, E. (2000). Psychometric properties of the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN): New self-rating scale. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 176(4), 379-386.Link
Social Phobia ScaleSelf-ReportAdultshyness, social, anxietyMattick, R. P., & Clarke, J. C. (1998). Development and validation of measures of social phobia scrutiny fear and social interaction anxiety. Behaviour research and therapy, 36(4), 455-470.Link
Social Physique Anxiety ScaleSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, body shape, anxiety, mental healthHart, E. A., Leary, M. R., & Rejeski, W. J. (1989). The measurement of social physique anxiety. Journal of Sport and exercise Psychology, 11(1), 94-104.Link
Social Thoughts and Beliefs ScaleSelf-ReportAdultshyness, social, anxietyTurner, S. M., Johnson, M. R., Beidel, D. C., Heiser, N. A., & Lydiard, R. B. (2003). The Social Thoughts and Beliefs Scale: a new inventory for assessing cognitions in social phobia. Psychological assessment, 15(3), 384.Link
Socially Desirable response Scale -5Self-ReportAdultsocial cognition, social behaviourHays, R. D., Hayashi, T., & Stewart, A. L. (1989). A five-item measure of socially desirable response set. Educational and psychological measurement, 49(3), 629-636.Link
Sociocultural Attitudes Towards AppearanceSelf-ReportAdultbody awareness, body esteem, appearance, body shapeThompson, J. K., Van Den Berg, P., Roehrig, M., Guarda, A. S., & Heinberg, L. J. (2004). The sociocultural attitudes towards appearance scale 3 (SATAQ 3): Development and validation. International journal of eating disorders, 35(3), 293-304.Link
Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Scale-4Self-ReportAdultself-esteem, identity, body awareness, body esteem, eating, appearance, body shape, anxiety, sense of selfSchaefer, L. M., Burke, N. L., Thompson, J. K., Dedrick, R. F., Heinberg, L. J., Calogero, R. M., ... & Swami, V. (2015). Development and validation of the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-4 (SATAQ-4). Psychological assessment, 27(1), 54.Link
Sociosexuality Orientation QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, sexualitySimpson, J. A., & Gangestad, S. W. (1991). Individual differences in sociosexuality: evidence for convergent and discriminant validity. Journal of personality and social psychology, 60(6), 870.Link
Specific Interpersonal Trust ScaleSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, relationship, trust, emotionJohnson-George, C., & Swap, W. C. (1982). Measurement of specific interpersonal trust: Construction and validation of a scale to assess trust in a specific other. Journal of personality and social psychology, 43(6), 1306.Link
Spence Children's Anxiety ScaleSelf-ReportChildchild, anxietySpence, S. H., Barrett, P. M., & Turner, C. M. (2003). Psychometric properties of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale with young adolescents. Journal of anxiety disorders, 17(6), 605-625.Link
Spheres of ControlSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, locus of control, sense of self, pro-socialPaulhus, D.L., & Van Selst, M. (1990). The Spheres of Control scale: Ten years of research. Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 1029-1036Link
Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT)Self-ReportAdultsport, anxietyMartens, R. et al. (1990) Competitive Anxiety in Sport. Leeds: Human KineticsLink
Sport Emotion QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, sport, emotionJones, M. V., Lane, A. M., Bray, S. R., Uphill, M., & Catlin, J. (2005). Development and validation of the Sport Emotion Questionnaire. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 27(4), 407-431.Link
Sport Motivation Scale IISelf-ReportAdultmotivation, sportPelletier, L. G., Rocchi, M. A., Vallerand, R. J., Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2013). Validation of the revised sport motivation scale (SMS-II). Psychology of sport and exercise, 14(3), 329-341.Link
Spousal Investment and Male Parenting ScalesSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, relationship, parent, rGray, P. B., Kahlenberg, S. M., Barrett, E. S., Lipson, S. F., & Ellison, P. T. (2002). Marriage and fatherhood are associated with lower testosterone in males. Evolution and Human Behavior, 23(3), 193-201.Link
State Meta Mood Experience ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmoodMayer, J. D., & Stevens, A. A. (1994). An emerging understanding of the reflective (meta-) experience of mood. Journal of research in personality, 28(3), 351-373.Link
State-Trait-Cheerfulness-Inventory (STCI)Self-ReportAdultpersonality, happinessAuerbach, S., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., & Ruch, W. (2013). An investigation of the emotions elicited by hospital clowns in comparison to circus clowns and nursing staff. The European Journal of Humour Research, 1(3), 26-54.Link
Stereotypes About AIDS ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthealth, illness, attitudes, beliefs, sexualitySnell, W. E., Finney, P. D., & Godwin, L. J. (1998). The stereotypes about AIDS scale. Handbook of sexuality-related measures, 354-357.Link
Stereotypes About Male Sexuality ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, sexuality, gender roles, sex rolesSnell, W. E., Jr., Belk, S. S., & Hawkins, R. C., II. (1986). The Stereotypes About Male Sexuality Scale (SAMSS): Components, correlates, ante- cedents, consequences, and counselor bias. Social and Behavioral Sciences Documents, 16, 10. (Ms. No. 2747)Link
Strengths and Difficulties QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdolescentattitudes, behaviour, confidenceGoodman, A., & Goodman, R. (2009). Strengths and difficulties questionnaire as a dimensional measure of child mental health. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(4), 400-403.Link
Stress in General ScaleSelf-ReportAdultstress, jobStanton, J. M., Balzer, W. K., Smith, P. C., Parra, L. F., & Ironson, G. (2001). A general measure of work stress: The stress in general scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 61(5), 866-888.Link
Stressful Life Experiences ScreeningSelf-ReportAdultlife events, stressGoodman, L., Corcoran, C., Turner, K., Yuan, N., & Green, B. (1998). Assessing traumatic event exposure: General issues and preliminary findings for the Stressful Life Events Screening Questionnaire. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 11(3), 521-542.Link
Structured Trauma-Related Experiences and Symptoms Screener Self-ReportAdultlife events, stress, traumaGrasso, D. J., Ford, J. D., & Greene, C. A. (2019). Preliminary psychometrics of the Structured Trauma-Related Experiences and Symptoms Screener for Adults (STRESS-A) in an urban prenatal healthcare clinic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11(8), 927.Link
Student Stress ScaleSelf-ReportAdultstressInsel, P. M., & Roth, W. (2007). Core Concepts in Health Update. New York City: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.Link
Students' Life Satisfaction ScaleSelf-ReportAdultlife events, well-being, satisfactionHuebner, E. S. (1991). Initial development of the Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale. School Psychology International, 12, 231-243.Link
Subjective Happiness ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthappiness, well-beingLyubomirsky, S., & Lepper, H. S. (1999). A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social indicators research, 46, 137-155.Link
Survey of Recent Life ExperiencesSelf-ReportAdultlife eventsKohn, P. M., & Macdonald, J. E. (1992). The Survey of Recent Life Experiences: A decontaminated hassles scale for adults. Journal of behavioral medicine, 15(2), 221-236.Link
Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test (Adolescent)Self-ReportAdolescentemotional intelligencePalmer‚ B.‚ & Stough‚ C. (2001). SUEIT: Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test: Interim Technical Manual V2. Organisational Psychology Research Unit‚ Swinburne University: Australia.Link
Tactics of Mate AttractionSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, beliefs, sexuality, relationshipBuss, D. M. (1988). The evolution of human intrasexual competition: tactics of mate attraction. Journal of personality and social psychology, 54(4), 616.Link
Teacher Academic Optimism ScalesSelf-ReportAdultoptimism, teacher, school, educationHoy, A. W., Hoy, W. K., & Kurz, N. M. (2008). Teacher's academic optimism: The development and test of a new construct. Teaching and teacher education, 24(4), 821-835.Link
Teacher Attitudes Toward Inclusion ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, teacher, school, educationCullen, J. P., Gregory, J. L., & Noto, L. A. (2010). The teacher attitudes toward inclusion scale (TATIS) technical report. Online submission.Link
Teacher Burnout ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, stress, burnout, school, educationRichmond, V. P., Wrench, J. S., & Gorham, J. (2001). Communication, affect, and learning in the classroom. Acton, MA: Tapestry Press.Link
Teacher Self Efficacy ScalesSelf-ReportAdultself-efficacy, teacher, efficacy, school, educationTschannen-Moran, M., & Hoy, A. (2001). Teacher efficacy: Capturing an elusive construct. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(7), 783-805. Link
Teacher Stress InventorySelf-ReportAdultstress, teacher, educationFimian, M. J. (1984). The development of an instrument to measure occupational stress in teachers: The Teacher Stress Inventory. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 57(4), 277-293.Link
Teachers' Creativity Fostering Behaviour ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmotivation, teacher, educationSoh, K. (2015). Creativity fostering teacher behaviour around the world: Annotations of studies using the CFTIndex. Cogent Education, 2(1), 1034494.Link
Ten Commandments QuestionniareSelf-ReportAdultreligiositySnell, W. E., & Overbey, G. A. (2008). Assessing belief in the 10 commandments: the multidimensional 10 commandments questionnaire. Journal of religion and health, 47, 188-216.Link
Ten Item Personality InventorySelf-ReportAdultpersonalityGosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., & Swann, W. B., Jr. (2003). A Very Brief Measure of the Big Five Personality Domains. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 504-528.Link
The Spiritual Experience Index:Self-ReportAdultidentity, religionGenia, V. (1997). The spiritual experience index: Revision and reformulation. Review of religious research, 344-361.Link
Thought Control QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultstress, copingWells, A., & Davies, M.I (1994) The Thought Control Questionnaire: A measure of individual differences in the control of unwanted thoughts. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 871-878.Link
Toronto Alexithymia ScaleSelf-ReportAdulthealth, mental healthBagby, R. M., Parker, J. D., & Taylor, G. J. (1994). The twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale—I. Item selection and cross-validation of the factor structure. Journal of psychosomatic research, 38(1), 23-32. Link
Toronto Mindfulness ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmindfulnessLau, M. A., Bishop, S. R., Segal, Z. V., Buis, T., Anderson, N. D., Carlson, L., ... & Devins, G. (2006).. Journal of clinical psychology, 62(12), 1445-1467.Link
Trait Emotional Intelligence QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultemotional intelligencePetrides, K. V. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. In C. Stough, D. H. Saklofske, and J. D. Parker, Advances in the assessment of emotional intelligence. New York: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-88370-0_5Link
Trust ScaleSelf-ReportAdulttrustRotter, J. B. (1967). A new scale for the measurement of interpersonal trust. Journal of Personality, 35(4), 651–665. Link
Trust Value Friendship Scale for childrenSelf-ReportChildchild, trustRotenberg, K. J. (1991). The trust-value basis of children’s friendship. Children’s Interpersonal Trust: Sensitivity to Lying, Deception and Promise Violations, 160-172.Link
Undergraduate Stress QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdultlife events, stress, anxiety, educationCrandall, C. S., Preisler, J. J., & Aussprung, J. (1992). Measuring life event stress in the lives of college students: The Undergraduate Stress Questionnaire (USQ). Journal of behavioral medicine, 15, 627-662.Link
UPPSSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, big 5, impulsivityWhiteside, S. P., & Lynam, D. R. (2001). The Five Factor Model and impulsivity: using a structural model of personality to understand impulsivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(4), 669-689Link
Uses of Music InventorySelf-ReportAdultcreativity, musicChamorro Premuzic, T., & Furnham, A. (2007). Personality and music: Can traits explain how people use music in everyday life?. British journal of psychology, 98(2), 175-185.Link
Uses of Music InventorySelf-ReportAdultpersonality, musicChamorro Premuzic, T., & Furnham, A. (2007). Personality and music: Can traits explain how people use music in everyday life?. British Journal of Psychology, 98(2), 175-185.Link
Varieties of Sadistic TendenciesSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, attitudes, violence, psychopathyD. L. Paulhus & D. N. Jones (2015). Measuring dark personalities via questionnaire. In G. J. Boyle, D. H. Saklofske & G. Matthews (Eds.), Measures of personality and social psychological constructs (pp.562-594). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.Link
VIVQSelf-ReportAdultpersonality, imaginationMarks, D. F. (1989). Construct validity of the vividness of visual imagery questionnaire. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 69(2), 459-465.Link
Warpy Thoughts ScaleSelf-ReportAdultattitudes, maladaptive behaviourParslow, R. A., Christensen, H., Griffiths, K. M., & Groves, C. (2006). The Warpy Thoughts Scale: a New 20 Item Instrument to Measure Dysfunctional Attitudes. Cognitive behaviour therapy, 35(2), 106-116.Link
Ways of Religious Coping scaleSelf-ReportAdultreligion, copingBoudreaux‚ E.‚ Catz‚ S.‚ Ryan‚ L.‚ & Amaral-Melendez‚ M. (1995). The Ways of Religious Coping Scale: Reliability‚ validity‚ and scale development. Assessment‚ 2(3)‚ 233-244.Link
Weight Efficacy Life-Style QuestionnaireSelf-ReportAdulteating, body shapeAmes,G.E., Heckman, M.G. , Grothe, K.B., Clark, M.M. (2012). Eating self-efficacy: Development of a short-form WEL, Eat. Behav. 13 375–378.Link
Wender Utah Rating for ADHDSelf-ReportAdultADHD Ward, M. F., Wender, P.H., Reimherr, F.W. (1993) The Wender Utah Rating Scale: An aid in the retrospective diagnosis of childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Am J Psychiatry, 150, 885-890.Link
Werry-Weiss-Peters Activity Rating ScaleSelf-ReportChildADHDRouth, D. K., Schroeder, C. S., & O'Tuama, L. A. (1974). Development of activity level in children. Developmental Psychology, 10(2), 163.Link
WHO-5 Well-Being IndexSelf-ReportAdultwell-beingWorld Health Organization. (1998). Wellbeing measures in primary health care/the depcare project. Copenhagen: WHO, Regional Office for Europe, 1(2), 3.Link
Willingness To CommunicateSelf-ReportAdultanxiety, communicationMcCroskey, J. C. (1992). Reliability and validity of the willingness to communicate scale. Communication Quarterly, 40, 16-25.Link
Work and Social Adjustment ScaleSelf-ReportAdultwork, job, socialMundt, J. C., I. M. Marks, et al. (2002). “The Work and Social Adjustment Scale: A simple measure of impairment in functioning.” Br. J. Psychiatry 180: 461-4Link
Work Locus of Control ScaleSelf-ReportAdultwork, locus of controlSpector, P. E. (1988). Development of the work locus of control scale. Journal of occupational psychology, 61(4), 335-340.Link
Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive ScaleSelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviour, OCDGoodman, W. K., Price, L. H., Rasmussen, S. A., Mazure, C., Fleischmann, R. L., Hill, C. L., ... & Charney, D. S. (1989). The Yale-Brown obsessive compulsive scale: I. Development, use, and reliability. Archives of general psychiatry, 46(11), 1006-1011.Link
YBOCS Body Dysmorphic DisorderSelf-ReportAdultmaladaptive behaviour, OCD, mental healthPhillips, K. A., Hollander, E., Rasmussen, S. A., & Aronowitz, B. R. (1997). A severity rating scale for body dysmorphic disorder: development, reliability, and validity of a modified version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. Psychopharmacology bulletin, 33(1), 17.Link
Self-Rating Depression ScaleSelf-ReportAdultdepressionZung, W. W. (1965). A self-rating depression scale. Archives of general psychiatry, 12(1), 63-70.Link